Steve_PB Member


  • Working your abs more regularly through a bulk will not prevent fat gain, but will develop your abs so that they will be more prominent and visable at a slightly higher BF%. If you do this you'll reap the rewards on your cut.
  • Great program for a beginner. No real tips just follow the program and add weight each time. When you get to a weight that starts to challenge you. Stay there until you can perform all lifts comfortably and with good form.
  • You can split training days into upper and lower but as said above as a beginer just try to incorporate everything. As you pregress then look as splitting. As for Abs, you can put them anywhere. i usually do them on a cardio day or at the begining of any day thats doesn't include squats or DL.
  • Not got a least favorite excercise, but my least favorite body part to train is shoulders... its just that pain and burning that you cant escape from.
  • Protein powders are much the same calorie wise. The difference will be due to the amount of carbs and the total overal protein content. if you want a good bulker without the sugars get a decent protein WPC80 or WPI90, fine oats and or peanut butter / EVO.
  • GVT is a good solid program. I have run it a good few times and is decent for both adding size and loosing BF. It is brutal but once you get over the initial hurt it gets easier.
  • As stated whatever method you use it is going to boil down to trial and error. Nailing your diet is never going to be a quick fix as you need to allow time between adjustments before you assess and adjust again accordingly. Fit bit can help to show you what you are eating and how many calories your burn each day, but so…
  • Love the "suppliments" Interesting reading. Bulking through winter. Only suppliement used is vitamin C omega 3 and whey to fill the gap. cost = marginal