KrisM111 Member


  • Any better today? Hopefully it is muscular and will go away soon, but I'm not sure how you determine that. I don't know of any stretches... I'm always weary when I have of injury of making things worse!
  • I love this sentiment -- why wait? :) Good for you!
  • That is awesome! Congratulations! What a great gift to yourself to start the New Year. :)
  • Yay for being on Winter Break! I think it's great you've been keeping up with your exercise even if your eating hasn't been OP. I have a tendency to let one affect the other, which doesn't help matters, so at least you've been consistent with exercise. You'll be ready to get those 2 lbs. off after the holidays! :) My goal…
  • 25 lbs. That is awesome! Love the new pic!!! You're going to be a thin apple slice by then end of this. LOL
  • I haven't heard of it, but will check it out! WTG getting back on track... few lbs. is just a blip on the radar. You'll shed it off in no time.
  • Yikes. I don't blame you... last thing you guys need is for the whole place to get sick when you have to work through the week! Hope it gets better there for you. I'm working through the week too. Oh, and my employer said we could go ahead and work unlimited OT and ON Christmas day, eve, New Year's day. Not gonna happen.
  • Where are you from JMarcella? I'm in MN and it's SO weird not to have snow on the ground this time of year! It feels more like early spring! I want snow! :)
  • Sounds like a wonderful week! What a great community/family you must have with your training partners and gym family! Very important to have that support system.
  • Thank you! She's getting out of NH today, so I'm happy for her. She's walking on her own and able to get out of bed/ to bathroom/ etc. so that's the important thing.
  • Thanks, ladies! So far Negative Nelly has been silent for several days; perhaps my blunt response to her last monologue gave her a hint. ;) In other news, MIL had knee-replacement this week and we moved her to nursing home for rehab yesterday. This a.m. she called and said she wanted out. Said NH was awful. Ugh. So, now we…
  • Trish, yes, exhausting! Is your husband responsive to your reminders? Thankfully, we're working from home right now, so I am physically removed from her, but I find myself going on edge as soon as I see her name in my inbox. Lately, she's been telling us we're all going to lose our jobs, even though there's nothing to…
  • Thank you for sharing your story. You look incredible and should be so proud to be an inspiration. I know I felt inspired reading your story and am sure many others will too! Great advice and tips -- things we all need to remember. WTG!!!! :)
  • Hi Everyone, it's kind of been a stressful week, but I'm trying not to let it get the best of me. Question: How do you deal with someone who is a constant source of negative energy? I really struggle with this. There's this woman I work with who puts a negative spin on *everything* -- she is a fear monger, she's constantly…
  • Welcome back.... definitely take good care of yourself and get lots of good rest in when you're able. Sometimes the emotional stress can pile up on us quicker than physical. If you think the scale will just bring you down, maybe just wait for a week? There's nothing that says we have to weigh-in every week.
  • WooHoo for breaking past a plateau! I know you'll get those 2 kgs off -- you've been so diligent in your workouts and sticking on plan.
  • I hear you. The only things that really seem to help me are a hard workout and fresh air. I'm an incredibly light sleeper so I love when I wake-up and realize it's actually morning and not the middle of the night! lol
  • ^^^ This. LOL You never know though! Maybe we'll surprise ourselves someday! ha!
  • Stay strong! Sounds like you've been doing really well and have some good momentum going. Safe travels!
  • Welcome back!!! Good for you for being so vigilant and pre-planning while out of town. Not always easy! I have been walking on the treadmill every other day and feel so much better for doing so! We'll keep at it! :)
  • Napa sounds wonderful! :) I'd love to visit California someday. Never been and there are so many places I'd love to see out there! I think holding steady during the holidays amidst all of the parties etc. is a reasonable goal. Just a few more weeks and all of the New Year resolutions will be in full swing, so we'll have a…
  • Hey, wtg being able to incorporate pie into your routine! I'm a firm believer in not depriving ourselves of anything as it always seems to backfire.. instead of one slice, it'd be the whole pie if we didn't indulge here and there, right?? omg... I give *anyone* credit for doing the boudoir photo shoot! Even with liquid…
  • LOL @ hiding behind big red apple -- from the fat cat. :) I hear you -- I've been pretty stalled for the last week or so, but that's to be expected some weeks, right? I haven't been feeling well either ... have a cough I can't shake, so probably a sign we need to take care of ourselves.
  • Phenomenal! So inspiring.. thanks for sharing with us and I'll echo what the others have said, you rocked it and deservedly so. Not sure I will ever squeeze my *kitten* into a corset, lol, but, that said, inspiring none the less. :)
  • Hi, everyone. I did OK eating out yesterday, but I'm going to make a real effort this week to eat as cleanly as I can since I know next week will probably involve too many treats. Allie, I have watched that documentary and it was pretty inspiring to see how quickly the health benefits kicked in. I know, for myself, that…
  • Hi everyone, will check back later. Heading to lunch and need to stay strong. Sometimes it's hard when there are so many delicious things on the menu! :D
  • Allie -- omg, how frustrating! What city do you live in? Sounds like a nightmare! Olga -- wtg, with the cookies! Freshly baked cookies are not easy to resist!! Good job! Trish, I'm *sure* it was the sweater and maybe you have a similar haircut or something! You look wonderful. Chunky / oversized clothes can have that…
  • Olga, how did you fare? I can not be around cookie batter! :/
  • Hang in there, Allie. One bad day will not erase the progress we make; it's when we let it turn into several bad days -- to several bad weeks, etc. I have to remind myself of that daily.
  • Stay strong! I got bucked off the horse the other day, lol, but all we can do is get back up and keep on it. What is it? Supposedly 21 days to make a habit? :)