Reemule Member


  • Thanks all, I am doing weights everyday. I think I will take a few days off and just do stretching and light cardio no weights, also maybe eat a bit more protein. I am having a night out with the wife on Saturday as well so taking it easy seems like a good idea.
  • Add me, lost 23lbs so far since being made redundant in the summer. Starting work again on the 8th Feb and I reckon things will become harder so friends would be great.
  • I only have 1 or 2 cups of coffee a day. I tried cutting out sugar and creamer but then i didn't enjoy the coffee anywhere near as much so instead choose to have it how I like it and cut back elsewhere. I rarely have latte's or cappucino's though and stick to Americano's now.
  • Thanks for all the feedback, Fiber1 sounds interesting as does Avocado
  • Thanks, I hadn't noticed that, I am moving over to jacket potatoes more and more so something to check. I had only just added fiber as something to monitor from today.
  • It's easy to get hung up on this, personally I never eat breakfast and never have, I put weight on easily and have also lost it. the reality is less in will mean you lose weight. Some people eat little and often and others don't eat breakfast or lunch but as long as you don't over eat you will be fine.
  • I have lost 19lb in 5 months, some weeks I lose very little but mostly it has been steady. However the best thing has been losing the inches. I measure every 2 weeks and some weeks I have lost very little but the inches are coming off instead. I do gym work and my wife said the other day that the side view of me was…