sbrandt37 Member


  • Nope. That is never the problem. That whole "starvation mode" thing is a myth.
  • You still haven't really given enough information for anyone to answer your question, but the answer is either 1) you are eating more than you think, so get a food scale and weigh everything, or more likely, 2) weight loss is not linear, so stay the course and things will start moving again. Or both. Lots of things can…
  • My kids and I love to eat peanut butter with a slice up apple. I frequently have that for breakfast.
  • As others have already observed, those machines are notoriously inaccurate and so the results are completely meaningless. Ignore them. Home scale fat measurements are also very inaccurate. No doctor or serious athlete would trust them, and you shouldn't either. If you want to know what is happening with your body, the…
  • I'm a novice runner myself, but running on a treadmill is pretty different from running outside. It's great practice, but if you want to train to run outside, you really need to run outside as often as you can. I use the treadmill when it is pouring rain, but otherwise I get outside. In addition to getting better…
  • Looking at these two quotes in the context of the other things you wrote, it seems like you are thinking like a child instead of taking responsibility for your own needs. It is hard to break out of that pattern with one's parents, especially when living with them, but it is possible. Here's a lesson it took me way too long…
  • Here's some advice, from someone who learned the hard way: Don't FIND time for your health, MAKE time for your health. It is too important to make it a low priority thing to be done after other things. You must make it a high priority. You can't do a good job taking care of your children, working, or going to school if you…
  • I have been gluten-free for 15 years or so. The solution is to stop thinking about finding gluten-free substitutes for things you used to eat and just find gluten-free things you like. If you look for substitutes for things you like, you will be disappointed, because the substitutes are almost never as good as the…
  • 1. I liked your post 2. How do you feel about knowing that? 3. Inquiring minds want to know
  • 1. This wasn't half as bad as the time the 6+ foot long Brazilian Rainbow Boa got out and we couldn't find it, then had to sleep the night with it somewhere loose in the house. 2. I looked everywhere in the living room for it that time, including under the couch three different times. Seriously, where can a big fat orange…
  • 1. My son woke me in the middle of the night to tell me his 3-foot long jungle carpet python named "Bitey" got out of its cage somehow and he couldn't find it. While looking for it in his room, a piece of nylon fabric brushed against my foot and I nearly pissed myself. 2. We eventually found it, at head height on his…
  • It is entirely doable. I started running in mid-December--after spending 18 months using an elliptical 3 times/week--and can now run 10K. I highly recommend the C25K app. It starts with lots of walking and short intervals of running, then progressively increases the duration of the runs until you are just running. The key…
  • The laws of physics dictate that we cannot create energy from nothing. If anyone eats less calories than they burn each day, they must lose weight. If you don't weigh your food, you can't really know how much you are eating. You are guessing, and research shows that people, even dietitians, are lousy at guessing portion…
  • The simple fact is that there is nobody that cannot lose weight by creating a calorie deficit. There are only people that do not lose weight because they are not creating a calorie deficit. You are eating more than you think. It sounds like you know that a food scale is recommended and choose not to use one anyway. You are…
  • some of these triplets read a whole lot like haiku without meaning to
  • 1. The video below is the funniest thing I have seen in a long time 2. I have watched it an embarrassing number of times 3. My kids take this as the latest piece of evidence that I am weird
  • 1. I was out of town for a day-long meeting in Southern California. On my way back yesterday I had to wait four hours in the airport. I spent the entire time thinking about food, on MFP, and corresponding and talking with MFP friends. I think I'm a wee bit obsessed, but this obsession has led me to be the healthiest (and…
  • Lol. You couldn't pay me enough to make one.
  • I'm not sure it matters that much. Trout doesn't have that many calories to begin with, so you aren't going to be off by that much either way. Personally, I would just go with the cooked weight.
  • Hate them. Cheap bun, cheap meat, goopy sauce. Ugh. Horrible.
  • In the US, holiday does not always mean day off from work. It can just mean a day of celebration.
  • Most people believe that MFP overestimates calorie burns from exercise and recommend eating back 50-75% of what it estimates for exercise. Otherwise, it seems to be pretty accurate. I'm guessing if you do what it says, except for not eating back all of the exercise calories it says, you will lose weight.
  • I made some pasta alla oglio with them that came out really good. Easy to make and my kids loved it. Here's how you do it: - Rinse and boil the noodles per the instructions, drain them. - Finely mince half a dozen cloves of garlic and sauté in olive oil--a lot of olive oil, maybe 1/3 to 1/2 cup--over medium to medium high…
  • 1. We want to share our feelings, @Lovinastar, but most of us are afraid to. And I did post, @LL5lifts, but I like to complement people directly, so I also sent it to the person. 2. I'm sure the recipient didn't think me a creepy weirdo. 3. @LL5lifts, you create great threads. (See what I did there? Not creepy at all,…
  • 1. When I was younger I had bad enough asthma that I often had to be hospitalized. Based on some sort of childhood logic, I was certain that it would kill me by the age of 46. I forgot about that, then remembered when I turned 46, and thought "Hahahaaa, I cheated death!". For a variety of reasons, my health started…
  • Most people consider the calorie burn estimates for workouts to be too high. If you were eating back 100% of your workout calories, you might have been eating more than maintenance.