Finding Time to Work Out

I'm new and am looking for ideas to help start my weight loss goal. My current goal is to lose 30 lbs and to get healthier. I am currently having a hard time to find work out time and would like some ideas since I currently go to work full time, go to school and am a mother of two teenage kids. What are ideal times to work out and how do you keep it up? And what kind of work outs do you do?


  • rdevol
    rdevol Posts: 278 Member
    When I used to get a 1-hour lunchtime, I used to power walk for about 30 minutes with some of my coworkers. I loved getting exercise in during the day. That way if I wasn't able to work out that evening, I didn't feel so bad, and if I did work out at night, it was a bonus. Unfortunately I now only get 30 minutes for lunch, which isn't enough time to eat and walk. You might also consider taking about 5 or 10 minutes to "do the steps" at your work for a quick workout.
  • ohlean
    ohlean Posts: 5 Member
    I'm new and am looking for ideas to help start my weight loss goal. My current goal is to lose 30 lbs and to get healthier. I am currently having a hard time to find work out time and would like some ideas since I currently go to work full time, go to school and am a mother of two teenage kids. What are ideal times to work out and how do you keep it up? And what kind of work outs do you do?

    I hear ya! It takes A LOT of planning. During the week I like to get my work out first thing in the morning (get it out of the way). That's probably hard for you since you most likely have to take your kids to school. When my kids were teenagers I worked out during my lunch hour 2-3x's a week. I took a class which helped me keep it up. However, that meant taking 1.5 hours for lunch. I either came in a little earlier or stayed a little longer at work.

    I only worked out one day on the weekend depending on what family activity was planned. I woke up early and either did an exercise video, a 30-45 min workout routine that can be done at home (youtube has several), or took the kids with me on a bicycle ride. I eventually joined the local YMCA and the kids had their own activity while I took a class.

    On Sunday's I pre-made all my lunches and snacks for the week to avoid 'going-out' for lunch. We had a large fridge at work which helped and I brought ALL my food in to work on Monday's so I wouldn't forget to bring it in everyday. I also included dinner meals if I knew I wasn't going to get home at a decent hour.

    Hang in there!

  • veronicav0502
    veronicav0502 Posts: 112 Member
    Thanks! I appreciate the advice. I am going to try this :)
  • artanis50
    artanis50 Posts: 96 Member
    What kind of job do you have? I have a desk job and I brought weights into my office (i work from home). I try to lift weights or run in place during conference calls to get something in - even if its just a few minutes, in my opinion it's better than nothing! I also try to ride my bike at least 3 days a week for 30 minutes minimum. I work full time and have a 3 year old, plus the house to take care of, meals - you know the drill. It's hard to fit it in!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I primarily cycle...I thoroughly enjoy it and it's just a normal part of my day 4-5 days per's scheduled in just like anything else that needs to get done. I ride when I can get it in...sometimes that's my lunch break...sometimes I just get up early...sometimes it's in the evening...sometimes I'm busy and I'm limited to 20-30 minutes...other times I can get in an hour plus. I don't use weekends for my rest days because that's when I have the most available time.
  • veronicav0502
    veronicav0502 Posts: 112 Member
    artanis50 wrote: »
    What kind of job do you have? I have a desk job and I brought weights into my office (i work from home). I try to lift weights or run in place during conference calls to get something in - even if its just a few minutes, in my opinion it's better than nothing! I also try to ride my bike at least 3 days a week for 30 minutes minimum. I work full time and have a 3 year old, plus the house to take care of, meals - you know the drill. It's hard to fit it in!

    I do have a desk job, but I like the idea of weights! :)
  • veronicav0502
    veronicav0502 Posts: 112 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I primarily cycle...I thoroughly enjoy it and it's just a normal part of my day 4-5 days per's scheduled in just like anything else that needs to get done. I ride when I can get it in...sometimes that's my lunch break...sometimes I just get up early...sometimes it's in the evening...sometimes I'm busy and I'm limited to 20-30 minutes...other times I can get in an hour plus. I don't use weekends for my rest days because that's when I have the most available time.

    Good idea not to use weekends as rest days. Thanks!
  • c50blvdbabe
    c50blvdbabe Posts: 213 Member
    Definitely first thing in the morning before the day gets in the way. Try a 3 day on/1 day off approach as not to get overwhelmed in the beginning. You'll find the balance of what works for you.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Are you able to do anything at lunch? I also spend much of my work day at a desk, but go for a 1-1.5 mile walk at lunch most days. Some days, I skip over to the gym at lunch, if I'm able.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I primarily cycle...I thoroughly enjoy it and it's just a normal part of my day 4-5 days per's scheduled in just like anything else that needs to get done. I ride when I can get it in...sometimes that's my lunch break...sometimes I just get up early...sometimes it's in the evening...sometimes I'm busy and I'm limited to 20-30 minutes...other times I can get in an hour plus. I don't use weekends for my rest days because that's when I have the most available time.

    Good idea not to use weekends as rest days. Thanks!

    Also keep in mind that exercise doesn't have to be a daily thing of hours upon hours...I think this is where a lot of people get hung up, especially when they're trying to lose weight. Your weight loss is largely going to be attributable to your diet...regular exercise has numerous benefits, the least of which is expending a bit more energy (calories)...but the notion that you have to be doing all the exercise for all the hours for all the days to lose weight is a fallacy.

    The AHA recommends 150 minutes per week of light to moderate activity...that's 30 minutes 5x per week...most people can make time for that somewhere.

