Scale concerns

Hello everyone, I'm a week into my journey and I had a few questions about scales for you all.

I'm a bigger guy. Currently 445lbs (M/29). At least that's what the scale said last time at the doctor a few months ago.

I started Counting calories last week. I had a scale I used before that has a limit of 440lbs. The scale said ERR so I assumed I was over that limit. I went out and bought a brand new scale with a 550lb captivity.

Officially I weigh in tomorrow, but I tested tonight just to see how out of control I got. I got a few different readings but it settled on 412 (the most consistent, but saw 411.8 and as high as about 417, but only once).

I thought that was impossible since my other scale wouldn't error, but then I noticed that one of the rubber feet on it was missing. Could that mess up and error it out? I tried using a piece of folded cardboard to use it, but still got ERR. I assume because of the different material that it wouldn't get the same amount of force.

Should I try to buy yet another scale, is this new one good enough, or what? I don't necessarily care how accurate it is to my true weight, as I mostly care about trends, but there's no way I lost 33 lbs in my first week, right? (Technically I've been eating a bit better in the past month, but still only one week actually hardcore on the program).

Ok, this got long. Sorry. I'd appreciate any feedback or thoughts you might have.


  • Dayanita25
    Dayanita25 Posts: 2 Member
    Get a new scale and only go by that one. Because they do fluctuate
  • Dayanita25
    Dayanita25 Posts: 2 Member
    Dayanita25 wrote: »
    Get a new scale and only go by that one. Because they do fluctuate

  • jordy366
    jordy366 Posts: 8 Member
    yes I'd go return and exchange the scale. My scale only errors out when my fat cat sits on it. So not normal for scales to keep erroring out. And then I'd just worry about your starting weight. Who cares what you weighed a few months ago. Now is most important!! Good luck!
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    edited November 2015
    Scales can give you different numbers for many reasons. The main thing is to stick to the same one. If you had a high sodium day the day before seeing your doctor you could have had an inflated weight from water retention. If you have been eating lower sodium this last week, you will have less water retention. Different scales will give you different numbers. Different times of the day will give different numbers.

    The majority of weight lost during the first week will be water weight. I don't know about 33lb difference, that seems like a lot to me, but I have seem many people with 8-10lbs on their first week. The losses will slow down in the coming weeks. If you are happy with the new scale, stick with it for consistency sake. Maybe try changing the batteries in it. That can also lead to inaccuracies.

    Good for you for taking the steps towards improved health. Best wishes.

    ETA: I suspect that your old scale was erroring because of the missing foot.
  • Johncrowley1
    Johncrowley1 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the advice everyone. I have finally gotten more consistent results from the scale, so maybe it was just loosening up or something. I did some tests with a handful of very heavy objects and it seems to be reading well. I'll see how it goes in the next week or so, see how it trends. Being as large as I am I know the weight will drop quickly at first. As long as the scale gives me a trend, it will be fine with me. ive read the higher capacity scales like that can be off quite a bit at the higher weight, so maybe that's it. All I know is that I am going to stick to the plan, keep moving, and tracking honestly. Who cares what the scale says, I will make progress!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Good response

    Also I'd like to strongly suggest you only ever weigh when you get up in the morning, before eating, after visiting the bathroom and naked to eliminate as many variables as you can

    Also remember we all have a weight range not an absolute weight and it can change by 5lbs overnight due to water weight, hormones etc
  • blkandwhite77
    blkandwhite77 Posts: 281 Member
    Thanks for the advice everyone. I have finally gotten more consistent results from the scale, so maybe it was just loosening up or something. I did some tests with a handful of very heavy objects and it seems to be reading well. I'll see how it goes in the next week or so, see how it trends. Being as large as I am I know the weight will drop quickly at first. As long as the scale gives me a trend, it will be fine with me. ive read the higher capacity scales like that can be off quite a bit at the higher weight, so maybe that's it. All I know is that I am going to stick to the plan, keep moving, and tracking honestly. Who cares what the scale says, I will make progress!

    I like your attitude! You've got this. Down the road we will see an amazing story from you on the success pages here I'm sure!
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    We really need thumbs up or like buttons. OP, you will do well :smile:
  • Johncrowley1
    Johncrowley1 Posts: 3 Member
    You are all awesome. Thank you. I've failed so much in the past but this time just... Feels different. I can't explain why, but I'm excited. I lurk here a lot and absolutely love this community