Evidently, I am an idiot because I am not able to send friend requests through the app or on the website. The website is giving me an error message of "404 page not found" and the app just displays "loading" when I try to go to profiles to send a request. That being said, if you feel like befriending a technological idiot,…
Looking to connect for motivation and to share advice and experiences. I started CrossFit about 3 months ago and typically post the WOD daily along with my food diary. This app will not allow me to add friends (profiles get stuck on “loading”), so please add me.
I can’t add friends from the app on my iPhone. Please add me.
The issue with lunch is that I’m stuck at the convention center and leaving would be a nightmare.
I have options for breakfast and dinner. Lunch is the issue. The convention center has small food vendors with menus built for speed of service with garbage food. I’m going to carry protein bars and water for lunch.
Will you all add me so I can stay connected to you? I’m having trouble adding from my phone for some reason. Thanks!
I’m not gaining or losing on the scale, but I’m dropping belt holes.
I have been targeting 130g-185g of protein. Most days, I hit the upper limit. On non-training days, I’m closer to the minimum. 138g of carbs and 62g of fat. That’s a total of 1875 calories per day on training days. Some days I’m over 200g of protein, but those are exceptions. I typically eat 2 eggs and 1 cup of oatmeal…
Thank you all. I’ve been following a 30, 40, 30 macro split (carbs, protein, fat). The zone diet recomendé a 40, 30, 30. I was considering it because I crash in the afternoons after training.
I’m going to build until spring and then work on losing fat. Any lean muscle gained should help with the fat loss later.
I’m 5’9 and 187.
Has anyone tried the zone diet? If so, what was your experience like? Did you see results? I have been doing CrossFit for two months and am having trouble dialing in my nutrition to support both muscle growth and fat loss.
I’m back after a hiatus. Started CrossFit at 48 and quickly found that I had to track my food/macros after hitting a wall during the workouts over the first week. I’m open to advice on nutrition and general discussions as we support one another. Feel free to add as a friend if you’d like. I’ll need motivation.
I’m back after a hiatus. Started CrossFit at 48 and quickly found that I had to track my food/macros after hitting a wall during the workouts over the first week. I’m open to advice on nutrition and general discussions as we support one another. Feel free to add as a friend if you’d like. I’ll need motivation.
I hiked 9 miles and gained almost 2,000 feet in elevation.
I am thinking about doing two workouts per day; one in the morning and one in the evening. Anyone have experience with combining a beachbody program with Insanity Max 30?
We are all saying hi and being friendly, which is great! However, I'd like to know what everyone is doing for exercise. At home programs? Gym? Running? I'm currently doing Insanity: Max 30. Anyone else doing this or a similar program?
Bad *kitten*! I'm currently doing Insanity Max 30, so nothing on the weekends. It's difficult to not workout, but I don't want to overtrain.
I did it for about 4 or 5 months and lost around 15 pounds before I plateaued. Then, I started Insanity and IF definitely didn't work for me because I was crashing mid-day. That's just my experience. Your may be different.
Failure to upload again. I give up.
First attempt at posting a picture. Failed to upload error.
Core Cardio and Balance for me this morning as I close out the Insanity schedule for the week. Only one week left. I've gained five pounds since the last time I weighed myself, but I know it has to be muscle. My clothes are fitting better and I feel great.
Completed Max Interval Circuit this morning. I had a pain behind my left shoulder blade after my workout yesterday morning and it affected my sleep last night. However, I decided to do the warm up and see if the muscle loosened up. That worked and I was able to complete the session. I had to be more cautious than normal,…
Max Cardio Conditioning completed this morning. I noticed changes in my legs and shoulders today that I've been overlooking because I was so focused on other areas.
Completed Max Interval Plyo this morning. This program is rough on the hip flexors. When I have to take a break, it's because my hip flexors can't take anymore.
Hi everyone! 46yr old here. I've exercised off and on all of my life. I'm currently finishing the Insanity program (2 more weeks). Feel free to add me.
I made it through. It almost got me at the end, but I persevered.
I'm starting week 8 with Max Interval Circuit this morning. Y'all keep your thoughts and prayers.... If you don't hear from me again, know that I went out doing something I love.
Have you tried any of Shaun T's other workouts? I may try Asylum next.