OK, newbies, who hasn't lost any weight?!

Hey all, just trying to make this group of us not feel so alone. Ive been plugging away at 1250 cals, 5' 1.5, 140 ish lbs. Age 42, 3 kids. Haven't seen too much change, although my middle does FEEL smaller, it is definitely not reflected in the nice 1 lb a week loss I was expecting...Exercise has been random. Anyone else? I know you are out there!


  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    edited February 2016
    You are losing weight. I am a strong believer that weight you lose slowly is weight you can lose for life. You learn.
    Do you have a food scale? It makes this place awesome. BBbeyond for about $20 bucks w/ coupon
  • arj5150
    arj5150 Posts: 21 Member
    Yup, I have bought a food scale and use it..Thanks.
    I got mine on amazon!
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,341 Member
    Slowly and sheepishly raising hand. :D Plugging away for how long?
  • tnm7760
    tnm7760 Posts: 109 Member
    Me! I am using a trending app which goes show that I'm trending lower... But only about .25lb/week. I had been eating back calories earned from my Fitbit, but not those earned during my workouts. I was netting around 1300 calories. I thought I was really accurate with my logging. But I should be losing at least 1lb/week. 6 weeks in and... A measly 1.5lbs. Smh.

    So, I figure two things must be off-- I'm either eating more than I think I am or I'm not burning as much as I think I am. Or maybe both.

    So, I'm sticking to a straight 1200 calories with my workouts. I'll see where that puts me in a couple weeks. I'd really like to eat back a few calories if I can. So hopefully tightening up my logging and cutting back a bit will help.
  • ronda112
    ronda112 Posts: 27 Member
    I was losing weight very slowly...like a half a pound a week. That is too slow because all it takes is a few accidental calories over goal and you can gain it right back. I started watching carbs as well as calories and made another exercise goal (added 1000 more steps per day to my regular activity...added onto my 4-5 days of works outs). The first week I did that I lost 3 lbs. Keep looking for what works for you. Sign of insanity to keep doing the exact same thing over and over expecting different results right? :)
  • lamandakelly
    lamandakelly Posts: 3 Member
    Okay, questions I am trying to loose 50 pounds I am suppose to do 1200 calories a day.. How ever I eat about 800-1000 and exercise with deficit of 1000 is it going to have me loose weight faster with less calories and exercise or hinder since I'm not eating 1200??
  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    Okay, questions I am trying to loose 50 pounds I am suppose to do 1200 calories a day.. How ever I eat about 800-1000 and exercise with deficit of 1000 is it going to have me loose weight faster with less calories and exercise or hinder since I'm not eating 1200??

    Technically yes; however, you are not eating enough calories for your health. The lack of basic nutrition will eventually show. Additionally, people who restrict that much tend to binge and gain it back; it's not sustainable.

    Finally, promoting very low calorie diets is against MFP TOS.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    1.jpg 135.4K
  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    Do you cook from scratch? Do you use the recipe builder in MFP, or do you use generic food entries? Are you sure you are choosing the correct food entries from the database? Some entries are just plain wrong.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    kimyrachel wrote: »
    I really do think that you are not giving your body enough calories. When you don't eat enough, your body goes into a famine mode and tries to grab onto the fat you have since it's afraid that the body will be in starvation mode for awhile. I suggest definitely increasing your calorie intake and may I ask where you are getting all these calories from? I have noticed from my journey that relying heavily on meat and dairy products makes it WAY harder to lose weight. I am not saying don't eat it all, minimize as possible.

    I hope this helped! :)

    none of this just.... no.
  • wesheets
    wesheets Posts: 90 Member
    @Calitlikeiseeit GUH. I have PCOS and
    I'm following blah blah blah. Nothing. I'm wondering how long I work before I see something. <scream>
  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    kimyrachel wrote: »
    I really do think that you are not giving your body enough calories. When you don't eat enough, your body goes into a famine mode and tries to grab onto the fat you have since it's afraid that the body will be in starvation mode for awhile. I suggest definitely increasing your calorie intake and may I ask where you are getting all these calories from? I have noticed from my journey that relying heavily on meat and dairy products makes it WAY harder to lose weight. I am not saying don't eat it all, minimize as possible.

    I hope this helped! :)

    HAHAHAHAHA!!!! This is obviously why anorexics just can't lose that last couple of pounds, eh???
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,135 Member
    kimyrachel wrote: »
    I really do think that you are not giving your body enough calories. When you don't eat enough, your body goes into a famine mode and tries to grab onto the fat you have since it's afraid that the body will be in starvation mode for awhile. I suggest definitely increasing your calorie intake and may I ask where you are getting all these calories from? I have noticed from my journey that relying heavily on meat and dairy products makes it WAY harder to lose weight. I am not saying don't eat it all, minimize as possible.

