Sober October



  • joolz879
    joolz879 Posts: 267 Member
    Yep still alcohol free here
  • msmichydo
    msmichydo Posts: 55 Member
    I am in! I am not drinking until Halloween. I used to drink every single weekend and always felt like crap the next day. I just started this journey so anyone who has been through this and can give tips is greatly appreciated. Do you lose weight faster if you don't drink?
  • AJMB704
    AJMB704 Posts: 590 Member
    I'm trying to stick to alcohol only on Friday and Saturday nights...

    I lurk on this thread because I enjoy reading about it (everyone here is impressive!) but you might want to join the thread "no alcohol on a weekday" - I am the same way, trying to limit to Friday and Saturday only. Not willing to cut it out completely!
  • pembr0ke
    pembr0ke Posts: 54 Member
    TacoTina wrote: »
    I'm a friend of Bill W sober almost 2 years can I still join since I don't drink

    Well done; ODAAT. Bill would be proud....
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,420 Member
    Happy Monday all... Having LA croix berry sparkling water tonight.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    Having a not so great week. Will be out of town for a week starting tomorrow. Will try to set limits but don't think it'll be AF. Will need to regroup on the 11th.
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,420 Member
    The joy of going af is most apparent in the morning.. I wake up at 500 for work and love feeling refreshed rather than hazy or queezy.
  • morganandersonr
    morganandersonr Posts: 8 Member
    I found this thread just after having a conversation with my boyfriend about giving up alcohol for a period of time. We've challenged each other to no alcohol until his birthday (Veteran's Day). Every time I've taken an extended step away, it's started with a small challenge. It's not that I drink a lot - I have maybe 2-3 beers on the weekend, and that's it. It's more that I realize how crummy I feel when I do drink any amount of alcohol. Clean living just feels better.

    Celebrate the small victories - two slips in 70 days is nothing to beat yourself up over. I applaud your hard work and success for the other 68 days :) That's a 97% average, and that's outstanding!
  • pembr0ke
    pembr0ke Posts: 54 Member
    AF 11 days and feeling good. Sleeping well, eating well and feeling less stressed..
  • Omg I am so in. I'm right there with the original poster. Aborted of wine every night is ME. I'm the mother of two toddlers so when they go to bed, momma cuts loose. Helps me to wind down after chasing them all day to sit down and drink wine and watch NCIS. But the calories are KILLIN me y'all!!!! I could really use the support!!!!
  • MyWhole30Journey
    MyWhole30Journey Posts: 175 Member
    Omg I am so in. I'm right there with the original poster. Aborted of wine every night is ME. I'm the mother of two toddlers so when they go to bed, momma cuts loose. Helps me to wind down after chasing them all day to sit down and drink wine and watch NCIS. But the calories are KILLIN me y'all!!!! I could really use the support!!!!

    That's exactly how it started for me, put the kids to bed and finally sit down to enjoy some me time. Unfortunately, the more frequently you drink wine you build up a tolerance and need just a little more to take the edge off. Before you know it, it's a lifetime habit, a bad habit.
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,420 Member
    That's exactly how it played out for me.. A glass after the kids are in bed over time turned into way too many glasses. I'm so glad that I found the dry July thread because I feel like I am back in control.
  • pembr0ke
    pembr0ke Posts: 54 Member
    Two weeks sober today, I started a few days early after my friends 50th b-day party on the last Saturday in September :D
  • GeorgiaHolm
    GeorgiaHolm Posts: 2 Member
    two weeks sober over here. I'm in college so this is particularly hard for me because I'm constantly surrounded by partying, not even healthy drinking, but binge drinking. looking for other young people who are sober. all of my friends drink as well and know me as the girl who is always drunk on the weekends, so I'm always being asked where the parties are at every weekend, only to surprise them and say: I'm sober now.
    my dad left for war today. I am making myself be sober until his return, if not forever. I've turned to alcohol and other drugs for fun but it's become more than that. I'm not reaching my full potential in weight loss because of my weekends. here's to taking those Friday and Saturday nights and being productive in and out of the gym, and to not needing to drink to have fun in college!
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,420 Member
    Trying polar black cherry sparkling water tonight.. Love it!
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    I'm back. Day 1 AF for me. This is it. I didn't get anything by being drunk that I couldn't have gotten sober. It's good to see some new people!!! If it were easy to drink in moderation, we'd all be on the No Alcohol on Weekdays thread. That just sooo doesn't work for me. I wish it did.
  • MrsOwens2002
    MrsOwens2002 Posts: 10 Member
    How do you deal with spouses who don't like the change? My husband and I are eating and drinking buddies. I have already changed half of that equation, and I have scaled way back on the wine & beer, but not given it up entirely. I have about two - three servings a week. Looking for less because of the empty calories. How have you guys helped your spouse/friends deal with your change in lifestyle?
  • MyWhole30Journey
    MyWhole30Journey Posts: 175 Member
    How do you deal with spouses who don't like the change? My husband and I are eating and drinking buddies. I have already changed half of that equation, and I have scaled way back on the wine & beer, but not given it up entirely. I have about two - three servings a week. Looking for less because of the empty calories. How have you guys helped your spouse/friends deal with your change in lifestyle?

    Wish I could help with an answer to your question :/
    Fortunately my hubby and I are on the same page when it comes to giving up drinking. It's hard, really hard, as all habits are but it truly is worth it.
  • joolz879
    joolz879 Posts: 267 Member
    Day 24 alcohol free & feeling all the better for it!
  • mysteps2beauty
    mysteps2beauty Posts: 493 Member
    This sounds like my kind of group! I enjoy my bubbly....but hate accounting for the calories, so I'm giving it up for October, maybe even until Thanksgiving! I'm with you ladies.....after getting kiddo to bed, I needed to JUST RELAX without thinking and just vegging out....but now I hate how I use to feel in the morning. Last Thursday night I went to bed with nothing to drink, and woke up all sparkly and happy! Love how that feels!

    But I know my's that overwhelm I get trying to get it all done. So before I hit that wall, I stop doing what I'm doing, and go and get my sparking water, Perrier to be exact. So, so freshing and the bubbles remind me my champagne! Yum, yum! and Sit down!