michelski Member


  • Hi :) Welcome ... hope you find it as useful as I have.
    in Hello Comment by michelski April 2016
  • He's teaching me how to deadlift using a kettle bell initially so that he can check my form. It feels so unnatural sticking my behind out hahaha but I will get there. Once form is mastered we will move to the bar. On Thursday we did upright dumbells rows (8kg/17.6lb)) and dumbell chest press (considerably lighter ! 4kg I…
  • So I did my first bench press on Tuesday night. 20kg too (45lbs) which I was pretty amazed at ! I know to you guys that will seem like nothing but coming from elbow surgery a year ago I am pretty pleased. 2nd session is tonight. Will be legs - but sadly my legs are really sore today from Tuesday (despite Tues being Arms…
  • I started with the trainer last week. It was really great and the time whizzed by. I have since then been unwell and unable to see him again. Not a great start ! Having been unwell means I've not been able to eat anywhere near what I should be eating and consequently my weight has dropped a little. I'm drinking loads of…
  • Update... well I am now up to the dizzy heights of eating 2000 calories per day ! My weight is creeping up (but only 2lb so far), and my brain is dealing with it. Clothes aren't even an issue yet which is a huge bonus (but I have to admit, I'm not looking forward to the Summer if my weight keeps going up!). Last night I…
  • Haha great shirt :-) I just wear old running tops from the days when I used to run (plod!) ... Time for now new gear I think as I start with a personal trainer next week *eek!*
  • Thanks Heybales. So i'm in Reset and adding 100 cals per week to find my TDEE but I'm concerned that the (your) calculators say I'm already at TDEE level given the fact I'm not exercising, and my weight is going up. Or rather it was (for the past week and a half). However it came down this morning by 1.4lbs despite not…
  • @heybales - I have just had another look at your "Just My TDEE and Deficit Please". At the moment i'm not doing any exercise regularly (I entered 2 x 60 in anticipation of starting exercise sooner! oops). Therefore if I leave all the exercise fields blank and just tick the desk job/kids and pets, I get a TDEE of 1847.…
  • Thats a very interesting read Heybales - thanks. I was slightly over on carbs yesterday evening, and had a couple of stiff drinks, my protein number was slightly under, carbs over by 20, and I had 100 spare calories which I couldnt use without messing up the macros. This morning my weight was up yet again !! another 0.6 of…
  • I was going to reply saying exactly the same thing but there was a screenshot posted from the starter kit which instructs differently. At that point I wondered whether I'd misunderstood - reset of cut ...
  • It really is all mindset which is what's so hard. I wouldn't stick at 1800 if you calculated that's your 15% cut. Despite how much weight you are likely to gain, you should slowly up your intake to yourTDEE (2070 in your case ?) and stick there for a period of time (very nervewracking as weight gain is likely - but this is…
  • Stiff drinks you say !! Yes, I can add these in. I do like gin :-) oh and sherry (shhh - I cant believe I just admitted that)... Change in stress - nope, although i'm pretty sure there are some hormonal things going on at the moment which are a bit of a concern. Increase in activity - last week my weight increased by 0.2lb…
  • Congratulations ! I bet that's such a relief to see pounds now dropping. I shall be following your thread with great interest :-)
  • I know this is all about mindset and the bigger picture - but I cant bear the thought of gaining that much weight ! I was already 10lbs more than I wanted to be when I started this process. It is actually very difficult to eat so much and balance the nutrients so maybe thats the reason to stick at 1800 for yet another week…
  • Quick question - i'm doing a reset and have been lucky enough initially to have lost a few pounds whilst raising my cals slowly since early January. When I increase by 100 per week and find my weight goes up, I've stayed a 2nd week on that calorie intake level. I've now just completed by 2nd week at 1800 cals and my weight…
  • My diary is open - I'm slowly working up to TDEE. A second week at 1700 cals this week as last week I wasn't able to eat properly (travelling with work). I'm increasing by 100 cals a week.
  • I go three or four times a year every year with work to manage exhibitions. Its duller than dull !
  • Well next week I'm going to be working in Germany. This is always a challenge re food as its exhibition work and I will be freezing cold, starving hungry and the food will be rubbish! No way to log it either! (because half the time I dont even know what it is!). There is no gym so I will have to do body weight exercise in…
  • Muscle Max - its brutal for someone so new to all of this! but it was recommended by AnitraSota as Cathe has such good form and its easy to see what she demonstrates.
  • Oops - my PC went a bit weird and that ended up being posted before I'd completed my sentence ! Exercise - I havent quite got into the swing of this. I did one Cathe Friedrich session last week and was so sore for the following 2 days that I couldnt go back to it. Then the weekend happened and I was away. Was hoping to…
  • Update: Calories this week - 1700 a day. That seems like such a lot but Im having a real job eating all the protein. I even tried a Protein Fluff recipe to make a sorbet type thing last night but despite following the recipe to the letter, it didnt fluff !! I used Casein rather than Whey too. Sigh! My weight has crept up a…
  • Thanks haybales ! This weekend has been harder to keep to my planned food and it showed on the scales this morning, but Im determined not to be put off by that number. Its only a little gain and most probably down to pizza last night, and todays roast dinner is most likely to show up tomorrow! but who knows eh. I think I…
  • I watched the first half of the Cathe DVD just to make sure I liked her, could see what she was doing re form etc. I can probably do one push-up – ONE! and there are half-time, slow up/down push-ups to aspire to!! If I can ever do that I will really have achieved something! As a result of giving the DVD the thumbs up, I've…
  • Wow a reset on 2400 :-) Happy days ! I'm hoping when I approach Reset my cals will be sufficiently UP like yours :-)
  • ...and my weight just keeps dropping. I am weighing every day and since starting on 18th January (has it really only been 11 days ?) my weight has only decreased. Every morning I step on the scales, all ready for the inevitable gain and whaddayknow ! its a loss again :-) 2 days left of 1500 cals and next week I will…
  • @dcshima - thanks for the info. For me at the moment (in this early stage!) protein is just the number I have to hit. I havent reached the realms of what sort of protein as yet, but im sure I will !
  • Thanks I will have a look at the recipes - it would be good to be able to do more than shakes with the powder. I ordered 1kg of Impact Whey Protein - Chocolate Smooth from the MyProtein site this morning. I notice they do loads of flavours and even a protein pancake mix! But I'm sticking with this to start with :)
  • Thanks for the suggestions... I was kindly given a scoop of a colleagues MyProtein Chocolate Smooth to try and I have to say, mixed with 200ml of water as he suggested, was absolutely fine ! 20g of protein and only 100 cals too. Now I have a flavour I like, I can add to it to make it more exciting or leave it the way it…
  • Feel free :-) Now that I've upped my cals this week by another hundred I have even more protein to eat so am enlisting the help of protein bars and am trialling a few chocolate (protein) shakes ! (The first one by Maxi Nutrition was not nice !)
  • Go us eh ?! My weight has held steady at 150lbs for 4 consecutive days now. Dreading the enevitable gain at TOM though (imminent!) ...