omegamaster40 Member


  • start tracking! If nothing else, just knowing you are tracking everything makes you really think twice before you eat something! Coming off injury is hard, that is my task this year as well and has been very tough. Stick with it and make sure you increase your workouts slowly so you don't aggravate your back and have any…
  • Liquid calories are a challenge for everyone, I think. Half the battle is getting the right amount of calories, the other half in ensuring you are getting all the nutrients you need. Glad to hear see you are joining the community, it is helpful in any quest, logging every bite really does make a difference - stay with it!
  • sounds like a great workout week - stick with it and you will see great results! After a few months of keeping that routine up you can add one additional night a week, extend a workout, or increase the intensity of one of the workouts - I wouldn't change a thing for 4 months though. Good luck!
  • Not sport specific (didn't even know they existed), seen shoulder experts who have a lot of sports injuries come to them though - one of which is shoulder doctor used by the professional baseball team in Houston.
  • I've done a few duathlons but they just feel like they are missing something and don't really excite me like tri's do. Prognosis has been different from all 3 doctors I have seen (large part of the reason I don't trust surgery - debating the Cortisone shot option one suggested though...). No signs toward it 'healing 100%'…
  • I have found that GU and shot blocks treat me really well while riding (still struggling to find much that sits right while running though).
  • Beachbody has estimates for calories burned for P90X on their website as well. I have used those although they are very general and effort and body weight are huge swings for those workouts.
  • walking is a good one to start with. After that I would suggest working some elliptical and stationary bike into your routine - both good for burning calories and changing up your workout while not putting stress on your knees and joints. Also, to add a bit of a fun activity in, if you like racquet sports, would be…
  • I highly recommend doing a slow start with running/walking build. The trick is to not increase your distance (weekly total) by more than 10% each week. I have had several injuries and setbacks trying to best that rule of thumb. Once you build up your base mileage (perhaps a couch to 5k program?) I would recommend doing one…