Jamiepk1985 is a defo 10
Hi I've limited my pasta to one small portion a night and I've lost 21 lbs in 2 months. So I use wholemeal . I stick to a medium carb low fat high protein thanks
Hi how do I add a selfie on hear ?? I cnt seem to find where to load it
Thanks peeps
Lol. Well why we are on the topic any ladies wana add me feel freex
Please feel free to add me
Sexy smiles ladiesx
Add me I'm trying to lose 80lbs in 8 months
Feel free to add me on a quest to lose 60 more lbs
I started a right discussion here didn't I lol!!!!
Yeh fruit bloats me up. And I suffer from blood sugar crashes
Yes I'm in aswell. I wana lose 5.5stone by xmas
I'm up for it
Hi all. Feel free to add me I'm on 150g carbs a day and feel rubbish.
Ok thanks I will take a look
Thanks chap. I will do that .
Thanks peeps.
Thanks ryjaaah. It's gunna take a while but guess I better start doing some jogging lol.