anthony150paolucci Member


  • I'm wondering if maybe you are at too much of a calorie deficit and feel deprived and hungry during those days you eat healthy resulting in binging. How much of a calorie deficit below maintenance are you eating?
  • Your 101 years old and your still working out and eating healthy? You must have an unbelievable amount of energy.
  • I started my first cut on Monday. I want to get my body fat percentage low before I start thinking about bulking.
  • There is no way she lost 73 lbs in two months unless she had some special surgery.
  • If you are trying to lose weight, you can have one day each week where you eat your maintenance calories. This way you won't be in a deficit the whole time. Your calories this day don't necessarily have to be healthy, but try to fit them within maintenance. This way you won't ruin any of your progress and it gives you…
  • Your TDEE is your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (the amount of calories you burn in a day). You need to eat below this amount to be in a caloric deficit. You said you don't exercise. So I assume you are sedentary. You can use MyFitnessPal's recommended calorie intake using the calorie calculator and set yourself as…
  • How many calories are you eating under maintenance?
  • Water retention could be a possibility. I don't know what conditions you weigh yourself under, but make sure you are weighing yourself under the same conditions each day/week at the same time. What is your TDEE? How many calories are you eating? We need more information.
  • It is better to give 100% all the time when you workout. I don't feel the satisfaction if I work out at 50%. The way I look at it is, if you going to work out, you might as well make it count. With that said though, you don't want to over strain your muscles doing the same workout at high intensity every day. That is why I…
  • I get 50g of protein at breakfast eating tilapia fillets and oatmeal. Both are high volume foods that will keep you full and tilapia is low in calories, high in protein.
  • Have you tried eating fish? I am cutting as well and I have been eating tilapia fillets along with oatmeal for breakfast. Those foods are high volume and keep me satiated until my next meal, as well as throughout the day. Each are low in calories too. The carbs from oatmeal and the protein from tilapia is a great way to…
  • Are you strength training right now? It's possible after you drop 19 lbs your stomach will be decreased significantly, but if you start weight training along with core exercises you can tone your stomach the way you want it. Here is an article I found on that has exercises that can help rebuild your core…
  • Yeah, I guess I should have thought more clearly about my goal in the first post. At least I have finally come to a conclusion.
  • I'm glad I'm finally able to come to a conclusion as of what I really want. Maybe building muscle in the future sounds good, but you have to look at the present first and right now, right here, I want to lose fat. Which is what I plan to do. Yeah, don't worry. I won't get to the point where I am underweight. My body will…
  • According to the American Heart Association, 25 grams of sugar is the recommended limit . Fruit and veggies have sugar yes, but they also contains fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. I wouldn't worry too much about sugar from fruits/vegetables. Try and stay away more from processed sugar.
  • You know, I have been thinking about my goal and really I don't know even know if I want to build muscle right now. I just want to get rid of the excess fat I have now (even if it seems I don't have extra fat based on my stats). Your right, I don't have much fat left, but I really just want to get rid of it right now. So I…
  • Is a cut always used after a bulk? Because I have seen many times recommended on bodybuilding forums that people who are low on muscle with 15% body fat or higher and are new to lifting, they sometimes recommend you cut down to a lean level. When they say "cut" though, that means they are lifting while they are in a…
  • There really isn't a right or wrong path when it comes down to it though. If I bulk now while I am above 15% body fat, I will gain muscle along with a little fat. If I cut now while I am above 15% body fat, I will lose fat along with a little muscle. I prefer the second option because say I cut down to 10% body fat, I can…
  • Actually, I probably shouldn't have said I was following a structured program. I was watching a beginner strength workout focused on the basic lifts and movements. I feel as though I can go higher in weight even though I just started. So starting next week I am going to go higher in weight, but I don't think I should be…
  • I actually think I can agree with you on that. I will start off with 20 minutes HIIT and go from there.
  • I have taken the advice from the previous post into consideration, but I really don't want to spend time doing a recomp when I can just go down to a really lean level and have a base to start with to build muscle.
  • I just wanted to add one more thing, I said a 500 calorie deficit is the most you should be in. I meant 500 is the most you should be in calorie consumption wise since you are a 4'11" female. You can create a larger deficit through exercise depending on how much you need to lose.
  • Well it's impossible to spot reduce fat. As you lose weight, fat will decrease all over your body, but strength training can help tone certain areas.
  • Well, if you are looking to lose weight you need to be in a caloric deficit and if you are looking to gain muscle you need to begin a strength training routine that focuses on the lower half of your body. You can use MyFitnessPal's calorie calculator to determine how calories you need to lose weight. Since you are 4'11", a…
  • I can't see what your hinting at about what I said. Can you explain it to me?
  • I used my BMR * activity level and got around 2000. So I figured if I can cut 500 calories from maintenance, I can lose a pound a week on average.
  • My maintenance calories is around 2000. If I create a 500 calorie deficit and hit my protein intake, shouldn't I at least keep muscle loss minimal?
  • I understand why people think recomposition may be a good idea, but I'm not really interested in building a little muscle right now. My main goal is to lose fat while maintaining the muscle mass I have now. I want to cut down to a lower body fat percentage when I won't have a lot of muscle and fat on me. This will put me…