anaam27 Member


  • I don't want ro be rude or something so I will not write very much about this but I don't agree with you:) I simply don't and maybe I have other believes. I know how I and my stomach feel when I eat those tipe of foods so I simply prefer to avoid them as much as I can. I just stated this because I was looking for some help…
  • I feel better when I am not eating that much meat :) it's better for my body if I don't eat eggs drink cow milk or eat a large amout of meat
  • Thank you everyone, I guess I will start counting calories again and maybe I will see some results :)
  • Thank you :)
  • Ok thanks, I thought that 1461 is too much .. So I should follow the results I got?
  • IIFYM = if it fits my macros Is a way of eating where you can eat and indulge as long as you stay in the calories, protein, carbs and fat that were given to you You should search it for more informations :)
  • Thank you :) I will watch it
  • These are for sure some good tricks! Thank you so much for your answer
  • Thank you! I cook for my mom almost every day and I always go for healthy meals! I love cooking and experimenting with food, but the bad thing is, that she like to eat chips and sweets so she buy and bring them home. My boyfriend likes to eat junk food too so it is hard to not give up and eat bad. I tried talking to my mom…
  • OMG! I have never thought this way. You are so right! I often don't log my binges because I somehow think that if I don't log them they magically disappear haha I should take your advice and make some goals for myself, maybe this will help me :smile:
  • Oh this is amazing!! I have some before and after photos too but believe me or not, I look at them, hate how I used to look but still gave up :(
  • No no, most of the times I cook for both of us and put the healthy food on the table, but after or when she is eating what I made, she reach out for more food, usually bad food.
  • I know that if I would loose weight it would be for myself but believe it or not, even though I know that a higher weight will bring back a lot of problems, I continue to eat bad things and feel bad after...I am a mess somehow:))
  • Thank you so much!! It is very impressive! I do believe that one of my problems is that I am always influenced by the number of the scale and I know that is a very bad thing..
  • Thank you for the tip. I didn't find that app but found something similar, maybe this will help me. :)
  • I have almost a closet full myself :)) I also bought a nice black dress which I love but no motivation haha Anyway, congrats for your achivement
  • That is a good trick, thank you :smile: At dinner time my mom comes home hungry from work and at that time she puts everything on the table and I kinda eat from everything. Also she and my boyfriend likes sweets too much and eat them sooo..I can't always resit :(
  • Thank you everyone for your replies.. I do believe that fasting 5+2 would not work for me because probably I would eat a lot in those 5 days :)) So maybe as you said, I have to find my own way I am just scared that it will take me too long and I will continue to gain weight in the meantime :(
  • Nope, that didn't work
  • I will need some friends too
  • Hii :) I made a new account so I have no friends. Can you add me :)