feelnopain12 Member


  • IIFYM doesnt mean dont add natural healthy foods @catscats222 ;) the general consensus of us IIFYMers is that we eat healthy most of the time and then use cheat foods to reduce cravings AND still be hitting targets ....its not like we just eat poptarts for every carb in our macros :persevere:
  • I havent read anyone elses reply...but the add exercise option is ALWAYS the best. Do you want to lose weight and look bad or lose weight and look good?...same kinda question..i dont get the people that go and try to loseweight it doesnt highlight your good features if you dont workout at the same time :persevere:
  • Worked for me.
  • Lifting and cardio probably would benefit in the long run (pun intended)
  • Your food sources define how hungry you get, for me the issues are usually solved by switching to nutrient dense foods instead of protein powders or protein pancakes etc... replace that stuff with chicken breast and sweet potato and spinach and i guarantee you youll feel less hungry..Condensed protein crap really doesnt…
  • Veggies, Cooked chicken breast, Tuna, Microwave Sweet potatoes, Cus cus premade (just add boiling water), Lean beef sliced...just all salty products so water retention could be high :expressionless: but still healthier than fast food i guess. Oats almonds add boiling water with a sliced banana and boom.
  • All depends...like i cant eat sugars at all A) aesthetically bloats B) doesnt keep me full for long enough but aslong as it fits your macros always good to add fruits :) Refined sugars dont have the same reaction to your insulin as sugars in banana, read up on the GI (y)
  • The problem with people is that they think that "weight" is an overall goal. Macro counting and working on your diet is good.. But in the end its all about what you feel like looking in the mirror/ what you achieved in goals athletically. No point in looking at the scales...your body fluctuates consistantly depending on…
  • 105 LBS is extremely low, may cause you to feel dizzy or nauseous. No one could tell you a precise answer your sugar is pretty high. What about your water intake?. If you are dieting and exercising and not drinking enough water it may cause issues. For me usual answers for this are Constipation = More water, increase…
  • 40%C/40%P/20%F is ideal...i got issues with the low fat though so switched it to 40% C / 30% P / 30% F got from around 12% bodyfat to 6-7% with it..dont drop your calories too low, really no point in drastic weight loss :)