emmamcgarity Member


  • I forgot to add that I do not manually add my exercise in MyFitnessPal. I just let the calories sync over.
  • I used to have the Inspire but upgraded to the Charge a year ago. So I’m going by memory a bit. The exercise shortcuts displayed on your wrist can be changed. Open the app on your phone and swipe down to refresh your stats. While it tells you it’s syncing at the top, couch the very top of the screen To access the…
  • On work days I pack a variety of items in my lunch bag to eat at my desk. I find it hard to eat breakfast at home very early before work. I generally pack a piece of fruit (usually banana), a boiled egg, a yogurt cup, a string cheese, and a granola bar. I don’t eat it all in one sitting, and I often don’t end up eating the…
  • I managed to get out for a 3.38 mile walk tonight. Then I followed it with a 2.10 mile run. No walk breaks… felt stronger. I’m still taking it slowly, but it felt good to run a little further. 3.62 of 20 miles for March complete
  • Are you tracking the calories for what you eat in the evening when you get off course? I personally find it helpful to track even when over on calories. If you are feeling over restricted, perhaps your current calorie goal is too low for you. Some people find it helpful to track calories at maintenance for a week or two…
  • Are you following a running program or connected to a running community? They are a great resource. When I was new to running I started a couch to 5k program and thought I was supposed to just keep trying to run faster. Some of the things I learned through the running community in my area is that sped work is really only…
  • I look at net calories on the weekly stat. My activity level varies from day to day. But I’m often hungrier the day after a very active day. So the weekly stat helps me balance out based on hunger or fit in indulgences or birthday celebrations.
  • Went out for my 4 mile walk after lunch. Managed to run 1.52 miles after the walk. But I did take a couple 30 second walk breaks. It was a pretty day but a bit warm for a run. 1.52 of 20 miles completed for March.
  • It’s taken me a few days to get caught up on the thread. I’m sorry that @Tramboman is no longer posting. Happy belated birthday (hoping he is lurking and sees the love). @rheddmobile I enjoyed reading about your raccoons. I hope you are able to find a medication dosage that works for you. I’ve been struggling to set a goal…
  • I’ve had lower back pain a few months ago. It was bad enough that I was barely able to sit or stand for a couple weeks. Then through massage, heating pads, ice packs, extended rest, things got better. I finally started walking again after a few weeks. Then I started slowly rebuilding my running base. C25k is a great…
  • I’m currently losing at 1300 average this week, but I haven’t been as physically active this week. I’m also older.
  • I hope the physical therapy is helping you. As someone else mentioned “Bob and Brad” have a YouTube channel with lots of great info. I am also a runner and experienced low back pain last year. It took a few weeks of following their recommendations, but it really helped. Once I started feeling better, I started walking…
  • Good luck! Also, I’d encourage you to not wait until Monday. Instead, go ahead and input everything you’ve already eaten today. Just start tracking (even if over calories). There isn’t anything magic about Mondays.
  • Is it possible you are making too many changes at once and it’s causing you to get overwhelmed? I’d suggest starting a little slower. Instead of worrying about your calorie target, just focus on tracking everything for the first week. Even if you have to guess at some items and even if you are consistently over the calorie…
  • I personally used to get discouraged when I “went over” on calories. Then I’d stop tracking, feel sorry for myself, and eat more of whatever…. But one thing that really helped me was when I friend recommended I track everything I could remember eating the day I was “off track” even if over my calorie goal. I’ll admit that…
  • I managed to walk 4.38 miles tonight then finished with a 1.14 mile run. I’m still slow while rebuilding my base, but I’m feeling stronger each time. I’ll just keep adding a fraction of a mile onto each run. I had considered resting today but the weather is expected to be rainy tomorrow. So I’ll likely rest tomorrow unless…
  • @shanaber oh my! I hope you are healing from your fall. I’m glad to hear you didn’t break any bones, but it sounds like you got pretty banged up. @quilteryoyo I’m glad you are getting wuns in. I’ve been able to get a lot of walking and a few short runs in this week. Definitely feeling stronger and rebuilding some base…
  • Your post raised a few questions in my mind. I’m personally reluctant to demonize specific foods. But I do have some foods I stay away from simply because they trigger me. How long have you been tracking calories? How often have you been weighing yourself? Can you share with us some general stats? (Age, height, weight,…
  • My sister was diagnosed a few years back and had good luck on the DASH diet recommended by her doctor. She also started walking regularly. She has noticed that when she focuses on DASH her blood pressure readings are better. When she starts eating less potassium rich vegetables and more junk/fast food, her BP starts…
  • Thanks for the warm welcome back everyone! I did manage to get out last night and walked 4.3 miles. Ran 0.85 miles. For as little as I have been running lately, I’ve just been tacking on a half mile jog home at the end of some of my walks. (About twice per week I add the jog. Most days I just walk 2-4 miles). I’m planning…
  • Hi everyone! I’m glad to see some familiar names. I’ve been offline with MFP for quite a while because I was a bit overwhelmed and needed a break from message boards for a while. I’m better now but up 35 lbs… yikes! I’ve started logging my food again. So I know that’s the path to losing the weight again. I’ve still been…
  • I used the NHS podcasts instead of an app for couch to 5k. It was great!
  • I enter Runbet games that fit my planned training schedule. It helps keep me motivated to run 4 times per week.
  • Wow! You are doing amazing things!
  • Hi everyone. Sorry I disappeared for April. Just needed a break for a while. I was doing really well with lockdown for the first week until suddenly I just wasn’t. I’m doing better now and feeling more focused. I haven’t had a chance to catch up on the April thread. I hope everyone is doing well. Goals for May? Just keep…
  • I’ve been running in the neighborhood instead of parks on jogging trails where it’s narrow and harder to maintain good distance. If I see others ahead of me on the sidewalk I cross the street so that we maintain a good distance. I do the same in neighborhood walks.
  • @hamsterwheel6 Way to go getting it done and not giving up! You really hung in there through your struggles!
  • @Avidkeo feel free to rant as needed. You’re in an incredibly difficult situation
  • @Teresa502 yes my running skirt is the target brand. They had several different colors but I chose black because I generally like neutrals. I only bought one since I wasn’t sure I would like it. Now that I’ve used it a while I plan to get more. It has 2 regular pockets and one zippered pocket. The pockets are part of the…
  • @Avidkeo those rolls look amazing! I did manage to get out for 7 miles in the neighborhood. The run was slow and easy hitting all the cul de sacs and every bit of cracked/uneven sidewalk. But it felt good to just run and listen to podcasts along my way. I’m toying with the idea of going to a trail run tomorrow put on by my…