kutlwanosamuels Member


  • Oh my goodness. I struggle with binge eating too and i kinda thought i was alone. Its so hard and for me its mostly during the day considering that schools arent open yet and iv been on holiday for the past two months. The other day i at 8 slices of bread in total...just by eating two slices of stuffed bread then 2hours…
  • I will try. I think I'm eating more than I think I am.
  • I drink 3 - litres of water everyday. I I eat veggies like broccoli and cauliflower and greensalad. I walk run and do some strength training.
  • Ohh yeah what a lovely goal. With great determination and patience you will reach it. Truely wish u all the best. We can do this
  • Ok so I just need to get a food scale and probably exercise more to burn more...never thought having a food scale is essential for losing weight. I just thought all I have to do is eat as many fruits and veggies I could possibly eat, and somehow I'd lose weight from that.
  • I don't own a food scale. I burn just under 600 calories a day N iv been eating like this for about 2 months or so
  • So...continue losing losing weight it is then. Thank you guys
  • That's what I fear the most, getting smaller but no firmness. ..just my old wobbly self
  • Sorry I meant to say 40 grams of protein..
  • wooooww very well explained, thank you for clarifying this... when it comes to workout...I'm really not a fan of muscular training would you suggest I just stick to cardio for weight loss? Or do I really have to do both
  • Thank u so much but problem is I hardly even eat about 4 grams of protein a day.. my caloric intake today thus far is not even 700. From what iv been reading I'm basically under eating and it's not good for my body, but I'm just trying to avoid eating the wrong foods. And maybe I'm not fully understanding the concept…
  • Alright, but isn't eating less not good for your body? I mean let's say I should eat 1200 calories a day are u saying I should burn 1200 or more calories each day to lose weight??
  • I recently just started interval training and right now i can not say for sure but I guess only time will tell
  • That's exactly what I thought too that I should lose the layers of fat first then focus on "sexy firm thighs"
  • yeah its so annoying ... because it's stubborn fat. But with hard work, determination and patience..We will get there
  • May u explain that further for more understanding please
  • Oohh then perhaps iv been misinformed
  • Alright guys it's all about the weight...Thanks guys
  • Wow what a great thing you've done for yourself there...well done and thank you for the advice. I don't really do much of muscular training, my main focus has always been cardiovascular training. People keep saying I won't see any muscle because of all the layers of fat I have and that I should decrease the fat layers then…
  • We can definitely do this with great patience and determination. I wish u all the best just keep pushing and something will eventually be different.
  • But it is said that it's better to eat many smaller portions of food at a time than one large quantity...and if I may ask what is TDEE?
  • Alright, the more squats one does the more chances of getting firmer thighs, got it
  • It's so hard though, everybody in my family has a pot belly...and I can't be losing weight but my pot belly is still there... but I guess with more exercise and eating healthily, only time will tell.
  • Wait..increasing weight? What do u mean by that rabbitjb?
  • Oh no sorry misunderstanding, I meant to say what do I need to do for the duration of 3 months to get firm thighs
  • Eating less will probably slow down your metabolism... The more you eat the better as long as it's in small quantities if you want to lose weight you need to rev up your catabolic metabolism which is the process of breaking down cells (fat) and transforming them into energy. Speeding this process up by frequently eating…
  • Truthfully, i also hated exercising at first...because my body would get tired quickly and i would run out of breath quickly. But we are different, what works for me may not work for you.. Find something that works for you maybe something fun like aerobics or dancing...or try listening to music while working out..try…
  • Yep it is a bit late to join in but i aim to lose 2ks by christmas. It will require Lots of hard work and determination but anything is possible if we belive in ourselves ryt... :)
  • Ive always had acne problems so staying away from sugar really helps with that. I try to eat food in small quantities whats frustrating is not seeing any improvement in my body.. :s