Looking for friends with a final 10-15 lbs to lose

This seems to be the hardest place for me! My body fights me when I get within 10 lbs of my goal weight! I feel like I'm just constantly losing and gaining the same 10 lbs. Am really trying to kick this and get to my goal in the next 3 months. Anybody else stuck that wants a new friend??


  • sunny_d22
    sunny_d22 Posts: 316 Member
    That's exactly how much I have left to go! At 155 now, goal is 140/145.

    That's me, I'm down 50 pounds and am working to get into the 140s. I'm not in a rush, but really do want to get there!
  • buckleten
    buckleten Posts: 205 Member
    Same here! I am at 140 hoping to get to 130 but I never seem to get much below 140, I just keep gaining and losing the same 8-10lbs! I will add you :-)
  • graceanthony19
    graceanthony19 Posts: 47 Member
    Same here! I'm down to pre-pregnancy weight but I want to lose 10-15 more. Add me!
  • kimkimcoleman
    kimkimcoleman Posts: 105 Member
  • RunningMom1038
    RunningMom1038 Posts: 144 Member
    I'm working off the last 10-15! I'm sending you a request. Anyone else can feel free to add me, as well!
  • tmn2016
    tmn2016 Posts: 159 Member
    I'm having the same struggle and I think it's more mental than physical. I've dieted for 1 year, lost 45 lbs but the last 10 have been impossible. Now with the holidays it's even harder with temptations everywhere. So I told myself that I will maintain this weight until January 2nd and then I need to get focused again and just do it. But I can't gain any back....that's a. Halle he in itself.

    Anyone here please feel free to add me as a friend and since it seems that everyone here is in the same boat, why don't we keep this discussion alive and help each other?
  • cbstewart88
    cbstewart88 Posts: 453 Member
    Me!!! I've lost 31 lbs...now at 151 - want to get to 140. Seems to be going so S-L-O-W....
  • cmtristani
    cmtristani Posts: 117 Member
    I'm in the same position, down to the last 10 or so... and it's proving difficult. Very slow. Month to month pictures show very small changes now.
  • sue4159
    sue4159 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello, This is my first post on here . I'm fed up with going one step forward and two steps back. I need to lose 10 lbs but feel it might as well be 100. I had quite a good routine going in the gym, using Jillian Michaels dvds. I was going for the Ripped in 30 challenge, then I tweaked something in my back, and I've been immobile for five days now. I know it's only muscular and I've been taking ibuprofen and icing the area, stretching etc, but my motivation and resolve have taken a big hit.
    Anyone got any tips on how to get the attitude back?
  • sue4159
    sue4159 Posts: 24 Member

    That sounds just like me. It's so hard keeping the motivation going when you feel like you're not getting anywhere. Also ends up being destructive. I've caught myself thinking, 'oh well, can't exercise because of bad back, feel miserable, so I'll have a cookie to cheer myself up!' Duh...
    Me!!! I've lost 31 lbs...now at 151 - want to get to 140. Seems to be going so S-L-O-W....

  • sue4159
    sue4159 Posts: 24 Member
    [Same here. I cant get the last 10 lbs off either . Its almost harder than starting from scratch , as it feels like hitting your head off a brick wall. Woukd be happy to be your friend and kick this forever! Not really used to community sites, so i hope this is the way to reply. Learning as i go really. Any tips appreciated.

    quote="whattheJKD;10487360"]This seems to be the hardest place for me! My body fights me when I get within 10 lbs of my goal weight! I feel like I'm just constantly losing and gaining the same 10 lbs. Am really trying to kick this and get to my goal in the next 3 months. Anybody else stuck that wants a new friend??[/quote]

  • sue4159
    sue4159 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm working off the last 10-15! I'm sending you a request. Anyone else can feel free to add me, as well!

