AliceAxe Member


  • ive had people say comemnts about my appearence too, my big nose and why dont I get a nose job, Ive got bad teeth from dental malpractice and just generaly not very attractive. but as my boyfriend says, we are not our bodies our bodies are just vehicles for our souls. our best goal is to keep it in the best running…
  • try this link
    in Help Comment by AliceAxe July 2016
  • I grind up fresh vegtables in a chopper/food processor until a mush and then add it to recipies. adding a little liquid to the process helps. very good for cold dishes like tuna salad made with a little olive oil or add to soups or smoothies. salsas and hummus can be made out of all sorts of ground up vegggies and beans.…
    in Help Comment by AliceAxe July 2016
  • the math part is realy hard for me, so is the calorie trackign and logging, I didnt do too bad at first when I was jsut cutting portions, but my wieghtloss staled and though I cut back more to even under 1000 calories ,no more wieght loss. I realy cant cut back any farther without it being unhealthy for me. that…
  • wow many of you seem to have very unsupportive partners and that is realy sad. after several bad relationships like this with people who didnt take care of themselves I said never again. if they dont care about themselves how can they care about me? my BF now struggles with it because of his medical problems, he gets bad…
  • i detest the smell of cooked califlower, but I have successfuly uiused in in smaller doses in dishes by adding it in as a minor ingredient and it is a rather nutral flavor so it blends well with many things especialy when crumbled
  • I have very bad sleep apnea and no treatment. the CPAP doesnt work on me , becuase the back pressure totaly closes my throught off. one doc suggested surgury to cut out my entire throut. Ive read the success rate isnt good with that, besides Ive also got central apnea which means my brain doesnt tell my body to breathe so…
  • Ive had the same problem. tried all kinds of things, low carb low fat, exersize 1200 cal diet etc etc,over the past year I have very slowly and carefully tapered back my calories as I raise my exersize, and every time I do I may lose a few lbs only to gain it right back. now I am eating less than ever before killing myself…
    in Frustrated Comment by AliceAxe July 2016
  • make sure to ask the doc for a EPI fecal fat test to rule out that disorder. it can cause weight loss mood disorders and worse.
  • if your feeling faint and such that sound like it could be a touch of hypoglycemia? I know because Ive got it bad. you can have it without having diabetis. I hate it, I have to eat constantly like shrew, every 2-4 hours, or i get shakey and weak and disoriented, at times Ive passed out if Ive gone too long. fasting is out…
  • you look fine. perhaps if you are troubled by your appearence and comments it is something to talk to a therapist about if you are having body image /dysmorphic and self esteme issues. that being said, google stuff on body shape and type. some types may make a person look curvier or thiker vs thinner and a striaghter more…
  • interesting posts, I have been wondering if my problem is hormonal because all of a sudden I started gaining weight in the last year or sofor no reason. I am post menapausal and have benine thyroid nodules. Ive had my thyroid tested doesen times and the numbers are always normal. im not on any meds. I started on MFP on a…
  • just watched this haha too funny , but made a great point that change takes time and consistant efforts
  • I think Ive got something medicaly wrong, becuase often I cna eat a big meal and still still feel hungry , like it never goes away. some times for about 2 hours, if I eat huge unhealty amounts. sometimes I can stuff myself and feel so bloated and still feel hungry. other dyas I have no appetite at all. I hate it. all those…
  • gorillas eat meat. deer have been known to eat meat too and scavenge off carcasass. Bears hunt deer, wolves eat nuts and berries. most animals are probly ominvoris , if only to a small extent.
  • is currently working on the production of above mentioned porno
  • is staring in her own reality TV show soon to be aired on the Playgirl Channel.
  • He makes some good points.
  • I drink my chocolate. right now I am having a sppoonful of ovaltine in a cup of coffee. the coffee seems to make it seem richer, also hot coco is great you can make your own with coco power and splenda and use your own choice of llowfat milk or non dairy beverage.. the coco powder itself has few calories. its all the fat…
  • i love them but can get sick of them easily and my BF is very picky and doenst want to eat then so ive found ways to use them by grinding them up and putting them in stuff. it depends on what recipies and foods you like. I use a food processor and grind up onions garlic mushrooms cellery zuccini egg plant and squash and…
  • suggested google "the truth about fat burning supplements"
  • you look good, but its how you FEEL that counts. and I cna relate to how you feel. people tell me, oh you look thin and good , but I dont feel comfortable. I felt my best at about 15 -20 lbs lighter. I feel the same still too 'jiggly' , there is a roll of fat on the back of my arms and that hangs off the back of my legs,…
  • lol yeah I love barBQs too! so easy to overendulge! pot lucks are good because you can bring your own healthy dish to make sure you fill up on first ;) even if not ask there is no harm in showing up with an offering, most people appreciate that even they dont ask. you could suggest some recipies to your host or hostess. or…
  • how about nutrition bars? there are realy good healthy ones on the market now packed with flavor and dense calories and nutrition, sweet and yummy too like candy bars. what kid could resist that? ;)
  • are you very short and petite? have you had your thyroid checked? I would suggest you see your doctor and a good nutritionist.
  • glad you enjoyed our posts and thanks for sharing yours. wow you are lucky to have had such an amazing experience! haha that must have been chilling indeed! I had a look at the Cornwall beaches on Google maps street views, they are realy beautiful. I'll recommend them to my daughter. She is currently in Portugal now…