    And yeah...I don't understand weekend rest days...if the *kitten* is going to go down and I'm going to be too busy to get in a ride, it's going to be during the week, not the weekend.
  • smelliefeet
    smelliefeet Posts: 71 Member
    I don't work out in one chunk, I take 3-4 10-minute brisk walks a day. That's all you really need.

    Other than that, I have free weights at home that I use a few days a week when I have time.
  • veronicav0502
    veronicav0502 Posts: 112 Member
    TR0berts wrote: »
    Are you able to do anything at lunch? I also spend much of my work day at a desk, but go for a 1-1.5 mile walk at lunch most days. Some days, I skip over to the gym at lunch, if I'm able.

    No, I have a short lunch, but I think I can manage to take a 10 min walk break if I eat fast.
  • texasleahgirl
    texasleahgirl Posts: 96 Member
    I kept things simple when I started--20 minutes of walking in the morning, 20 minutes of walking on my lunch hour. Breaking it down into smaller increments helped me build a habit of daily movement just like brushing my teeth. I have since added more, changed times depending on the seasons, increased length and intensity but the 40 minute minimum most days remains. Don't overlook working in smaller workouts throughout your day during this phase of your life. Obligations change, healthy habits should be long-term!
  • MsDavis99
    MsDavis99 Posts: 101 Member
    I started with and am still going to the gym at 5am, I find it easier to get up and out while my daughter (she is 14 so no worries on her being home alone) is sleeping. I started with just doing 30 minutes of cardio 3 to 4 times a week and stated to notice change within the first 2 weeks. I also consulted with a trainer and stated to incorporate more workouts into my routine. take it slow figure out what works for you and your schedule as well as your goals. Also change your diet to make sure you are eating more clean foods and not processed foods.
  • veronicav0502
    veronicav0502 Posts: 112 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I primarily cycle...I thoroughly enjoy it and it's just a normal part of my day 4-5 days per's scheduled in just like anything else that needs to get done. I ride when I can get it in...sometimes that's my lunch break...sometimes I just get up early...sometimes it's in the evening...sometimes I'm busy and I'm limited to 20-30 minutes...other times I can get in an hour plus. I don't use weekends for my rest days because that's when I have the most available time.

    Good idea not to use weekends as rest days. Thanks!

    Also keep in mind that exercise doesn't have to be a daily thing of hours upon hours...I think this is where a lot of people get hung up, especially when they're trying to lose weight. Your weight loss is largely going to be attributable to your diet...regular exercise has numerous benefits, the least of which is expending a bit more energy (calories)...but the notion that you have to be doing all the exercise for all the hours for all the days to lose weight is a fallacy.

    The AHA recommends 150 minutes per week of light to moderate activity...that's 30 minutes 5x per week...most people can make time for that somewhere.

    And yeah...I don't understand weekend rest days...if the *kitten* is going to go down and I'm going to be too busy to get in a ride, it's going to be during the week, not the weekend.

    Thanks for all the info. I put that I needed to lose the 30 lbs because that's what the doc said so that I am at my healthy weight, but I really want to get all this hbp, cholesterol and pre-diabetes thing out of my system. I know what I eat and do contributes to these problems, but it is also hereditary on both sides of my family.
  • HeatherLeAnn622
    HeatherLeAnn622 Posts: 45 Member
    To work around my family and job obligations, I've been forced to work out before everyone wakes up. I get up at 5am...I'm not a morning person, so it's not the easiest, but I have no other choice right now.
  • sbrandt37
    sbrandt37 Posts: 403 Member
    Here's some advice, from someone who learned the hard way: Don't FIND time for your health, MAKE time for your health. It is too important to make it a low priority thing to be done after other things. You must make it a high priority. You can't do a good job taking care of your children, working, or going to school if you are not in good health. Make time to work on it every day, just like you do for the other important things in your life.

    Like the poster above, I do it first thing in the morning. That's the only time I can manage it before the weight of my other responsibilities takes over. The bonus is that it gives me more energy for the rest of the day.
  • Sedu1906
    Sedu1906 Posts: 145 Member
    Between work, my 60 minute commute, coming home to be with wife and two young sons, I find my self working out either early in the morning when everyone is sleep and around 9pm when the boys are in bed. Plus, I try to get some type of walk in while at work. I spend most of the day behind a desk.
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    edited February 2017
    I had a desk job for many years, and a family with teenagers. I learned that you have to move as much as possible throughout the day. As others have mentioned - walking on lunch or breaks. If you're allowed, then walk on your whole lunch and eat at your desk afterwards when you're back to work. Stand up stretch, do squats, leg lifts, high knees or calf raises when you're on the phone. Take the long way around to the bathroom. Take the stairs (if you have them) rather than elevator. Park further from the building. Park further from the grocery store.

    I used to work out in the evening while my husband and kids were watching TV while dinner was in the oven. Or I would watch TV with them, but get my dumbbells and do an arm workout while watching. Teenage kids are gone a lot, so hubby and I started meeting at the gym a couple times a week after work when there wasn't an event or game happening. If there were games I'd walk around the track or gym or baseball field before the game started if we had time. I'd even walk up and down the bleachers like a stair-stepper.

    Start viewing daily life as an opportunity to move more, rather than a roadblock. You'll find the time!
  • jendiaz9732
    jendiaz9732 Posts: 285 Member
    Not sure if you're off on weekends. But those are the best times for me to go especially since it is rather empty. And then I try to squeeze in a couple more workouts during week, even if it is just cardio and on days that I do weights during the week, I go to the gym after my kid is asleep. Basically anytime you are free, try and squeeze in a workout. Also, keep a gym bag in your car in case that an unexpected opportunity pops up!