Working out will be my lucky charm!

I remember reading where one or two ladies were able to fit in 60 minutes of cardio 5-6 days a week plus daily walks. Or, more than an hour, even two, of fairly rigorous exercise. Now, I don't want to compare. I feel like I can't fit in the amount of intense exercise I'd like to simply because of my kids. I have videos. If I try to walk my neighborhood it's impossible to do so with intensity: I have to take the littles with me; it's very hilly-and in pushing a stroller and making my autistic walk so she can't go fast. Anyway.....the only thing that I changed was to make a decision to join our Y. I hadn't seen one this developed in my home state so I can't speak for all of them but this one includes up to 2 hours a day/10 hours per week of childcare. I'm a bit more motivated to make this work now. Because I know that exercise is the key to any potential of success that I may have.....and because, damn it, I don't want this to be the 20th summer of wishing I could drop some weight, I will attempt to get my exercise in and max out my childcare each week! Here we go.....


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Working out is good for you but get your calorie intake inline. You cannot out exercise overconsumption. Ask me how I know this?
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Weight loss happens first and foremost in the kitchen, exercise helps add to the deficit and it good for our general fitness and wellbeing.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Exercise is important to me mostly because it keeps me happy. But life gets in the way on occasion. It takes no time at all to eat less. If you find yourself getting busy just keep a laser focus on calories till things ease up again. But if you can find a way to get exercise in daily, I'm in agreement, the whole process is more enjoyable.
  • wesheets
    wesheets Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks ladies. Beginning in Jan I was working a plan and had my calories down to 1300-1450. It had zero affect. Same 3 lbs up and down. When I upped my cals to 1800 I wasn't gaining nor losing. My TDEE is 2100 calories so should have seen something "if".....the adage is true "less calories equals weight loss." For me, it's not true. I have PCOS and am heading toward menopause. I truly believe it's metobolic in the worst sense and absolutely need to burn calories which is why I'm hyper focused on exercise at the moment. I gave up for the last three weeks with such a zilch effect since the beginning of the year. But I'm re-motivated and will begin again! Thanks for all the support!!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I understand. I have a hypo active thyroid and even with my blood test numbers coming in ok I have trouble losing weight. I think the TDEE calculator is a starting point but things like hypothyroidism and PCOS aren't taken into account. I find I have trouble losing without exercise and don't eat back calories unless I really workout and burn loads of calories. Remember the numbers are all estimates and be patient. Good luck.
  • wesheets
    wesheets Posts: 90 Member
    @Lizzy622 thank you! Agreed. Are you doing a LCHF diet or just watching portions and cals? Also, what has been your best balance there? I think now more than other times in my life such as my 20's and 30's I feel so lost. The perfect balance is not perfect at all. Lol. So until I consistently exercise for a period of time such as two weeks......and therefore see a trend (maybe) I'm not sure what is going to work. Until now exercise has been sporadic. I didn't want to join a gym simply because I can't see spending the money. We run a tight ship. Yet.....for my physical and mental well-being I didn't see any alternative.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I try to go lower carb not really LCHF. My best days are when the pie chart on my phone looks almost even for each piece. As far as exercise try making a plan like with your food. e.i. cardio (walk/run or dvred Bollywoodblast) on Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday - Monday kettle bells- Wednesday/ Friday abs/ bodyweight exercises - Sunday rest (Monday, Wednesday& Friday tend to only be around 15 minutes) Honestly I fell off schedule with exercise this winter and am just restarting this month.
  • wesheets
    wesheets Posts: 90 Member
    So I did the treadmill and then got on the elliptical which was fun. Then I took a 30 barre class. Interesting! And tough ...I felt large.
  • wesheets
    wesheets Posts: 90 Member
    Feeling some soreness today. Also cramping a bit. Trying to add in water for hydration and plan to hit the gym again today! Do any of you use water enhancers? I do! It makes pounding water more tolerable. I don't drink soda very often at all. Maybe twice a month. Probably less. Anyway.....
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Don't burn out. When you hit the gym today try to change up the muscle groups you are working. My favorite water is cucumber and a little lemon. I have a pitcher of it in my fridge in the summer. In winter I go for herbal teas usually.
  • wesheets
    wesheets Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks Lizzy! I did well. I did the elliptical and treadmill. also did weights for shoulders, delts, tris and biceps. I did a total of 3 miles! I also hit 10k steps on my Fitbit today. Again. Hooray!!
  • wesheets
    wesheets Posts: 90 Member
    Woke up sore. That's a good thing right?! Calves
    Mostly. Think it's from the elliptical. Anyway am happy to be on a roll. Hope to hit the gym again today.
  • wesheets
    wesheets Posts: 90 Member
    Drink lots of water. Stay motivated. Movement is calories burned people
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    You most certainly don't have to kill yourself in the gym if your nutrition is in check like QueenLiz mentioned. I'm not sure of your stats but I'm 5'2" started at 220 (maybe more), now 158. I rarely workout more than an hour, even at my heaviest.

    80% percent of the weight loss battle is NUTRITION. Which means your success starts and ends in the kitchen everyday. 10% percent is exercise and the last 10% is rest and recovery. What you do when you are not in the gym has profound effects on your body. If you haven't already, invest in a food scale--an eye opener for me! And yes water, water, water. At first I used to put the crystal light packs in to make it tolerable, now I don't need them at all. You'll find your body actually CRAVES water...think about when you're at the gym and you get to the water fountain, can't step away right?

