...just searching for the support wave to ride...

Dude, I've been on this journey so long. Let me say this: since January, I have tracked food, and tracked my steps on my FB,....to no avail. Almost three months in and I'm losing my hope.

I have PCOS. Doesn't help. I go to the gym 3-4 times a week. Plus, I'm busy on the weekends. This weekend I am planning an outdoor activity of hiking a trail, but it varies. Point is: I move.

My calories are about 1600-1800 most days. My goal is 1550, but oddly when I get to 2400 I lose a pound. Then, when I keep that up, well I gain weight. So, that's an oddity.

Fresh veggies: check. Enough to propel myself into another country.
Fresh fruit: on occasion. At least once a day such as an apple, clementine orange, peaches, etc.

When was the last time I ate a sandwich? Well, long(er) ago than I'd like. Why? Carbs.

And I've already done Keto....like for 3 months last year. And nothing. I had lost weight when I tried it the first time....but not this time.

Menopausal? No clue. Not yet I don't think.....

I'm so done. That's it. Why am I busting it, with ZERO results? Aside from stamina. Nothing. Nada.

I have a wardrobe for 180 lbs. I am 218. 2-1-8. Yuck.....My husband loves me. I am active. I love myself. I hate the fat, the size, the frustration.....

Support anyone?



  • anniehiver24
    anniehiver24 Posts: 53 Member
    Even if you don't see the results right away, it may still be happening. Slowly but surely.
    Every body is different, and every body has it's own struggles with change.
    If you can already see the change with your stamina, you know there is something going on that's working. Keep to it!

    Some times it's hard to see the difference when you are always looking. One day you may wake up and take a second glance at yourself and realize you have improved, you have succeeded, and you have met your goal.

    Just try to keep going and don't give up!
  • Lavelle1980
    Lavelle1980 Posts: 367 Member
    I guess my question is, How do you feel? Do you feel lively, energetic, mental alertness (besides the mental frustrations of not seeing results)? It seems that you hit a major plateau with your workouts. This is a time to become a master problem solver by using other alternatives. Our bodies were created to adapt because our brains are meant to protect us.

    My suggestions: change your routine from the gym, steps, and other normal activities to something completely different and maybe out of your comfort zone. Yoga, mountain biking, etc... Find creative ways to overcome this wall and KNOCK this wall down!

    I hope this helps
  • hypodonthaveme
    hypodonthaveme Posts: 215 Member
    When did you have a check up with a dr? How's your blood work? Thyroid tests come out ok? Are you holding water? Water retention is for the birds but it can prevent you from seeing the results.

    Slow progress is better than no progress. There are a lot of possibilities to why our bodies act stubborn when we try weight loss.

    All I can say is: don't go over your calorie allotment MFP gives you. Eat only 1/2 exercise calories back. Exercise is great but not needed. Drink plenty of water. You can but dont need to ..watch your salt intake foods have salt naturally. Weigh your food so you are logging properly and accurately. Get a check up that includes blood tests to rule out medical hinderances. Set small goals. Don't stress over the scale. Take measurements. Do Not weigh yourself at night. Weigh first thing in the morning after toiletries are done. Our weight fluctuates throughout the day and it isn't uncommon to weigh more after exercise.

    Give your body a chance. For some it takes 3-5 months to see a change, but when they do it's amazing. Sometimes ( like me) I lost weight in my hands and feet first. So be patient. You will get there. Also remember some medications will make it a slower progress, but it will happen.
  • wesheets
    wesheets Posts: 90 Member
    Thank you ladies.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,363 Member
    You say you're eating "about 1600-1800" calories. Let's start there. Tighten up that logging. Whatever your goal is on here, hit that every day. Not "about"...within 100 calories. If your fitbit is synced to MFP I'll let someone else guide you regarding your exercise calories. I used MFP's numbers all the way through my first six months of weight loss, I kept good records, I logged all my food and exercise and then I had a foundation of exactly how many calories I was taking in and using.

    It's your experiment to run, but you need accurate data points, not "about" approximations.
  • wesheets
    wesheets Posts: 90 Member
    Well when someone wants to be supportive without casting aspersions and making assumptions about my experience, activity level, miscalculations, etc then hit me up.

    I shouldn't have to defend myself on my own thread but I guess I will:
    1. I've been lifting since I was 12. That said, I absolutely cause muscle confusion as often as I can. In other words I do not do the same activity each day let alone each week. Some days I do a huge calorie burning activity and other times it's a longer activity with calorie burn over a longer period of time.
    2. The calorie intake varies most often by protein intake with a day here or there variance based on an occasion such as a birthday. So, if I'm over 2000 I went out for a steak. Honestly I don't need to hit X calorie mark every day. That's damn boring. If I need to lower my RANGE then I will. Perhaps hitting the X each day was an OCD need of yours or a passive aggressive way of telling me I am not "doing it right" I don't know-and really I don't care.
    3. What part of having a lot of kids didn't stand out? Currently I have four at home, one special needs, and it's not like I can eat a special diet NOR have a set amount of time each day to work out. So.......I'm doing what I can.
    4. I have PCOS. Look it up. Be informed. It's the number 1 reason why I hold onto weight.

    Every day. Without fail. I have an almond milk protein shake for breakfast. I drink coffee with creamer too. Then, I have a grazing lunch: veggies, protein, leftovers......fruit and maybe a string cheese for snack with the kids or not.....the variable I suppose is dinner.

    Anyway......upped my exercise and upset my family routine to do so and ZILCH. Been working on tweaking my diet and so far. Nada. Had bloodwork done last June, saw the endocrinologist in November.......I am investigating.

    I just wanted support. Not a damn lecture. I give myself enough of those on the daily.

    Anyway ....