Sober October



  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member

    I just don't drink with my husband. But I'll go get a bottle of sparkling water from the fridge, or a diet coke if in a bar or restaurant. I suspect it's harder on you than on your hubby. Once he's had a drink or two will he care? That's what I see when I'm not drinking. People just want their own drinks and are fine if I'm not drinking.
  • ecjim
    ecjim Posts: 1,001 Member
    Congratulations to all of you - By the Grace of God I haven't had alcohol or any dope since 1992 - was a heavy drinker for 20 + years before that & ran wild. If anyone wants to talk about it fell free to message me. I'm not on here every day, so it might be a couple days before I get back to you - Eastcoast Jim
  • Badunkadunk_Buster
    Badunkadunk_Buster Posts: 184 Member
    Still flying no alcohol this month. Hope all had a successful weekend!
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,346 Member
    Worked late today which is a trigger for wine.. Drove home and didn't stop by the store... Sparkling water it is!
  • dirtbikemike26
    dirtbikemike26 Posts: 1 Member
    ecjim wrote: »
    Congratulations to all of you - By the Grace of God I haven't had alcohol or any dope since 1992 - was a heavy drinker for 20 + years before that & ran wild. If anyone wants to talk about it fell free to message me. I'm not on here every day, so it might be a couple days before I get back to you - Eastcoast Jim

    I'm an ex drinker, only because I decided to get behind the wheel one night and rolled my truck! I had broken my neck in 3 places and somehow am still alive, still able to walk, still have functional arms and hands. The police officer who had to come with me to the hospital to get my b.a.c. (Which was .256) failed to record that in his report which I think he did on purpose because he was there when the doctors came in to tell me and my family about my injuries! I swore off alcohol that day and it's been almost 8 years alcohol free! Unfortunately the treatment I had undergone created another far more dangerous addiction. Yeah I could use someone to talk to about this. I need help, I did very well recently but I'm starting down that road again and it's so hard to turn it around. Nobody really knows about my issue. I just want to be normal again. I'm sorry if this thread was only intended for drinkers but I just really felt compelled to come out with this. Thanks all, good luck with your battles!
  • TastesLikeChicken
    TastesLikeChicken Posts: 32 Member
    Count me in. I've been AF for 22 days. Two yrs ago i quit for a year and lost 30 lbs. guess what came back with the booze? Looking to make life changes. Kicking my sugar and wheat addiction also.
  • mlhowellcpa
    mlhowellcpa Posts: 4 Member
    I'm late to the party, but I'm in for the rest of October. I always tell myself that I am only going to drink one or on the weekends but that NEVER sticks. I know it's why I can't get the pounds off too. It's time.
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,346 Member
    Good luck with the weekend everyone!
  • MyWhole30Journey
    MyWhole30Journey Posts: 175 Member
    ecjim wrote: »
    Congratulations to all of you - By the Grace of God I haven't had alcohol or any dope since 1992 - was a heavy drinker for 20 + years before that & ran wild. If anyone wants to talk about it fell free to message me. I'm not on here every day, so it might be a couple days before I get back to you - Eastcoast Jim

    I'm an ex drinker, only because I decided to get behind the wheel one night and rolled my truck! I had broken my neck in 3 places and somehow am still alive, still able to walk, still have functional arms and hands. The police officer who had to come with me to the hospital to get my b.a.c. (Which was .256) failed to record that in his report which I think he did on purpose because he was there when the doctors came in to tell me and my family about my injuries! I swore off alcohol that day and it's been almost 8 years alcohol free! Unfortunately the treatment I had undergone created another far more dangerous addiction. Yeah I could use someone to talk to about this. I need help, I did very well recently but I'm starting down that road again and it's so hard to turn it around. Nobody really knows about my issue. I just want to be normal again. I'm sorry if this thread was only intended for drinkers but I just really felt compelled to come out with this. Thanks all, good luck with your battles!

    Hey Mike, you know one is as dangerous as the other. Please get the help you need. You sound like a pretty determined guy, you did what you needed to do after your accident. Don't wait for another accident, this time you may not be as fortunate. Of course you are always welcome to talk in this forum. Talking about your situation is like cleaning out an old wound. If you don't scrape out all the yucky stuff, no matter how painful, it'll just get worse. Take it one day at a time. Talk to us every day whether you've had a slip up or not.
  • MyWhole30Journey
    MyWhole30Journey Posts: 175 Member
    Long weekend for me in the beautiful country side. I love autumn with all its colors. I've been good, staying sober. Would have really enjoyed a drink watching the sunset a few nights back but it was just as beautiful without one :)
  • Maries_wine_calories
    My husband and I are two weeks in for the second year in a row. Here goes weekend number 3 of 5!! Stay strong everyone!!
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    I have taken up specialty loose leaf teas. We have a David's Tea nearby :smiley: Right now, these are my favourites:

    - chocolate macaroon black tea (with a tsp of sugar it's like drinking chocolate cake - I swear!; it's coconut, chocolate and pecans)
    - creme caramel rooibos
    - love tea #7 black tea (chocolate and strawberry - yum!)
    - cranberry pear black tea
    - coconut oolong
    - alpine punch rooibos

    If you haven't tried these, you're missing out! I don't miss alcohol any more :smile:
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    edited October 2015
    After my 5 day lapse at my Conference last week I'm back on the horse and AF for 5 days. I'm getting my mind ready for "no excuses" for the October to December 31 "holiday season" which really isn't s season, but 4 holidays. I'll do my best on those 4 days but the rest of the 3 months will definitely be AF (I'm not really counting Halloween, but my birthday which is close by that).