    And time...slow and steady. The best way to guarantee you'll win this race!
  • wesheets
    wesheets Posts: 90 Member
    @sanfromny thanks! Actually for me I believe exercise is essential. I spent the first 7 weeks of the year working a diet-Keto-and lost nothing: no inches, no pounds. I battled the same 3-4 lbs up and down and I was in Keto balance and at about 1300 cals a day. The fat kept me full so that wasn't the issue. It's just I think that it's not for me this time. So after about 2 weeks of feeling miserable about that, I turned to watching my calories in and exercise. I truly started this week. We are in week 9 or so of the year :).I'm not giving up but.....even though many believe nutrition is the real test I can speak to it not necessarily being 90%......perhaps in my case it's more like 70% ;). I think that as before, and with PCOS, a metabolic condition, I absolutely need to be diligent to burn calories. I'm probably in the short tunnel toward perimenopause too. Lol. Thanks for the support!!
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    wesheets wrote: »
    @sanfromny thanks! Actually for me I believe exercise is essential. I spent the first 7 weeks of the year working a diet-Keto-and lost nothing: no inches, no pounds. I battled the same 3-4 lbs up and down and I was in Keto balance and at about 1300 cals a day. The fat kept me full so that wasn't the issue. It's just I think that it's not for me this time. So after about 2 weeks of feeling miserable about that, I turned to watching my calories in and exercise. I truly started this week. We are in week 9 or so of the year :).I'm not giving up but.....even though many believe nutrition is the real test I can speak to it not necessarily being 90%......perhaps in my case it's more like 70% ;). I think that as before, and with PCOS, a metabolic condition, I absolutely need to be diligent to burn calories. I'm probably in the short tunnel toward perimenopause too. Lol. Thanks for the support!!

    Buy a food scale. Sorry it's never what anyone wants to hear. But you were likely eating more than you think. Cups/measuring spoons are not very accurate. Every time I plateau, I work on my logging. Once I fix my logging, I start losing weight again. Not saying don't work out. Just saying if you aren't accurately logging your food you are trying to fight with one hand tied behind your back. We all have been there and had to learn the hard way. Food scale.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Keep going and consistent. Good foods and exercise. Have you had your thyroid checked? The detailed T3 and T4? PCOS can really mess with the thyroid too
  • wesheets
    wesheets Posts: 90 Member
    @blues4miles sorry I'll have to disagree with you there. When I was working the Keto diet I was micromanaging my intake. 1400 calories. Often less. Nothing happened. At my size something should have. And I'm simply not planning on developing a lifestyle of measuring with a scale. That's ludicrous. How much about body image am I teaching my three daughters if they see me hyperventilating about ounces. I KNOW I wasn't overeating before. And while I own my food choices today I refuse to be told that without measuring every morsel I won't be accurate. I also want to enjoy my life and time with my girls. They need a healthy model and unless they become dietitians I don't want them to have an eating disorder. I'm glad it's working for you though. Keep up the good work!

    @nancybuss you are right. I've been putting off seeing the doctor for about 4 years. And I'm almost out of Metformin so.....Monday I am on the phone, to a new doctor, making that appointment. I'm angry at myself for waiting this long. Thyroid issues run in my family and frankly I should be more conscientious about that.

    Soooooo.....I thought about not hitting the gym but late in the day I made myself get ready, got all the munchkins together, and went!! My 12 year old did all that I did which makes me hurt for her. She shouldn't do as much as me! I did treadmill for that cardio and was able to knock out 2.35 miles today. Whoo hoo!! And then we did abs. Feel the burn. Yikes. Tomorrow is a new day.

    We did our family fun night (FFN) and I absolutely had a brownie
  • wesheets
    wesheets Posts: 90 Member
    @blues4miles sorry I'll have to disagree with you there. When I was working the Keto diet I was micromanaging my intake. 1400 calories. Often less. Nothing happened. At my size something should have. And I'm simply not planning on developing a lifestyle of measuring with a scale. That's ludicrous. How much about body image am I teaching my three daughters if they see me hyperventilating about ounces. I KNOW I wasn't overeating before. And while I own my food choices today I refuse to be told that without measuring every morsel I won't be accurate. I also want to enjoy my life and time with my girls. They need a healthy model and unless they become dietitians I don't want them to have an eating disorder. I'm glad it's working for you though. Keep up the good work!

    @nancybuss you are right. I've been putting off seeing the doctor for about 4 years. And I'm almost out of Metformin so.....Monday I am on the phone, to a new doctor, making that appointment. I'm angry at myself for waiting this long. Thyroid issues run in my family and frankly I should be more conscientious about that.

    Soooooo.....I thought about not hitting the gym but late in the day I made myself get ready, got all the munchkins together, and went!! My 12 year old did all that I did which makes me hurt for her. She shouldn't do as much as me! I did treadmill for that cardio and was able to knock out 2.35 miles today. Whoo hoo!! And then we did abs. Feel the burn. Yikes. Tomorrow is a new day.

    We did our family fun night (FFN) and I absolutely had a brownie :)

    Enjoy your weekend!!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Working out is good for you but get your calorie intake inline. You cannot out exercise overconsumption. Ask me how I know this?

  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    My fitness progress had been central to keep me motivated & focused in the kitchen!
  • wesheets
    wesheets Posts: 90 Member
    All: unless you're my doctor you can repeat everything you've read or what works for you ad infinitum and it won't convince me. I'm certain that I have a metobolic issue which has been the issue for quite some time now. My caloric intake as well as type of foods has been en pointe and literally saw NO movement. They alone is why seeing a medical professional will be my next course. Each body is different. Not everyone is respondent in the same way as others. And, reiterating 1000 times to one individual that it is THE issue will only cause them stress and pressure. Again, I get the point of sharing but it is not as easy as one avenue. Truly. So, until I can post what an MD has noted about me please understand that references to food scales and there being something wrong with my intake will, at the very least, fall on deaf ears.

    @lorrpb agreed! Each time I hit the gym I'm more determined to manage the variety in the kitchen :)