stephenhopkins2 Member


  • I'm also addicted. I got headaches the last time I tried to stop drinking it but that's the caffeine and nothing else. I've been drinking it and losing weight so I really don't see the problem in moderation.
  • I did think about spandex but wasn't sure if I would get it in my size.
  • I'm just starting out. I've been overweight all my adult life but it's got worse the last 5 years. Was starting my weigh loss journey at 330lb 2 weeks ago. So far I've lost 8lb. I want to do it for my kids. It's getting annoying having to worry if I can go on a ride with them or constantly assessing seats before I sit down…
  • So im sitting here at my heaviest ever also. Im currently 150kg or around 24 stone, I have struggled with diets for years and always end up losing 5kg then putting 10 back on, this time im determined to lose weight for my children. My weight is getting to the point where if it doesnt stop ill die. I think thats the thing…
  • I try to ignore any exercise calories i have as im afraid that it wont be accurate and ill end up over eating, so i just stick to my normal allowance and think of exercise as a bonus.
  • Im not understanding why you need to weigh again after cooking, what information does that give you, Surely you want to add all the ingredients to the recipe and then how many grams of the finished product you made. Im new to this so i could be missing something.
  • Thanks for all the replies guys and gals. I haven't been doing cheat days at all at the moment but was just curious what you lot thought about them. It's quite surprising what I can fit into my allowance. I'm only on day 13 so I'm having some cravings for certain things at times but on the whole I'm feeling very positive…
  • Thank you guys you have all been very helpful