Curvy or thin



  • pdgoffin
    pdgoffin Posts: 4 Member
    Looking at those photos, if you're not having to beat men off you with a stick then it's only because you're so attractive that most men assume that you're completely 'out of their league' so they avoid talking to you as they assume you'd reject them.

    If women are saying negative things about you, it's because they're jealous.

    Honestly, from those pictures, you have a body many women would kill for.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited June 2016
    People have been saying I'm not curvy. I'm "like a stick" "your thin and that's ok" I'm mad and idk why. Cus I posted this about being a curvy girl and everyone is attacking me saying idk what curvy is. Do u think I am curvy or thin? I don't want to have no curves ... Curves are healthy and I don't want to look sick u know
    I don't know why people flagged your post. Just in case you are for real, I'm going to take your post at face value that you are being genuine.

    Emma, you have a really flat stomach and are retaining feminine curves, which is great.
    People are probably "attacking" you because they don't really believe you are asking these questions for real. You are trim, however you are not underweight and are certainly not sickly or anorexic looking.

    Not everyone has your best interests at heart. There are people out there who love to try to tear others down to make themselves feel better.

    But because you are smaller than the average sized person many are likely to say you are "thin" not intending it to be derogatory. My advice would be to thank people and take that as a compliment if they say that you are thin.
  • AliceAxe
    AliceAxe Posts: 172 Member
    you look fine. perhaps if you are troubled by your appearence and comments it is something to talk to a therapist about if you are having body image /dysmorphic and self esteme issues. that being said, google stuff on body shape and type. some types may make a person look curvier or thiker vs thinner and a striaghter more boxy build. cant change that its genetic but as soemone siad , mabee weights for more bulk or definition f thats what your going for.
  • keithahayes78
    keithahayes78 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm not sure if your worried about being attractive or not, but I will just say that sexy is an attitude, not a body type. People that are comfortable in their own skin can be sexy regardless of whether they meet some arbitrary definition of attractiveness. Insecurity is the opposite of sexy. If you're not comfortable with the way you look you have the power to change it. If you are, then others will be too. Either way it starts with you.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    People who are "curvy" hourglass shapes tend to retain that shape whether they gain or lose weight. I wouldn't worry about what others call you if you consider yourself curvy and like to use that term, then go for it.
  • CalorieCountChocula
    CalorieCountChocula Posts: 239 Member
    I don't have an answer but I wish men would invent a few new ways to spin their size like women have because "big man" just isn't cutting it as a pseudo compliment. "Big and tall" is about as nice as it gets but let's be honest, it's usually "big or tall" and everyone knows it. Ammmmmmirite?
  • TravisJHunt
    TravisJHunt Posts: 533 Member
    Here's a question, why do the two have to be mutually exclusive. Can't you be thin and curvy at the same time. One is more about ones overall body composition while the other is more focused on specific features (usually but the butt and bust). So to me you can be thin and curvy, which I would classify you as. You hardly look like a person who is starving, but you also look like you take good care of yourself. While I partially agree with what folks here are saying is that you have to be happy with you, I also disagree that some nice compliments are a bad thing. You look great and take pride in that! Keep up the good work and keep smiling!
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    I don't have an answer but I wish men would invent a few new ways to spin their size like women have because "big man" just isn't cutting it as a pseudo compliment. "Big and tall" is about as nice as it gets but let's be honest, it's usually "big or tall" and everyone knows it. Ammmmmmirite?

    Yes. I've heard others say, "Big Guy" in a friendly pseudo compliment kind of way. "Teddy Bear" is a nice way to describe some guys. I don't know if the guys like being called that though.

    It is true that big girls have adopted the PC version "curvy" and have forever changed the original Marilyn Monroe version of the term.
  • Soccermavrick
    Soccermavrick Posts: 405 Member
    OK, the first thing you need to realize is that everyone has their own definition of skinny and curvy based on their perspective. And the reality is that we should all feel sexy in our own skin. However the fashion industry who makes money selling clothing often uses these same terms as buzz-words, and they often times further mix definitions up.

    From looking, by my definition you are thin or slender, but in a very healthy way. I think a number of people who might fall into the curvy arena would love to have what you have. But again life is about reaching a state of happiness with who you are.
  • RosieRose7673
    RosieRose7673 Posts: 438 Member
    I don't have an answer but I wish men would invent a few new ways to spin their size like women have because "big man" just isn't cutting it as a pseudo compliment. "Big and tall" is about as nice as it gets but let's be honest, it's usually "big or tall" and everyone knows it. Ammmmmmirite?

