tabletmfp Member


  • I am really confused. I lost 17 kilos over a long time. I take size 10, down from size 16 UK sizes. But some days I look in the mirror and I think I am still overweight. Sales staff in shops say I am things but I'm not sure. I can't decide if I need to loose more. I thought I reached maintenance 2 weeks ago so I started to…
  • What is the purpose of a cheat day? I have been loosing for 18 months but just 2 weeks ago I had one day off where I ate and ate. That week I lost .6 kgs compared to the .3 kgs I usually loose. So does this one day off boost the metabolism, or is it just for psychological benefits? Every other day that week was the same as…
  • E mm likewise I lost the first 12 kilos fairly quickly, but the last 5 kilos were painfully slow. Typical loss would be .2 or .3 kilos every 2 or 3 weeks. However recently I stuffed my face just for 1 day and the weight loss speeded up to .6 kilos in one week! Every other day that week was exactly the same as usual…
  • Yes add me please. I have lost 16 Kg on 5.2 and I am bobbing around in maintenance zone around 62 kgs. I am still fasting 3 days a week on 500 cal, and 1500 other days. I put on 2 kgs a few weeks ago but it's nearly gone now. I might buy a kitchen scale if anyone can recommend one?
  • Yes I loose about half or 1 kilo pw with 1500 calories p day , but only cos I fast 3 days a week! But then I am 54 and I hate exercise! A younger more active woman might loose weight with 1500 per day every day!
  • Well I tend to loose very slowly, maybe.3 kgs or .4 kgs pw. This is not out of choice, it's all my body allows. To loose this little amount I have to fast 3 days a week and stick to 1500 other days. Actually it's not so bad. A couple of months ago I was only loosing .2 kgs every 2 weeks, so things have speeded up a bit…
  • The most difficult time I had was when I was pre menopausal at 48 or 49. No matter what I did or how little I ate I could not loose more than a pound! I was in Weight watchers then and even if I ate 800 or 900 calories p it made no difference! It was soul destroying! I hit menopause at 50 and gave up trying, but at 53 I…
  • Oh I forgot to say 2 of my fasts p are 000 cal and 2 are 500 cal. I know they say with short term fasting we don't loose muse but I'm not so sure! Have I damaged my metabolism again??
  • Thanks for your reply. I aim for 1400 call on non fast days. I am not loosing muscle mass which is one of the main advantages of short term fasting. I agree that strength training would be good, but mentally I am not ready for that yet.
  • Try varying it, say 600 call one day and 1200 the next, then an 1800 cal day. Make sure your average is 1200 over the week.
  • hi all, well done on your losses!, I am a female in my 50s who has been loosing for 18 months by fasting. I started at 78 ks and I am 63.2 now so it's been very slow, but I am almost at maintenance now. Anyway good luck, and do share your success!
  • Well done everyone. I don't have pix to show, but can I say the face weight seems the last thing to go? I lost from my belly, hips first. Then the face, and the boobs didnt change much at all. I am 54 and around 63.2. Kg
  • Well done on your success so far, but even if you do loose the extra weight it will be impossible to maintain it? Your body is at a comfortable weight now. I'm sure you look great. Shame you can't see it.