shellcheri Member


  • I found the health choice Greek frozen yogart, that stuff is really good. Still haven't had a burger. Staying strong.
  • Thanks! That makes me feel better, it's a long a head of me, but I'm ready.
  • I think my biggest issue is that I always eat fast food. It's my default. I've only been on this program for 4 days, so a burger at this point I feel like is hurt more than help.
  • Cheat meal is probably best. I hear of some people that just binge out on the worst kind of food.
  • Exactly! Good point!
  • Just make sure you check in with your cardiologist, and share your plan with them. Together you two can develop a program that is safe and healthy. You can do this!
  • Thanks, I'll have to look into that.
  • I had twins 4 years ago. Now I'm a single mom and finally finding the time to lose that weight. What's your goal?
  • Misitaly... I don't know if I'm ready for a running app but I'll try anything, and love a challange! So here is a question to pose to anyone... according to my scale I've lost 5 lbs in just 3 days. Now, I know that's water weight gyclose cells shrinking and releasing water and what not, but how long before you burn fat? I…
  • Thanks! I've been adding everything I eat and drink. Just did 30 minutes on the treadmill, and plan on doing 2 more sessions today. I think this time it's going be different, yes I want to lose weight, but more importantly I want to be healthy. This time I have a completely different attitude going into it, I think that is…