beurredepeanut Member


  • Name: Valérie Age: 28 Starting Weight May 29th: 182 lbs Goal Weight July 2nd: 176 lbs Weigh In Week June 4: 179,6 June 11: 179,6 June 18: 174 June 24: 174 July 2: 171,4 Total LBS lost this week: 2,6 Total LBS lost this month: 10,6
  • Name: Valérie Age: 28 Starting Weight May 29th: 182 lbs Goal Weight July 2nd: 176 lbs Weigh In Week June 4: 179,6 June 11: 179,6 June 18: 174 June 24: 174 July 2: Total LBS lost this week: 0 Total LBS lost this month: 8 Well that's just a bummer... Lost nothing today even tho I did really well this week. Sigh...
  • The latest food I tried were the energy balls. I made them with flax seed and peanut butter and other goodies. They were good, but at 100 calories per ball, it's too much for the size of it. I could've easily ate 5-6 in a row. I'll stick with coffee if I need energy :/
  • Name: Valérie Age: 28 Starting Weight May 29th: 182 lbs Goal Weight July 2nd: 176 lbs Weigh In Week June 4: 179,6 June 11: 179,6 June 18: 174 June 24: July 2: Total LBS lost this week: 5,6 Total LBS lost this month: 8 I think my 0 pound loss last week probably wasn't actually 0 cause there's no way I lost 5,6 pounds in a…
  • Thanks for the reply! I should have said I weigh 176.
  • I have too young children so my hobbies include long walks to the bathroom and watching Paw Patrol. Lol
  • My favourite motivational quote: "Eating crap food isn't a reward, it's a punishment". I'm really bad at celebrating every small victory with bad food. In moderation is good, but it always ends up with a whole day thing lol. I have to find other kind of rewards beside food..
  • I missed weigh in yesterday. Being sick and both my kids are sick as well, I didn't even think about it :/ Name: Valérie Age: 28 Starting Weight May 29th: 182 lbs Goal Weight July 2nd: 176 lbs Weigh In Week June 4: 179,6 June 11: 179,6 June 18: June 24: July 2: Total LBS lost this week: 0 Total LBS lost this month: 2,4…
  • Omg it's already weigh in day tomorrow :( I've been sick the past few days and my baby also has his first cold which means very little sleep. Didn't eat well, didn't move much and didn't drink enough water. I just hope I won't have gained..
  • My workout buddies are my kids as well lol. I'm always with my kids which is awesome, but makes it hard to get a good workout in. They are young and don't want to just watch me workout for 45 minutes lol. I also take my youngest for walks in the strollers on the days where it's nice outside. Fun for both of us!
  • Im having a really hard time hitting 10000 too. Then I see some people hitting 12 500... How do they find the time lol?? Great job on the weight loss too!
  • Personal accomplishment: I didn't binge this weekend and logged all my food!! It's the first time since I actively started trying to lose weight that I didn't ruining all my efforts during the weekend. I'm SO happy :D
  • Biggest gym pet peeve... It's actually in the locker room. There was always those 2 ladies that would stay completely naked after their shower. I'm not a prude, but I don't really want to chit chat with you while you're completely naked. :/
  • Exercises I love That's a though one... I really don't like very many lol. I love going for walks and I'm starting to like running. That's pretty much it lol
  • Gonna weigh in on Saturdays since that's my usual weigh in day :) Name: Valérie Age: 28 Starting Weight May 29th: 182 lbs Goal Weight July 2nd: 176 lbs Weigh In Week June 4: 179,6 June 11: June 18: June 24: July 2: Total LBS lost this week: 2,4 Total LBS lost this month: 2,4 Weekly Goals: - Running at least 5 times -…
  • I LOVE the opera!! Also I dyed my hair purple a few months ago since I'm on mat leave and if it's possible with your job, you should totally do it!! I never loved my hair as much lol
  • Mine :) I didn't start having a weight problem until the third year of high school. Then in college I started to become more active and got down to 130lbs. After I moved to Canmore, a city literally in the mountains, I lost another 20 pounds just walking everywhere and hiking. That felt so amazing to go to any store and…
  • 10 facts about me :) 1. I love the show American Dad 2. I make big babies. My oldest my 12 pounds at birth. Yes, that is 1-2 lol. He is tiny now ;) 3. I am French-Canadian. 4. I love love love coffee and everything coffee flavoured. 5. My number one goal beside losing weight is running a marathon. 6. I'm extremely scared…
  • Lol! I totally forgot this was my username haha. I do have a slight obsession with peanut butter lol.
  • Name: Valérie Age: 28 Starting Weight May 29th: 182 lbs Goal Weight July 3rd: 176 lbs Weigh In Week June 5: June 12: June 19: June 26: July 3: Total LBS lost this week: Total LBS lost this month: Weekly Goals: - Running at least 5 times - Drinking 8 glasses of water every day - Stop making excuses Struggles: Anything sweet…