    Lol! My uncle's brother is legit big and tall. 6'6 and ~300 lb.

    He also frequently wears a shirt that says, "I have the body of a god...Unfortunately it's a Buddha!"

    My dad also refers to himself as a manly apple. He's quite like a sphere with thin legs!

    Sorry to derail this post!
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I don't have an answer but I wish men would invent a few new ways to spin their size like women have because "big man" just isn't cutting it as a pseudo compliment. "Big and tall" is about as nice as it gets but let's be honest, it's usually "big or tall" and everyone knows it. Ammmmmmirite?

    Lol! My uncle's brother is legit big and tall. 6'6 and ~300 lb.

    He also frequently wears a shirt that says, "I have the body of a god...Unfortunately it's a Buddha!"

    My dad also refers to himself as a manly apple. He's quite like a sphere with thin legs!

    Sorry to derail this post!

    Lol That is so cute :lol:
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    synacious wrote: »
    I usually bite my tongue, or hold back my fingers, in cases like this but after seeing all the photos here I feel like I have to type this. If you really want feedback on your body from strangers, you should post straightforward photos like stated earlier in the thread. Almost every one of these photos is angled or has you contorting your body in certain ways to achieve your most flattering angles. This is why some people are taking this as a "fish for compliments" thread more than a "be honest with me" thread.

    That's not to say you don't look good! You're at a healthy weight, you have a soft look as stated earlier in the thread, and you have what seems to be a symmetrical face with minimal acne. For most people, that's really all it takes to be more than average on the attractive scale. You'll be a stick to some, curvy to some, and neither for others. As long as you're happy with yourself, that's what matters.

    Well said, especially the first paragraph.

    @Emmamarceau7 can we get some straightforward photos?
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited June 2016
    Has the OP even bothered coming back to this thread? How many of her photos are floating around on the interwebz..

    OP judging by your pics you have no need to feel so deeply insecure and desperately trying to seek validation from a bunch of internet strangers. You look great to me, many women would love to have your body :smile:
  • st476
    st476 Posts: 357 Member
    Damn people are so rude on here! I can't believe how many people are telling you you need help for being so "insecure" and what not.
    Even if she did post this just for compliments, what's so bad about that? We all want to be complimented. Don't you like being complimented on your body when you worked hard to make it look a certain way and you feel good about yourself? There's nothing wrong with that.
    Why is it so hard to just answer her question and maybe make someone feel good about themselves?
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited June 2016
    There isn't anything wrong with asking what people think about body types. If she weren't so pretty there wouldn't be the cattiness.
  • richardpkennedy1
    richardpkennedy1 Posts: 1,890 Member
    Thin. Definitely not curvy! What's your height and weight? You are very attractive by the way
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited June 2016
    st476 wrote: »
    Damn people are so rude on here! I can't believe how many people are telling you you need help for being so "insecure" and what not.
    Even if she did post this just for compliments, what's so bad about that? We all want to be complimented. Don't you like being complimented on your body when you worked hard to make it look a certain way and you feel good about yourself? There's nothing wrong with that.
    Why is it so hard to just answer her question and maybe make someone feel good about themselves?

    Because it's attention seeking. People who aren't insecure don't go posting half naked photos of themselves on the internet fishing for compliments

    You just said what I was thinking, but didn't have the nerve to post :+1: 10000000% agree!!
  • ItsyBitsy246
    ItsyBitsy246 Posts: 307 Member
    st476 wrote: »
    Damn people are so rude on here! I can't believe how many people are telling you you need help for being so "insecure" and what not.
    Even if she did post this just for compliments, what's so bad about that? We all want to be complimented. Don't you like being complimented on your body when you worked hard to make it look a certain way and you feel good about yourself? There's nothing wrong with that.
    Why is it so hard to just answer her question and maybe make someone feel good about themselves?

    Because it's attention seeking. People who aren't insecure don't go posting half naked photos of themselves on the internet fishing for compliments

    Hmmm.... so assuming the OP posted because she is insecure, and could use a compliment/validation. Not sure why that is worthy of wrath???? Please explain.