Am I not eating enough?!?

OK so a bit of back ground first, prior to January 2015 I did no exercise and followed weightwatchers where I was losing a steady 1-2lbs per week but then I discovered exercise and myfitnesspal. January I joined the gym weighing 11st 10lb, now although I've dropped a dress size and lost inches, I still only weigh 4lb less (11st 6lb). My weight since Jan has fluctuated between that 11st 10lb and the 11st 4lb. I exercise everyday (Spinning twice, bodycombat, GRIT, Kettlebells) and still the scales refuse to move!

Now OK I did got married in August, had honeymoon etc, ate lots of food, drink etc so the past few weeks have been about getting back into my good eating habits BUT I've still exercised everyday (except weekends), I've been really good this week and feel slimmer but when I weighed myself this morning I'd stayed the same as last week...What am I doing wrong? I feel quite disheartened now :-( I'll admit I'm not perfect at the weekends, the weekends I still struggle with but I certainly don't overeat to the point where I can't even lose a meesley 1lb! I have 1200 per days and will some days eat all/half of my exercise calories. I've tried to up my protein and fat as through weeks of trying different things, more protein and fat works for me, I don't deny carbs at all but I find I do eat less carbs now than I did before but not because I'm thinking bad of carbs, I love carbs!

I'm getting frustrated! What could/should I do differently?


  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    edited October 2015
    Why do you care what your weight is if you have visible evidence that you're losing body fat? Keep doing what you're doing and get rid of your scales. Measure your progress by photos and body measurements.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Not knowing your height it is difficult to know if you are within a healthy weight range according to BMI scales.

    Losing inches is great - so keep on doing what you are doing exercise-wise.

    If you don't weigh your all your food, this may be what you need to do to get the scale moving. Try tightening up your logging.

    Cheers, h.
  • feelnopain12
    feelnopain12 Posts: 10 Member
    The problem with people is that they think that "weight" is an overall goal. Macro counting and working on your diet is good.. But in the end its all about what you feel like looking in the mirror/ what you achieved in goals athletically. No point in looking at the scales...your body fluctuates consistantly depending on soo many factors incl. Water retention, sodium intake, carb intake...water weight from having a cheat will disappear :pensive:
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    Agree with the above regarding using measurements and photos to take progress as well. The scale isn't everything.

    How tall are you? Are you getting close to a healthy weight range where your loss will slow down? Do you weigh and log everything (even the weekends!)? How do you measure your exercise burns? It's important to be as accurate as possible if you're eating back all of your exercise calories.