mishkins3 Member


  • I have no clue what a core workout includes, but i think you mean like abs and stuff... should I go see a diatian/nutritenest , or maybe enter physiotherarpy or just join a gym and find a trainer who can deal with this super weak muscles thing. I have a hard time standing upright and watching a movie for 2 hours, 20min in…
  • okay okay you've convinced me I"ll start aiming for 1000 deficit, so like 1450 net.. I've had only 1200 net so far and it's 10pm but I'll go eat a sandwich
  • I didn't plan to do it the rest of my life, I was planning to do it for about 4 months more (total 7 months) I will aim for 1500 then (gross) with 20min of treadmill at 3M/H and 2% incline and 10 min of lifting a day (starting out with 3lb dumbbells, yes benching 6lbs lol... but yeah I am weak enough that I can feel it in…
  • I am the definition of sedentary, I spent like 12 hours a day on a couch with a laptop for years now
  • won't I lose muscle mass no matter how small the deficit, isn't the loss of muscle linear with the weight loss Maybe I should be lighting weights then... I tried treadmill and wieghts for a week but my weight keept going up (water retention I think). I know it won't make a difference on weight loss over time once it levels…
  • also cooking doesn't add calories but often less water meas more caloric density and thus tastier
  • pasta label are for uncooked, most things are for uncooked unless they come precooked/prepared beware bones and skin when doing meat calculations, most nutritional information doesn't include the bone (or all not sure) some things can be confusing like pistachios sometimes they include the shell sometimes not, 6 cal/g…
  • i had some smart pasta and it weighed twice as much cooked
  • edit: "snake oil to me" i meant super-foods and supplements only
  • You could estimate by weighing only the skin after cooking with the above, (0.75)*(1 wing weight)*(provided cal/g)-(3.5*skin weight) the ratio of bone to meat+skin is probably fairly scale-able sorry for posting 4 of 5 in a row think i figured this out now :smile:
  • i got found another entry on another site with chicken skin cook at 3.49 cal/g ... i hate conflicting data ([40.9g -10g] * 1.9 cal/g) - (6g * 3.5 cal/g) 37 is more believable
  • damn it actually does say edible portion right on it... now i look stupid so ([40.9g -10g] * 1.9 cal/g) - (6g * 4.5 cal/g) = 30.7 calories 30.7/28.5= 1.08 i know some deli chicken is as low as 1 cal/g cooked, but does 1.1 make sense for wings... they seemed fatty like coated I mean with the fat from the skin that cooked…