jordy366 Member


  • I think it depends on what you personally believe about sugar. I believe it's not the best for you. So do many health organizations. For me it makes me sluggish and tired when I eat to much of it. I love sugar I'd eat dessert all day long but it's not realistic for me that's why I follow the daily allowance maybe you…
  • This is a common misconception about trying to lose weight. It's your calories if you want to drink 150 calories in coffee a day it's OKAY!!! I do it everyday because I love it and it's something I don't want to give up. I've lost 35 pounds so far and I eat what I want as long as it meets my needs. BTW coffee has…
  • My thinking is just do. Tell them your plans and stick to it. If they get mad about it, they will get over it. That's what is great about growing up and making your own choices, your family will just have to adjust. * Buy your own food, pre make meals so your mom doesn't feel like you're trying to cook on top of her (that…
  • NO they do not work. Although I do like this tea called Get Clean, doesn't make me lose weight or anything like that but I love the taste and it's a great thing to put over ice if I'm having a craving but any tea would be good I just like that one. I bought it with hopes it would make me have less cravings doesn't do a…
  • Baked is the way to go if you don't like veggies. Also if you limit sodium in other food's adding salt doesn't hurt and it makes them sooo taste good. The more you eat them the better they become!!
  • yes I'd go return and exchange the scale. My scale only errors out when my fat cat sits on it. So not normal for scales to keep erroring out. And then I'd just worry about your starting weight. Who cares what you weighed a few months ago. Now is most important!! Good luck!
  • I started on WW lost 20 pounds on it and like you kept struggling with 5 pound losses and gains. Wasn't until I started to calorie count that I saw my mistakes. I snacked WAY to much on bananas/ fruit those suckers have calories that should count. I also got stuck on points and I didn't care what I was eating as long as I…
  • I gained 70 pounds with my baby. At 6 weeks PP I thought I was always going to be fat and flabby. It's not the case though! At 9 months PP I have ten pounds to go before prebaby weight. It's a slow slow process but have no fear things go back to normal