FireMike05 Member


  • Gatorade
  • Keep in mind this app gives everyone a general idea of how many calories for losing/gaining 1-2 lbs each week, it's not individualized at all. So if you were logging accurately it's just that your body needed less calories then the app was telling you to maintain that 1 lb lost each week.
  • Do you know what your maintenance calories are yet?
    in macros Comment by FireMike05 July 2016
  • Good advice here and I'd just like to add my 2 cents... Start somewhere as far as calories and then be consistent for a 5-7 days and see where your weight goes... I'll usually weigh myself first thing in the morning after I use the bathroom on an empty stomach to be a consistent as possible... Also keep in mind that if you…
  • Good luck! Consistency and determination is everything... With that you'll make it through the thick and thin, never give up!
  • Negative, not a certified PT! That will come once I finish my Exercise Science Degree but that's not my job nor goal.. I'm an EMT/Firefigter for the USAF and just happen to have a genuine passion for fitness and nutrition and willing to help anyone looking to change there physique or lifestyle.... Not claiming to be a PT…
  • Lots of good advice on here! If you'd like some help, shoot me a message and I can work with you in getting some results and offer some advice specific to the goal you have in mind.
  • Scratch the 1-1.5 protein... Didn't read thoroughly enough that you are a female.. Try to hit about .8 grams of protein per pound of your current body weight... If you need some help let me know and I can set you up with some good starting points for you to get the ball rolling
  • Patience and consistency over a the course of months.track and keep fat in take low up the carbs 1-1.5 protein and try to gain 2-3 pounds a month and train hard. Gain to fast back off... Gain to slow bump it up... Took me a full month to figure out how to slowly gain weight the way I wanted to... The first sentence is key.…
  • 1. That's the current macro ratio I use and it's worked for me and is one of my favorite ratios that I've tried out. 2. My advice for this is don't use the app to tell you what you should eat bc everyone is different and require different amounts. Having said that fine tune your calories to find out what you need to stay…
  • Not trying to be a critic but assuming you are natural, you will only be able to put on maybe 2 pounds of muscle in that time frame and that's if you are focused on building muscle and doing everything right... Having said that, that leaves you with roughly 24 pounds being all fat and water... Not going to be a good look…
  • Absolutely great to see someone with patience!!! Keep this going 1.5-2 lbs will yield amazing gains for us being all natural and wanting to maintain a lower bodyfat! Gaining any body fat is tough mentally but keep in mind tracking macros makes it incredibly simple to get the fat off keep progressing with the lean muscle…
  • A calorie surplus won't help you tighten your belly/abs but you can control and keep your fat gains to a minimum while gaining muscles by tracking everything accurately, training hard, fine tuning calories weekly, and patience! If your main focus is to tighten abs then I think even finding maintenance cals can yield some…
  • Ndj1979 has a good point, can't do both my friend! Gain some weight first, control your weight gains to .5-1 lb a week and then fine tune as you go, meaning if you are gaining to much fat to fast then taper back alittle bit until you hit a sweet spot... Remember everything you read telling you to start at 250 or 500 cal…