John1643 Member


  • when I'm "behaving" or trying to lose - whatever you want to call it breakfast: cheesestick and a tablespoon of creamer in my coffee lunch around 600 - 700 calories: some variation of quinoa, vegetables, meat - maybe Mexican seasoned beef or chicken with salsa and cheese, maybe stir fry, whatever. Then something sweet;…
  • I have in the past - when I was younger - this time around (Mid 40's) I didn't have success until I stopped snacking. I had to reorder my eating to see results. Kind of like appetite retraining. Once I got out of the habit of snacking it seemed to lessen my appetite (took months) which made it easier to stick to my calorie…
  • Anyone can add me - I'll be 44 in Feb. Spent all last year taking off nearly 40 pounds, would like to take off another 5 - then the big trick - keep it off.
  • salt and maybe a mild allergic reaction come to mind? Lots of water and maybe some benadryll couldn't hurt
  • I cook ahead, usually Sunday, and I make extra of things so I can serve it multiple times or have it for lunch. For dinner we always have a protein than I stick to produce side dishes, maybe made that night, maybe reheated. My daughter swims competitively nearly year round so I usually serve some pasta or rice (she doesn't…
  • So much junk in the house but that's life. Back to logging every day, and abstaining from the sugary stuff. Making a cauliflower au gratin to use up some cheeses and a lentil soup with left over Christmas ham for dinner- odd pairing but I hate when healthy stuff gets tossed. My goals through Friday; log everything, stay…
  • I think this is highly individual and will likely change as your baby goes through growth spurts. Keep track of what you're eating and it's impact on your supply, I think you'll be the only one to really know what will work. Back when I was nursing I was on WW and would eat all my points, all my nursing points, all my flex…
  • I bounce from dabbling to addicted, it really is great for developing your upper body and just what it does for your posture. If your taking an athletic vinyasa classes I think that's all you need to tone up arms shoulders and chest. I don't find it's enough for my lower body - I need weights, squats, plyometric moves to…
  • I've lost over 30 this past year, honestly I would be happy to stay right where I am, thrilled to drop another 7 or 8 but know that it's going to be a struggle to maintain - especially this time of year. Hell come January 1 I may be looking at 10 more to lose - not positive, I really mean to be more positive than that -…
  • Been going well for a year, have a few more to lose and then maintenance. Could use some support
  • I get up at 5 am Mon, Wed & Thurs and do a 35 minute HIIT routine. I round it out with a full body weight work out on the weekend and then grab some bike time, maybe some yoga or a hike here and there. But I find that even just the HIIT routines are keeping me in just as good of shape as when I was working out at a lower…
  • I'm exactly the same way. In order to snap out of it I need to "ground" myself a bit - eliminate decision making and choices. Plan out at least one week, preferably two - every meal, every bit of free time. Plan, prepare and pack every breakfast lunch and dinner. Figure out what you're going to do with each bit of non…
  • I had 30 pounds to lose after college (age 22) and 1200 would have been unnecessarily low for a 1 -2 pound weekly weight loss with regular exercise. I mostly kept that off until 37-38-ish when it started to creep back on. At 43,with regular exercise (including strength training), I need to keep it around 1200 - 1400…