beckadaisy Member


  • Less sodium will definitely decrease water retention, as long as edema is not an underlying condition. Keep in mind that any weight loss from this is not true "weight loss" because you are simply dehydrating yourself rather than losing fat. Haven't heard anything about 400mg NaCl = 2lb H20. Definitely does not seem right…
  • Add me! I'm vegan :)
  • You are eating too much protein (source: The keto diet is VERY dangerous; countless studies have proven that. It just doesn't make sense for your body. Eat more vegetables; don't eat junk food. Simple as that. Weight loss occurs when your caloric intake is less than your…
  • Omg I had no idea that MFP edits the f word to kitten. That is hilarious
  • Hi guys! I enjoyed reading all of your responses. Very surprised when I woke up this morning and had 70+ responses. You guys gave me a lot to think about, even those of you who were not so kind. Disappointing, but to be expected when you ask the internet for advice. Clearly some things up: 1) He it not healthy at 210lbs.…
  • Making a wide right turn (just a DUI stop, wasn't drinking); pulling out of my neighborhood (also a DUI stop and when I asked why he pulled me over it was because he thought my lights above my plate were out, but they weren't. Gave me a written warning for that), headlight out, and speeding. All within 4 years of driving...
  • Thanks for the advice, guys! Winter, I am worried about us just not being compatible. I am seeing a therapist and he actually joins me once in a while, which is nice. I haven't brought up the fat phobia so maybe I will next time and how that impacts our relationship. I find I'm picking fights with him over small things,…
  • What type of diet are you currently doing? What are your main sources of protein? My personal recommendation: eat more fruit and veggies! They will keep you full longer. I personally do about 70% carbs (if not more) and 20% protein (but probably less). I feel great! I work out a ton, I'm never tired. It might take your…
  • Hey OP, to answer your original question, I eat oatmeal for breakfast (1/2 c. oatmeal, 1/2 ripe banana, 1/2 c. almond milk + cinnamon) which keeps me full until as late as 2. As a vegetarian, I have found edamame to be a cheap and delicious low-calorie protein source. So I like to have 1/2 - 1 cup with lunch. I get bored…
  • This post has been extremely helpful for me! I have bad anxiety which keeps me from sleeping on occasion, although usually I'm so exhausted by the end of the night that I sleep decently. One thing that helps me is finding gentle sleep music and breathing along to the music. Makes you listen to the music, think about the…
  • I really like my charge hr (fitbit). The heart rate tracker is surprisingly accurate. It does sleep, steps, distance, calories, floors, all that jazz. You can also customize it a bit too! Good luck with your search. I find it to be very motivating!
  • Hi! I would love a buddy too. My boyfriend deploys quite frequently (and is currently gone on a tdy) so I can help you with any struggles related to that too. I'm 19, looking to get down to 145 this year. Can't wait to see your progress!