The pain of failure is worse than the pain of discipline.
I am definitely not a believer anymore that it's ALL about calories in and calories out. I have noticed incredibly better results IFing consuming the same amount and type of calories as I did when I would eat them throughout the day. My experience IFing has reinforced the research I've seen on it. There's definitely…
I do 16:8 and my window to eat is 10:6. On days I work, I wake up and do cardio at 4 AM. On days I do NOT work. I weight lift on a deficit before my window and I get a 3-4 mile run in during the evening. Contrary to what one may think, my lifts are continuing to get stronger. I'm not lifting for strength or mass, strictly…
Intermittent fasting has helped me tremendously and I'm seeing really good results. I'm a binge eater myself and can easily hit 6-7,000 calories on a splurge day. With IF, it forces me to get my calories in an 8 hr period. (I'm doing 16:8 and staying around 1700-1800 calories) it almost kind of satisfies that binge eater…
I'm curious to know how it works for you. Keep me posted. IF has been amazing for me.
Anyone struggling with this may want to try intermittent fasting. I'm not saying this will absolutely work but it's worth trying something new. It has DRASTICALLY helped me with my compulsion to eat at night time.
Thanks, man. I appreciate the details.
Good work, bro. How long did it take to get the 25 lbs off? What was your starting weight if you don't mind me asking. Also, did you stick to a strict 2200 calorie diet the ENTIRE time or did you fluctuate at all?
Interesting read. Ironically enough, supplementing with BCAAs has actually decreased my cravings.