Heavier than I look?

First let me apologize if this post screams I want attention, NOT my intention. I feel the opinion of strangers will be a bit more honest than those who are close to me. I have recently gone from 190 to 140 and I honestly still feel wide, jiggly, and still more on the large side. I am 5'6 with a body fat % of 20.7. I have reached my first goal weight but still genuinely dont feel like I look as thin as I am supposed to look for my weight/height and was wondering of yall could be honest and tell me what weight range you would assume I was in had I not told yall it. Also any advice on what weight goal might better suit me/ fitness tips at all would be appreciated. I will post 4 pics in different apparel so you can kind of see it all. Its my bathing suit not my under garments in the one btw. Thanks so much for your time and honesty. yi9btnvo94f7.jpeg


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I'm confused...Do you mean you think you look like you weigh LESS than you do?

    You're 5'6" at 140 with a good body composition. I assume you do some sort of weight training. If you continue to do so, with a progressive overload, and eat at maintenance or slightly below-you will become a little less jiggly.

  • shanna_wainwright
    shanna_wainwright Posts: 35 Member
    Honestly.... It's in your head. You're still seeing yourself thru your old eyes. Take your new jeans and lay them on top of your old jeans. Seeing the size difference might help you.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    No, you do not look heavier than you are. I'd guess you were between 130-140 lbs.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    I think you look great, but it depends on what look you are going for. Your BF is pretty evenly distributed. You have a thin waist, developed glutes, etc. If you are looking for more definition, you might want to go around 17%BF. The men can chime in, but most guys would probably prefer the curves you have now.
  • GingerRebelle
    GingerRebelle Posts: 10 Member
    You look amazing! You definitely don't look over 140 and I'd have easily guessed 130 if I hadn't known. People who lose weight can tend to go through a bit of body dysmorphia as you adjust to the "new you". Your going to be critical at first but you should allow yourself to accept that you look really great and not at all like you jiggle. Lol
  • dropitlikeasquat87
    dropitlikeasquat87 Posts: 53 Member
    Our bodies are similar, I'm 5'7 around 140. So I do know what you mean about feeling jiggly still. Just keep doing what you're doing and don't forget about weight training, because that's what's going to shape your body. And of course eating well. I'm doing the same, we'll both get there.
  • unawind
    unawind Posts: 46 Member
    Your body composition is my goal. I'm 5'6" and currently 150,down from 165, but am very jiggly.
  • OlyCapitalChick
    OlyCapitalChick Posts: 236 Member
    You look great. I mean if you want to bring it all in and cut your look you really need to weight train. Otherwise the scale is a dumb number. I dont know you but if you feel jiggly? I believe you.
    You are at the perfect part of your health journey and body fat to knock it outta the park if you started weight training. To be clear thats not to bulk up. Just cut your lines and be less jiggle feeling.
  • AliceAxe
    AliceAxe Posts: 172 Member
    you look good, but its how you FEEL that counts. and I cna relate to how you feel. people tell me, oh you look thin and good , but I dont feel comfortable. I felt my best at about 15 -20 lbs lighter. I feel the same still too 'jiggly' , there is a roll of fat on the back of my arms and that hangs off the back of my legs, and it feel realy uncomfortable and heavy. why I try to do aerobics I feel the inertia from all the extra weight, I used to have a thigh gap i dont have any more and the feeling of my thighs rubbing together when I walk is uncomfortable. I also have arthritis and can feel the difference on my joints with the extra weight. I am trying to get down to my lowest healthy BMI and see how that feels. I think another answer is exersize and toning up as being realy important.

    looking at your photos it seems perhaps because you have a build where you are narrower in the hips it makes you look slimmer. realy its your body fat ratio that counts isnt it?
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I think you look great ! Don't worry about weight loss . instead start a strength training program!
  • AlyssaAnne03
    AlyssaAnne03 Posts: 79 Member
    You look great!
    Sounds like you want to tone up!
    Try heavy weights and running/incline walking and make sure your water intake is up! Swimming and hot yoga may help too.
    Make sure your protein intake is high
  • AlyssaAnne03
    AlyssaAnne03 Posts: 79 Member
    I know how you feel,
    Try a waist trainer (not so tight you can't breathe) when you do cardio. And focus mostly on high intensity (like sprints) and weight lifting.
    And just keep at it <3 body sculpting takes time and dedication and you are doing so great at that.
  • emmylootwo
    emmylootwo Posts: 172 Member
    edited May 2016
    I agree with some of the above commenters. I would honestly guess you were 125-130 pounds. You look very good and congrats on your hard work! Now it might be time to work on changing your body composition a little bit (20% is very healthy for women!!) without necessarily losing more weight AKA "tone up," strength train. I don't have a ton of experience with it, but hopefully some others can push you in the right direction.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    edited May 2016
    anpanasci wrote: »
    I have recently gone from 190 to 140 and I honestly still feel wide, jiggly, and still more on the large side. I am 5'6 with a body fat % of 20.7.

    I'm 5"6" ... and you look much like I did when I was 140 lbs. And that does seem to be the jiggly phase for some reason.

    I'm about 15 lbs lighter than that now, but I still feel like I look 140 lbs. That's how our perceptions work. :grin:

    Anyway ... have a look at this thread, and specifically the link in the first post. It will give you an idea what you really look like. :)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    You look great!
    Sounds like you want to tone up!
    Try heavy weights and running/incline walking and make sure your water intake is up! Swimming and hot yoga may help too.
    Make sure your protein intake is high

    And stair climbing ... real stairs if you've got them. Climbing 30-40 flights a day (in addition to walking and cycling) has done wonders for my quads.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I have little idea what 120lbs, 140lbs, 160lbs etc look like on a woman so I can't help you there.

    I do know when someone looks in shape though.

    You look in shape.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I am a similar height and weight (I'm about 7lb heavier though) and I am much bigger and more jiggly round the tummy area. Your legs are also thinner than mine. You are still thinking of yourself as a heavy person - we all do it and its hard to break. You have obviously worked hard and you have a fantastic figure - enjoy it!
  • JoshuaMcAllister
    JoshuaMcAllister Posts: 500 Member
    You look great, its all in your head.

    I just know there are users viewing this envious that you've reached your goal and shouting at the screen because they don't see what you see.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I know how you feel,
    Try a waist trainer (not so tight you can't breathe) when you do cardio. And focus mostly on high intensity (like sprints) and weight lifting.
    And just keep at it <3 body sculpting takes time and dedication and you are doing so great at that.

    This is incorrect info
    A waist trainer is not going to help this op or anyone. They are gimmicks.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I know how you feel,
    Try a waist trainer (not so tight you can't breathe) when you do cardio. And focus mostly on high intensity (like sprints) and weight lifting.
    And just keep at it <3 body sculpting takes time and dedication and you are doing so great at that.

    Mostly not good advice at all.

    OP you look fine - but if you are feeling "fat" (you aren't) at this weight you can consider training that will increase your muscles to fat ratio - this involves working with strength training of some sort - most effectively weight training. But do something that you can stick to and enjoy.

    Forget waist trainers and forget sprints, neither is needed for a recomposition.