samlovesthesnow Member


  • @WifiresGettingFit Thanks Kayla! It’s a wee boy. We completely disagree on names (both want something Scottish but I like traditional and husband likes very unusual) so still in limbo!
  • Hi All, I’m back after a long break. Was on this board while TTC for several months. I really enjoyed the support here and was losing weight, but not getting pregnant, and beginning to get a bit obsessed. I took a few months off from MFP (gaining 20 lbs in the process - yikes!), but did finally get pregnant in December…
  • Thanks Kayla! July 1st: 148.6 GW July 31st: 144.6 Other goals: Run 5K under 27 minutes Put my bike back together and go for a ride Log food and weight every day in July Submit my latest research to a journal Complete 4 hours CPD (and log it!)
  • SW 144.4 CW 148.6 Last month I managed: Try SUP yoga for the first time (great fun and my new favourite pastime!) Train for a fast 5K (well, don't know about fast but at least I've been training!) I didn't manage: Submit my latest research to a journal Complete 4 hours CPD (and log it!) Learn how to lose weight when…
  • @VeryKatie - he is so beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing your story - as Kirstie says, it's great to hear all the details and get an idea of what it might be like. Looking forward to more updates of what it's like to be a Mum!
  • Fantastic news @krizaten33 - congratulations!
  • 1st June 144.4 16th June 151!!! Goal end of June 142 So I'm not going to make my goal!! Aim is damage limitation. I have guests for the whole month and we are eating out a lot. I also have lots of treats in the house that I wouldn't normally have. Need to use a bit of will power to resist, then get back to my usual routine…
  • @VeryKatie hope all is okay with you and the little one. Let us know how you get on.
  • @marianlyn Fantastic news! Congratulations!
  • May 1st 147 May 5th 145 May 19th 145 May 26th 145.9 May 31st 144.4 Goal weight end of May 145 - goal met! Back on track! Need to be much more strict when logging next month to avoid a mid month gain again.
  • May 1st 147 May 5th 145 May 19th 145 May 26th 145.9 Reviewed my food diary. Meals are still fine but I'm going way over on snacks e.g. cookies, chocolate, ice cream. I don't know why I've let those bad habits creep in again, but at least I know how to solve it! I'll avoid all of these for a week to reset my habits. Goal…
  • @marianlyn I love this concept and all of your ideas - might make one of my own! We're on month 7 ttc and, surprisingly, I've found it's been a little easier over time (the first two or three were excruciating). This month I've been away without my husband during the fertile window, so I'm definitely out this month. At…
  • May 1st 147 May 5th 145 May 19th 145 Goal weight end of May 145 Back on track after my travels (home to Scotland for 10 days). It's been hard to adjust back to my usual routine as my appetite has increased since being away! Adding in more running is helping to keep on top of it. @girlalmighty08 - hang in there! When you're…
  • @1fit_mamma Congratulations! Fantastic news!
  • May 1st 147 May 5th 145 Goal weight end of May 145 Early check in as I'm going away for the next 10 days and won't have access to my scale. Weirdly, two pounds have disappeared in the last five days (must be water), so my challenge now is to keep it off until the end of the month. Spartan is over so all my training now is…
  • @VeryKatie Thank you! @krizaten33 great goals. Hope you enjoy your birthday when it comes around!
  • @VeryKatie it looks like some of the progress metrs are broken in the spreadsheet. Has something gone wrong in the background calculations? Can you fix it or should I move my data to a different column?
  • Loving the alternative goals this month! May 1st 147 Goal weight end of May 145 Other goals: Run the Bermuda Day half marathon (24th of May) Don't obsess over TTC this month (no tracking - trying to just "relax")
  • Apr 1st 149.7 Apr 8th 149.9 Apr 15th 149.2 Apr 22nd 148.3 Apr 28th 147 Goal weight end of April 145.7 This is the last check in for me as I'm away for the weekend to run a Spartan Beast! 13 miles of obstacles here I come! My weight loss is slowing as I head towards my ultimate goal (140) so I suppose I will be more…
  • Not out yet! Is your temp still up? 5DPO here and symptom spotting like crazy - think I'm slowly going mad!
  • @Kirstie155 - you're having such a rough time but you will come out the other side. I'm so sorry for everything that's going on with you. Do you have some vacation time coming up so you can take some time for yourself? Sending lots of hugs and good wishes xxx
  • @Kirstie155 - I have the same problem as you! For the first couple of months I tested every day, starting at about 10DPO (way, way too early!). My husband realised what I was up to and begged me to stop peeing on our money! (Plus a negative result affected my mood for the rest of the day). Now I try to wait for my expected…
  • Apr 1st 149.7 Apr 8th 149.9 Apr 15th 149.2 Apr 22nd 148.3 Goal weight end of April 145.7 Not looking good for my goal this month. Don't really understand why - I've been working hard on increasing my exercise, and have been sticking to my calorie goal. If I don't hit the goal I'll look back at some old logs to see what I'm…
  • Everyone is different, but I'm guessing that your loss will soon slow to 1.5lbs per week, then 1 pound per week, then 0.5 pounds per week as you get closer to your goal. 39 weeks would seem feasible, but this will very much depend on how much of a deficit you can create while staying healthy. 2lbs a week is a fantastic…
  • I gain more around ovulation than during my period. In fact, I find that I overall lose very little in the first couple of weeks is my cycle, and all the loss is revealed in week 3 / beginning of week 4.
  • Apr 1st 149.7 Apr 8th 149.9 Apr 15th 149.2 Goal weight end of April 145.7 I always lose most in the second half of the month, so hopefully I'm still on track to meet my target.
  • You sound completely overwhelmed @Kirstie155 - would like to give a you a big hug! Your situation is hard, but you need to focus now on what you CAN do. See a physio to discuss exercise sounds like a really positive start. If it was me, I think I would focus on pain management strategies and TTC (because presumably the…
  • Very best of luck @katycapp - fingers crossed for you!
  • Last time, I lost 50lbs and I completely avoided chocolate and beer. I gained 30lbs back, mostly by eating chocolate and drinking beer! This time I've learned my lesson. I'm within 10lbs of goal weight and have given up nothing!
  • Last month I wanted to see how much my weight changed with ovulation. It's a lot! I also see most of my loss in the luteal phase. Does anyone else notice something similar?