lowcarbluvin Member


  • How did your mashed cauli turn out? I'm going to attempt tonight. Any tips?
  • Thank you so much for your input. I'm starting to obsess over everything and I know that's not going to work. I look at my macros and stress because I'm lower in fat today and higher in protein today, etc. It makes me want to throw in the towel when I get like that. I think I just need to take a step back and be good with…
  • Thank you. I just need to be patient. Maybe I do need to take some photos. I have never done that before but maybe that will show me some progress that the scale doesn't. ;) Congratulations on your weight loss!
  • I feel your pain. I have a mental issue with the scale as well. I KNOW you aren't supposed to weigh every day, but I do. I KNOW that your weight fluctuates from day to day, but it still bothers me. I have not lost an ounce since Friday and I KNOW that it will come, but it just brings me down. I am not losing as much as…
  • I, as well, am so frustrated. Doing everything right (I think) and macros are good 70 f 20 p 10 c but not losing at all. Ive done this before and lost so much more than what I have been losing and it's so frustrating. I don't even know what to do to change things up. I keep just plugging away and hope for the best. So, I…
  • I agree. It's been about a week do until.i start seeing issues I'm going to keep eating it.
  • I am but not in a place where there is a Kroger. I really wish I could find some. Thanks.
  • I'm sorry....I meant it was a net 3 carbs not a total 3 carbs. It's kind of sucky to use carbs on lettuce. :)
  • Thank you. 20 net seems to be a little hard for me so I'm happy if I'm around 25. Thank you
  • That's great. Thank you!
  • Thank you.
  • :)
  • B-16 oz black coffee w/ 1.5 TBSP heavy cream and 2 TBSP Torani SF vanilla syrup and Okios Triple Zero (a little more carbs than I like) w/1/4 c. pecans and 1 TBSP SF strawberry jam mixed in L- Romaine lettuce, 4 oz chicken breast, few cuke slices, 1 hard boiled egg, 1 TBSP french fried onions and ranch dressing S-2 fried…