belly fat

Hi I'm kay, 19 years old, cruising down the weightloss journey. One of the most frustrating things is belly fat, it's so stubborn it's so hard to get rid of it. Although the number on the scale is decreasing, my belly seems to be the same. I have tried hot lemon water everyday, I know stomach exercises won't work out due to the thick layer of fat because I'm not out to get rock hard abs. I just want a flat tummy, NO BELLY FAT... If I could lose this fat I'd be so happy, any suggestions?


  • PixelPuff
    PixelPuff Posts: 902 Member
    Keep losing weight. There is no way to spot reduce.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Just keep losing the weight, you can't choose where it comes off.

    This thread will be a good place for you to start reading.
  • Equus5374
    Equus5374 Posts: 462 Member
    Where the weight comes off is entirely determined by genetics. It's frustrating but it's the way it is. I'm tall and lean, but genetically my family has always carried a good deal of belly flab (we used to call it a pot belly). I've lost about 20 pounds over a year and a half, but the belly fat is still there. I'd have to get down to a crazy body fat percentage of about 10% in order to have a lean belly area. It's something I'm learning to live with.
  • kutlwanosamuels
    kutlwanosamuels Posts: 41 Member
    Equus5374 wrote: »
    Where the weight comes off is entirely determined by genetics. It's frustrating but it's the way it is. I'm tall and lean, but genetically my family has always carried a good deal of belly flab (we used to call it a pot belly). I've lost about 20 pounds over a year and a half, but the belly fat is still there. I'd have to get down to a crazy body fat percentage of about 10% in order to have a lean belly area. It's something I'm learning to live with.

    It's so hard though, everybody in my family has a pot belly...and I can't be losing weight but my pot belly is still there... but I guess with more exercise and eating healthily, only time will tell.
  • cassieknights951
    cassieknights951 Posts: 48 Member
    I have this problem too, I always had a wash board stomach until I had children, the weight then piled on and it's mainly in my stomach area. I feel your pain
  • aniqa109
    aniqa109 Posts: 364 Member
    Maybe cardio or high interval training will help?
  • kutlwanosamuels
    kutlwanosamuels Posts: 41 Member
    I have this problem too, I always had a wash board stomach until I had children, the weight then piled on and it's mainly in my stomach area. I feel your pain
    yeah its so annoying ... because it's stubborn fat. But with hard work, determination and patience..We will get there

  • kutlwanosamuels
    kutlwanosamuels Posts: 41 Member
    I recently just started interval training and right now i can not say for sure but I guess only time will tell
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited December 2015
    Just keep losing the weight, you can't choose where it comes off.

    This thread will be a good place for you to start reading.
    Just keep losing the weight, you can't choose where it comes off.

    This thread will be a good place for you to start reading.


    Eat at a calorie defecit

    Lift progressively heavier

    I'm 48, 2 children by c-section...lost 55lbs, lift heavy body fat is low enough to show a hint of musculature, my tummy is fairly flat and that's how I want to look...others have different ideals but the route is the same and outlined in the OP of that thread
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    Equus5374 wrote: »
    Where the weight comes off is entirely determined by genetics. It's frustrating but it's the way it is. I'm tall and lean, but genetically my family has always carried a good deal of belly flab (we used to call it a pot belly). I've lost about 20 pounds over a year and a half, but the belly fat is still there. I'd have to get down to a crazy body fat percentage of about 10% in order to have a lean belly area. It's something I'm learning to live with.

    +1 on this, except for me it's the butt/thighs as I'm pear-shaped. I have to get my upper body almost skeletal before the fat comes off my butt/thighs. It's just the way I'm made and I have to deal with it. It is frustrating, though, so I feel your pain!
  • chelseavrb
    chelseavrb Posts: 10 Member
    I feel you. It's the area where I gain now. I always had a little pouch. The only way to keep it "little: is by exercising a lot. I gained a bit of weight this year and the bulk of it is in that area. It's definitely genetics as my mom has it too. Just keep trying and definitely cardio! Don't give up!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Keep losing fat and it will come.
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    I have always had a larger belly than I would have liked. I never have been as intense or consistent with strength/weight training as I have been in the last 4 months. I have noticed that I am happier with my shape at a higher scale weight. I think it has a great deal due to my improved my posture. While I still have belly fat, it sticks out less and appears smaller because I naturally hold my posture, shoulders back, hips tucked under and belly in.
  • itsflaccoi
    itsflaccoi Posts: 69 Member
    Your only option is to keep losing weight your one of those people where there body holds the most of there fat in there stomach you just have to lower your body fat % overall theres no way to only lose fat at your stomach keep losing weight and you'll be fine
  • kutlwanosamuels
    kutlwanosamuels Posts: 41 Member
    So...continue losing losing weight it is then. Thank you guys
  • codsterlaing95
    codsterlaing95 Posts: 221 Member
    edited December 2015
    Not weight. Losing body fat and maintaining muscle should be your goal.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    Not weight. Losing body fat and maintaining muscle should be your goal.
    They're not mutually exclusive though. You lose weight, you'll lose body fat along the way. Losing weight will also result in some muscle loss regardless of how precise someone is with macronutrients and training regimen.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    Speaking from decades of gaining and losing, I know that the stomach is the absolute LAST place fat will come off the way I want it to. It is what it is.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    I was in EXACTLY the same position as you! Hang in there!

    I started off at 157lbs - with a big wobbly belly to go with it. I got to around 125lb and I was visibly a lot smaller however my stomach was still very much "there" and if anything, a little MORE wobbly due to loose skin. I started transitioning to maintenance anyway as I was nearing a really healthy weight for my height - but I did manage to lose a little more in the process. I also started lifting weights (which I feel has REALLY helped..). I am now 119lbs and my wobbly stomach is now pretty much flat. I really didn't think those extra few pounds would make a difference to the size of my tummy (I held MOST of my weight there, after all) but it has.

    I also strongly recommend looking into a progressive lifting routine. It definitely tightens the stubborn parts!
  • kutlwanosamuels
    kutlwanosamuels Posts: 41 Member