wesheets Member


  • You can do it!
  • I understand the dilemma. If you like chocolate why not have 2 pieces after lunch and dinner? Or, if sweet bread is a thing include it with tea time? If you have calories before bed then you have an opportunity to burn some off before you sleep. Also drink water! It'll fill you up and hurt to eat!
  • Well when someone wants to be supportive without casting aspersions and making assumptions about my experience, activity level, miscalculations, etc then hit me up. I shouldn't have to defend myself on my own thread but I guess I will: 1. I've been lifting since I was 12. That said, I absolutely cause muscle confusion as…
  • Me too. I don't have time to respond much now but 44 and can't lose At all. So over it!!
  • Always good to see results. Why not share your path to success?
  • I go try new classes at the Y from time to time. I have a few I've tried and loved, and then at least one I would rather not do again. If you don't have time as an issue, the classes throughout the day, afternoon, and evening provide plenty of variety! They are usually taught by great people: good attitude, supportive of…
  • Yo click on their name, and when the message window appears you click on their name again. In that window you can click "add" and a friend request will be sent. That's how it is on the phone app anyway
  • Well got through the holiday. Now dealing with the leftovers. Sigh. I'm also waiting for an appointment with an endocrinologist as my PCP could not ID what was going on. I need the help. I need some help getting all these physical variables in place so that I can honor my body and move forward. I don't mind watching what I…
  • Hooray! Commiserating at its finest. Awesome job mama. The effort is half the battle. ❤️
  • Gee. 60 eh? Not sure if I could maintain at that low but even 10 lbs is hard to lose. Sooooo I'm in!! I probably have a solid 50 and that is plenty tough!!
  • Tabby absolutely yes!! I had my last kid at 41 and er......yeah, it's hard! Much harder than at 22. Energy level is low(er). It's good to have support.
  • Posted an entire thing and I'm so irritated it's not here. Guh. Mom and over 40. Work tons! Lol. I try to workout up to four times a week. I do resistance and cardio, mostly jogging. I do elliptical some but my toes go to sleep! Lol Take Metformin for PCOS. When I took myself off I gained 10. When I started back I lost up…
  • All: unless you're my doctor you can repeat everything you've read or what works for you ad infinitum and it won't convince me. I'm certain that I have a metobolic issue which has been the issue for quite some time now. My caloric intake as well as type of foods has been en pointe and literally saw NO movement. They alone…
  • @blues4miles sorry I'll have to disagree with you there. When I was working the Keto diet I was micromanaging my intake. 1400 calories. Often less. Nothing happened. At my size something should have. And I'm simply not planning on developing a lifestyle of measuring with a scale. That's ludicrous. How much about body image…
  • @blues4miles sorry I'll have to disagree with you there. When I was working the Keto diet I was micromanaging my intake. 1400 calories. Often less. Nothing happened. At my size something should have. And I'm simply not planning on developing a lifestyle of measuring with a scale. That's ludicrous. How much about body image…
  • @sanfromny thanks! Actually for me I believe exercise is essential. I spent the first 7 weeks of the year working a diet-Keto-and lost nothing: no inches, no pounds. I battled the same 3-4 lbs up and down and I was in Keto balance and at about 1300 cals a day. The fat kept me full so that wasn't the issue. It's just I…
  • Drink lots of water. Stay motivated. Movement is calories burned people
  • Woke up sore. That's a good thing right?! Calves Mostly. Think it's from the elliptical. Anyway am happy to be on a roll. Hope to hit the gym again today.
  • Thanks Lizzy! I did well. I did the elliptical and treadmill. also did weights for shoulders, delts, tris and biceps. I did a total of 3 miles! I also hit 10k steps on my Fitbit today. Again. Hooray!!
  • Feeling some soreness today. Also cramping a bit. Trying to add in water for hydration and plan to hit the gym again today! Do any of you use water enhancers? I do! It makes pounding water more tolerable. I don't drink soda very often at all. Maybe twice a month. Probably less. Anyway.....
  • So I did the treadmill and then got on the elliptical which was fun. Then I took a 30 barre class. Interesting! And tough ...I felt large.
  • @Lizzy622 thank you! Agreed. Are you doing a LCHF diet or just watching portions and cals? Also, what has been your best balance there? I think now more than other times in my life such as my 20's and 30's I feel so lost. The perfect balance is not perfect at all. Lol. So until I consistently exercise for a period of time…
  • Thanks ladies. Beginning in Jan I was working a plan and had my calories down to 1300-1450. It had zero affect. Same 3 lbs up and down. When I upped my cals to 1800 I wasn't gaining nor losing. My TDEE is 2100 calories so should have seen something "if".....the adage is true "less calories equals weight loss." For me, it's…
  • @Fit4LifeAR I am with you. So many different goals and body types in our height range. I have a BF of 34, and I'm 5'7" at 217. I can't regress to high school athlete status because it was too long ago. The last time I was under 200 was 3 years ago: 180-185 and a size 14. I liked it. I wanted to lose more but was thrilled I…
  • I don't understand your last paragraph but generally agree with your sentiments. I would like to note that many times I've wanted to share my ideas and garner some moral support without actually asking a question-which was germain to my point that people give advice and ask questions/make comments or judgements without any…
  • This is an interesting discussion. I have PCOS TOO. When I was eating strict 20g carbs I lost nothing-no pounds, no inches. I was at 1300 cals too. I'm not sure if the cals were too strict or the protein was too high, both or neither, I simply did not want to keep trying to work it. The fat intake philosophy is simply…
  • I'm jealous if the inches. After month one I lost 4 inches from all over. I'll be checking after month two but not holding my breath. I've lost nothing these two months. Literally. I'm very discouraged.
  • @Calitlikeiseeit GUH. I have PCOS and I'm following blah blah blah. Nothing. I'm wondering how long I work before I see something. <scream>
  • I posted a huge thing from my phone and it was cut off. I'm just not writing it again. This app stinks.