    I hope this helped! :)

    Starvation mode is a myth.
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Eating with a deficit is losing
    Eating surplus gaining
    Eating the same as you burn is maintaining

    Always and for everybody ( rare medical conditions are exceptions)

    And yes starvation mode is a myth. Tell that to the people in concentration camps in the war and hungry children...They dont gain they lose.

    When you are not losing and there is no rare medical condition then you eat ( unintentionally and without knowing most of the times) to much

    Weigh all your food! on a food scale and you will lose weight when you create that deficit.

  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    kimyrachel wrote: »
    trjjoy wrote: »
    kimyrachel wrote: »
    I really do think that you are not giving your body enough calories. When you don't eat enough, your body goes into a famine mode and tries to grab onto the fat you have since it's afraid that the body will be in starvation mode for awhile. I suggest definitely increasing your calorie intake and may I ask where you are getting all these calories from? I have noticed from my journey that relying heavily on meat and dairy products makes it WAY harder to lose weight. I am not saying don't eat it all, minimize as possible.

    I hope this helped! :)

    HAHAHAHAHA!!!! This is obviously why anorexics just can't lose that last couple of pounds, eh???

    HHAHA are you calling me anorexic?

    No. I am laughing at your "starvation mode" spiel. Starvation mode is a myth.
  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    kimyrachel wrote: »

    Myth or not when I was fasting / cleansing, I gained more weight than before I started. So to a certain degree yes.

    What utter rubbish.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    edited February 2016
    There are alot of posts like this--and alot of frustration. First of all anyone trying to lose 30lbs or less will have a harder time. You have to really watch your calories because there's little room for error, try to eat alittle more protein. Don't cut your calories too much, set MFP for .5 lbs a week or you will be too hungry. It will take you longer than you think--patience. Everyone else should not be having a huge problem. If you are something is off. The flow chart posted above is great. I would study that to see what my problem is. My belief is that you should not be suffering on MFP. That's the first thing I liked about it when I joined 3 yrs ago. I think exercise or whatever movement you can do is important for physical wellbeing, but remember that weightloss is 90% diet--10% exercise, unless you're an athlete.

    Oh--and go you newbies! You can do it!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    If you are overweight and not losing weight after 6-8 weeks you are doing it wrong

    Or you have a thyroid condition

    If you want to know what you're doing wrong then open your diary and post your stats (age, gender, height, current weight, weight loss per week goal, activity level without exercise and planned exercise regime if any)
  • arj5150
    arj5150 Posts: 21 Member
    edited February 2016
    CeeBeeSlim wrote: »
    Slowly and sheepishly raising hand. :D Plugging away for how long?
    about 6 weeks
    There are alot of posts like this--and alot of frustration. First of all anyone trying to lose 30lbs or less will have a harder time. You have to really watch your calories because there's little room for error, try to eat alittle more protein. Don't cut your calories too much, set MFP for .5 lbs a week or you will be too hungry. It will take you longer than you think--patience. Everyone else should not be having a huge problem. If you are something is off. The flow chart posted above is great. I would study that to see what my problem is. My belief is that you should not be suffering on MFP. That's the first thing I liked about it when I joined 3 yrs ago. I think exercise or whatever movement you can do is important for physical wellbeing, but remember that weightloss is 90% diet--10% exercise, unless you're an athlete.

    Oh--and go you newbies! You can do it!

    Oh--and go you newbies! You can do it![/quote]

    I was hungry for the first 7-10 days, but was fine after that.
    Recent check up and blood work (including) thyroid is perfect. I do not take any meds. I am by nature an active person, although I am not "training", I try to bust out a body weight work out a few times a week. Female, age 42, 5'1.5", 140-142lbs depending on the day, I listed myself as sedentary, even though I am not. Plugged in 1lb a week goal.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    Weigh all your food. Weigh that chicken breast before you cook it, weigh your rice/cereal. Only liquids are you allowed to use measuring cups/spoons. Weigh the peanut butter and butter you put on your food.

    All this helped me.

    Drink plenty of water because water retention is a ---.

    Take measurements so you have something else to track progress by.

    Set fitness goals for yourself (cardio, weightlifting, walking, whatever you wanna do) so you have goals you can accomplish even when the scale isn't cooperating.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    kimyrachel wrote: »
    trjjoy wrote: »
    kimyrachel wrote: »

    Myth or not when I was fasting / cleansing, I gained more weight than before I started. So to a certain degree yes.

    What utter rubbish.

    Even if starvation mode is a myth, why would anyone want to undereat? To lose weight? Then I feel sorry for you that you restrict yourself from food to stay healthy.

    Starvation mode is a misunderstanding of thermogenic adaptation which is a thing, you should research it
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    @kimyrachel Here's a good read on starvation mode

  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member

    ^ This is excellent. Read it, then read this post on the same site.