WxGirLiz Member


  • I decided to quit taking Saxenda. I quit cold turkey and after 4 days off the medication I became violently ill. Vomiting, rectal bleeding and and abdominal pain. I gained 3.3 lbs after one week. This Saturday I will be going for an upper and lower scope to see what's the damage. I'm thinking ulcers. I will not take this…
  • July 21st, 2016 - 208.0 lbs After one full month at the full dose I had no change. Like others in this group have mentioned, I need to listen to the medication/my body and when I feel full stop consuming calories. I've been on holidays and didn't track, drank to many margaritas and ate too many late night snacks. It's a…
  • Boost for diabetics is good.
  • That's the whole point of the medication. So it's important to make those few bites count. I have a meal replacement shake at least once a day to make sure I get the vitamins and minerals you need.
  • Week 5 - Day 4 Weighed 208.0 lbs yesterday. It's a different scale then what I see at home but wil be my full dose marker since I will now be weighed monthly at the clinic.
  • Week 5 - Day 1 Dose - 3.0 mg (Finally up to the full dose.) Attending Wharton Weight Loss Clinic on Tuesday June 21st for an official weigh-in and then again July 21st. Lets see if this stuff works!
  • Week 4 - Day 4 I'm really beginning to notice the positive effects of Saxenda. Side effects of nausea have subsided. I feel full very quickly and if I continue to eat I get terrible indigestion. I need to listen to my body and regardless of what is still on my plate, when I'm full I'm finished. I'm still quite constipated…
  • Happy to have finished my first day of the word HAPPY!
  • Week 4 - Day 1 Dose - 2.4 mg Weight - 208.6 Week Loss - 1.3 lbs Total Loss - 4.6 lbs
  • Last week's word was to difficult for me to start. I can do happy!
  • I'm also at 1.8...I'm stepping up .6 per week.
  • I had to put in a preauthorization. Sunlife agreed to pay 80% for one year.
  • Week 3 - Day 1 Dose - 1.8 mg Weight - 209.9 Week loss - 2.4 lbs Total loss - 3.3 lbs
  • Week 2-Day 6 Again had a rough night on evening of day 5. Big time munchies. Stayed away from bad food but had a 50 calorie pepperette and a low cal fudgecicle. After eating, felt gross. Lots of Acid reflux. I need to find a distraction to take my mind of munchies. On another note...my period started yesterday 6 days…
  • Congrats on breaking your plateau. Your comment about letting the medication tell you your full hit home with me. I've been fighting it. Eating more and suffering later mostly acid reflux. I'm going to try and mellow out a bit and when I'm full just stop eating...save it for a snack later or throw it out. Thanks!
    in Success! Comment by WxGirLiz June 2016
  • Week 2-Day4 Attended Wharton Medical Weight Loss Clinic for session 3 - meal plan. I lost 2 lbs in the last 2 weeks. I'm feeling quite nauseous everyday all day but its tolerable. He said that would continue until I get up to the full 3.0mg strength and then I would get use to it. Sweet foods make me feel worse then…
  • Week 2 - Day 1 Dose - 1.2 mg Weight - 212.3 lbs Weeks Loss - 0.9 lbs Total Loss - 0.9 lbs It's a slow start but moving in the right direction.
  • Week 1-Day 6 Totally lost my mind at Mc Donalds last night. Had a Quarter Pounder BLT, Poutine, Iced Tea and then a soft serve Ice Cream at Costco later. Went 1000 calories over my limit. I was surprised I was able to eat so much because since I've started taking Saxenda I've felt full after only a few bites of food. Back…
  • I take it in the morning as recommended by Saxenda(Canada). Yesterday by mid afternoon I could barely keep my eyes open. A coffee and Fibre One Chocolate Chip cookie pulled me through the afternoon.
  • Week 1 - Day 3 Took a double dose :/ I haven't had any side effects and after my 0.6 mg shot this morning it didn't look like the plunger was going down at all (I've had 3@0.6mg shots) so I thought maybe it wasn't working. I did the prep squirt again and then took another 0.6 mg shot. Feeling it now! It's been about 3…
  • Week 1 - Day 1 Weight 213.2 Dose 0.6 Let's see what happens!