    Dirtbikemike- one addiction or another- feel free to post. And good luck on your journey!
  • ohmyllama
    ohmyllama Posts: 161 Member
    edited October 2015
    I've never drank... but I've been clean this whole month. Does that count??

    I quit cold turkey (after 3 years of using many, many times per day) and feeling GREAT! I'm trying my best to stay clean for good, so I can get a real, well-paying job in the spring. I managed to stay clean for 3 weeks in the summer but relapsed.

    I'll always miss partying, but I know I can't go into this next year being an addict. I want that job, to go on a vacation without sneaking drugs, want to get married, and maybe even have a baby. There's just no room in my "new" life for things like that. I've learned I don't require being high as a kite in order to function. :) So... 16 days clean and haven't touched it once.

    Edit- Also... HUGE bonus here... no longer throwing away thousands of dollars a month. Gonna actually have some money for once!! I can't wait to lose weight and spend a bunch of money on new clothes instead of drugs!!!
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    Wat to go OhMyLama! Keep at it.
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,346 Member
    Damnit I drank wine last night.. After being af I woke up this morning and couldn't play with my kid because I am so hungover.. Headache and throwing up.. I had 3 glasses which used to be my daily routine and now I can't tolerate it. I am staying af from now on because I feel like *kitten* mentally and physically today.
  • amelia822
    amelia822 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in ! I used to drink 3 to 4 glasses of wine a night, but sense July I have only had 2 drinks. I feel better and I'm even down 31 lbs.
  • amelia822
    amelia822 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey Jim.

    Sad part about all of this is that no one ever tells you how to deal with the medication that you are given after a major accident , no one ever tells you what the consequences are of taking it every day and no one ever tells you how to get help for them because sadly there is no help other than your self. You your self have to say enough is enough and today is the day ! The exact same way you did when you stop drinking! But it took you to have a major accident to say this is the day. I have never had an addiction like that but I see it every day where I work { Emergency Room }. I know no one wants to hear NA but I think having a place to go every day and talk to someone that can hold you accountable would be a great place to start .


    to all of you - By the Grace of God I haven't had alcohol or any dope since 1992 - was a heavy drinker for 20 + years before that & ran wild. If anyone wants to talk about it fell free to message me. I'm not on here every day, so it might be a couple days before I get back to you - Eastcoast Jim[/quote]

    I'm an ex drinker, only because I decided to get behind the wheel one night and rolled my truck! I had broken my neck in 3 places and somehow am still alive, still able to walk, still have functional arms and hands. The police officer who had to come with me to the hospital to get my b.a.c. (Which was .256) failed to record that in his report which I think he did on purpose because he was there when the doctors came in to tell me and my family about my injuries! I swore off alcohol that day and it's been almost 8 years alcohol free! Unfortunately the treatment I had undergone created another far more dangerous addiction. Yeah I could use someone to talk to about this. I need help, I did very well recently but I'm starting down that road again and it's so hard to turn it around. Nobody really knows about my issue. I just want to be normal again. I'm sorry if this thread was only intended for drinkers but I just really felt compelled to come out with this. Thanks all, good luck with your battles![/quote]

    Hey Mike, you know one is as dangerous as the other. Please get the help you need. You sound like a pretty determined guy, you did what you needed to do after your accident. Don't wait for another accident, this time you may not be as fortunate. Of course you are always welcome to talk in this forum. Talking about your situation is like cleaning out an old wound. If you don't scrape out all the yucky stuff, no matter how painful, it'll just get worse. Take it one day at a time. Talk to us every day whether you've had a slip up or not.[/quote]
    ecjim wrote: »
    Congratulations to all of you - By the Grace of God I haven't had alcohol or any dope since 1992 - was a heavy drinker for 20 + years before that & ran wild. If anyone wants to talk about it fell free to message me. I'm not on here every day, so it might be a couple days before I get back to you - Eastcoast Jim

    I'm an ex drinker, only because I decided to get behind the wheel one night and rolled my truck! I had broken my neck in 3 places and somehow am still alive, still able to walk, still have functional arms and hands. The police officer who had to come with me to the hospital to get my b.a.c. (Which was .256) failed to record that in his report which I think he did on purpose because he was there when the doctors came in to tell me and my family about my injuries! I swore off alcohol that day and it's been almost 8 years alcohol free! Unfortunately the treatment I had undergone created another far more dangerous addiction. Yeah I could use someone to talk to about this. I need help, I did very well recently but I'm starting down that road again and it's so hard to turn it around. Nobody really knows about my issue. I just want to be normal again. I'm sorry if this thread was only intended for drinkers but I just really felt compelled to come out with this. Thanks all, good luck with your battles!

    Hey Mike, you know one is as dangerous as the other. Please get the help you need. You sound like a pretty determined guy, you did what you needed to do after your accident. Don't wait for another accident, this time you may not be as fortunate. Of course you are always welcome to talk in this forum. Talking about your situation is like cleaning out an old wound. If you don't scrape out all the yucky stuff, no matter how painful, it'll just get worse. Take it one day at a time. Talk to us every day whether you've had a slip up or not.

  • abacus93jp
    abacus93jp Posts: 55 Member
    What happened to everyone? If you are struggling with this try not to drink today, wake up tomorrow and try not to drink that day. I can do anything for one day and if you keep this way of thinking you just may accumulate many one days. This got me 28 years clean and sober. Even if you only want to stop for a month, this should help.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I'm on day 6 AF. No plans to drink this weekend. Thanks for the stories ties everyone!! I don't walk in those same paths. It's literally sobering to read (no pun intended).