Mindfullyjo Member


  • I've had years of being vegetarian and years being occational meat eater. And we eat a lot of vegan-based foods in our household, especially lovely as we have an allotment and grow our own vegetables, beans for drying etc. I would like to gradually find ways to cut dairy (good cheese is my big downfall!) So hope to start…
  • Thank you Nancy for these useful tips and glad there are others out there practicing mindful eating. I'm now at my desired weight and in some ways I find it harder to maintain than to lose weight. So reminders and encouragement are essential!
  • I'm happy with the weight I am now and very glad I'm right in the mid-range for what's healthy according to BMI. When the weather gets a bit warmer I may drop another pound or two, but what really matters now is to maintain a healthy diet and not to let those calories creep up!
  • This is all so helpful. Thank you so much everyone for your contributions and advice.
  • The majority of my meals are non meat. I love cooking so enjoy the huge variety of meals available to veggies. When I do eat meat I'm careful of source. No battery hens, only outdoor reared animals. If we all eat less meat we reduce global warming, help feed the whole planet and hand over a safer, kinder world to our…
  • Thanks everyone for clarifying this!
  • As I understand it the deficit is what's left when the app has added up your food calories and those you've earned through exercise and subtracted this from your daily allowance. Keeping in deficit means you don't go above that. It's really important you record exercise as it's unhelpful to go hungry or lose weight too…
  • Make sure to eat slow-release energy food as this keeps you satisfied for longer, maintains a steady flow of energy and helps prevent craving for snacks. (Lots on this on internet). Sugar creates energy highs and lows. Keep it to absolute minimum - the occasional "treat". Check the sugar content of everything as there's…
  • 1. Lose weight slowly - don't rush. All the research (UK) shows that if we lose weight too fast it's harder to maintain and we quickly put it back on again. 2. Don't go hungry - the body clings on to it's fat reserves when it's hungry. 3. Try and eat fresh, healthy foods. Really cut down on sugar which creates a roller…
  • I eat meat about once a week and grow my own vegetables. I need plenty of energy for the gardening and get all the protein I need from occasional white meat, nuts, cheese, eggs etc. None of these foods ever made me put on weight. What got me putting on the pounds was sugar and grain products (bread etc). Comfort food.…
  • Am eating Tuscan Bean Stew tonight (cooked by my husband) which has two cans of pinto beans in it. These are as healthy as beans you cook yourself from dried. Make sure tinned things don't have added sugar and it's clean enough (though marginally less tasty!!). The stew also has a lot of fresh vegetables - carrot, celery,…
  • Being left hungry is counter-productive for weight loss. Research in UK shows how it can lead to weight gain. This is because the body has a primitive response to food shortage, and starts to put fat away. At same time we actually start craving fatty or carb-rich foods. So at best we're just left fighting our instincts.…
  • Just make sure they're free range eggs from happy chickens!
  • This looks so beautiful! I took fresh figs to my daughter today. She is disabled with MS, but enjoys the good things in life!
  • A touch of oil, salt and pepper on the salmon fillet. Put in an oven dish, and at the other end of the pan put green beans (cooked to just tender) mixed with cherry tomatoes and and black olives. Lay some anchovy fillets (small tinned ones) over the vegetables. Bake hot til salmon is cooked (about 15 mins). The anchovies…
  • Maybe that last bit of weight is telling you that you've reached the weight your body is happy with. I suggest not trying too hard, just enjoy your food, eat slower, keep off sugary drinks etc. and you'll lose weight if that's right for you. Good luck :smile:
  • I have rolled oats these days as easier to digest (30g) and add a few chopped nuts, sunflower and pumkin seeds, a spoon of golden linseed (omega 3 & 6), and real grade 3 maple syrup which is impossible to get in UK normally, so have it delivered specially when friends come to visit from Canada! I prefer a dollop of organic…
  • Thich Naht Hanh (Thay) is a truly wise and compassionate teacher who has made mindfulness accessible to people from all backgrounds, faiths and beliefs. How lovely to have been at the Newgrange retreat with the monastics! If Thay is a bit too 'Buddhist' (zen) for some people, then you might want to look out Jon Kabat Zinn…
  • That's exactly it. And it's about being kind to ourselves, so that means eating food that does us good, looking after our bodies and making life a bit easier for ourselves. I think that's what we're all trying to do. I don't think I'd be losing weight on mindfulness alone! I'm using myfitnesspal to keep track of my…
  • There are some great comments here regarding mindful eating. Certainly better than 'mindless' eating, and I find MFP a great tool for keeping awareness of what I eat. Awareness is key to mindfulness. By being alive in the 'here and now' while we're eating, enjoying each mouthful and not letting our minds race about on…
  • or cooked porridge oats with a few ground almonds or almond milk and a few raspberries or unsweetened apple puree :smile:
  • Another old favourite for breakfast is fruit salad and organic oatcake
  • When I was a kid my favourite breakfast was corn on the cob, which in UK is only good and sweet for a couple of months in the year. Just boiled 10 mins with a spot of olive oil... :smile:
  • The term is new to me - I don't think it's much used in the UK. Seems everyone understands it as eating wholesome, non-processed foods as much as possible and leaving out foods that are toxic, so eating organic veg and cutting out too much sugar. To the 'clean food' definition I'd also like to add fair-trade food as it…
  • Sunny Devon here.... apart from all the rain today.... :)
  • Hi and good luck with your move to UK. A recent survey shows we've got the most overweight women in Western Europe - nothing to boast about but hopefully might help put your mind at ease! See also http://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/may/05/obesity-crisis-projections-uk-2030-men-women Be kind to yourself :)
  • Hi Jenny, wishing you good luck, happiness and improved health. What a journey you've been through! I find it inspirational to hear your story and pick up on the courage it must take to tell it. This is my second go at MyFitnessPal, and hope to reach some goals by "mindful eating" and counting the calories. I tried yoga…
  • I would love to know how members here are getting on with mindful eating. This is the approach I'm taking as part of my efforts to generally be more mindful in life!
    in Day 1 Comment by Mindfullyjo August 2015
  • I don't have any tracking measures or back up plans other than using this website, which I found successful a couple of years ago. So far mindful eating is getting me eating slower, enjoying my food more, and eating less.
  • Kindness to all knees :) :)