    Hi, please add me. New on here. Not sure how to add people.
    I've been about 14 lbs overweight for a couple of years. I lose half of it, then it goes piling back on. Huge appetite does not help, plus husband that's very active and can eat for England.
  • SweatsOnSunday
    SweatsOnSunday Posts: 514 Member
    I'm in. Never responded to one of these before. How's it work?
  • John1643
    John1643 Posts: 13 Member
    I've lost over 30 this past year, honestly I would be happy to stay right where I am, thrilled to drop another 7 or 8 but know that it's going to be a struggle to maintain - especially this time of year. Hell come January 1 I may be looking at 10 more to lose - not positive, I really mean to be more positive than that - but I'm looking for a group where that is in the less to lose range.
  • tmn2016
    tmn2016 Posts: 159 Member
    That sounds just like me. It's so hard keeping the motivation going when you feel like you're not getting anywhere. Also ends up being destructive. I've caught myself thinking, 'oh well, can't exercise because of bad back, feel miserable, so I'll have a cookie to cheer myself up!' Duh...
    Me!!! I've lost 31 lbs...now at 151 - want to get to 140. Seems to be going so S-L-O-W....
    @SusanFinklaire when I first started losing weight I injured my Achilles tendon and had the same attitude as you "I can't exercise so why should I bother losing weight", then I just started walking/ doing light exercises something that it would not bother my Achilles tendon and I did see a lot of progress because it was a combination of the light exercise and watching what I eat.

    Now more recently I fell and I believe that I've torn my Cartlidge in my knee. I went to the doctor and he told me keep doing the light exercises like walking, elliptical anything that is low impact and I should be OK until surgery. I am sure the hurting my knee was part of my mental thought that I'm hurt and I can't exercise. I certainly can't do my spin class like I got used to so I'm sure that's part of the reason why my weight loss is much slower if at all now. I'm hoping that was my knee gets fixed I can't get back intodoing everything that I could before
  • tmn2016
    tmn2016 Posts: 159 Member
    I'm in. Never responded to one of these before. How's it work?

    @SweatsOnSunday you did good! We can reply right here
  • sue4159
    sue4159 Posts: 24 Member

    You're absolutely right. I need to be more disciplined with recording what I eat etc. It's so much more effective. Trouble is, life gets in the way sometimes and you miss recording a day or two, then it's a week. Before you know it, you've lost momentum and motivation. I'm going to restart my calorie log again today ! Cheers

    quote="isinc2003;38342775"]None of you are losing all the weight because you still cheat and not admit it .. for the last 90 days I've lost 54 lbs Yes I'm not kidding I've gone up and down since 2011 now I'm down to 228 (from 283) and I'm near the finish line and as you can tell I've been sprinting the whole way! why? I log every ounce of food here on myfitness pal so there is absolutely no confusion or mystery as to why why why my weight just keeps going down.. I'm at 1,520 calories a day.. (not much I know) but in 90 days I've cheated only 3/4 times.. It sounds like none of you are disciplined enough to do this.. In addition I do not take the extra calories from working out.. don't! you'll lose weight faster.. as I did .. If you want a kick in the butt from a man who's ex military tough but fair.. add me as afriend.. [/quote]

  • sunny_d22
    sunny_d22 Posts: 316 Member
    cmtristani wrote: »
    I'm in the same position, down to the last 10 or so... and it's proving difficult. Very slow. Month to month pictures show very small changes now.

    For me, I'm seeing body changes faster now even though I'm losing slowly. Pants I wore just a couple of weeks ago were noticeably very baggy yesterday.
  • sue4159
    sue4159 Posts: 24 Member
    Well done you. Yes we sometimes forget it's not just the numbers on the scales. Looking forward to being toned
  • SweatsOnSunday
    SweatsOnSunday Posts: 514 Member
    isinc2003 wrote: »
    None of you are losing all the weight because you still cheat and not admit it .. for the last 90 days I've lost 54 lbs Yes I'm not kidding I've gone up and down since 2011 now I'm down to 228 (from 283) and I'm near the finish line and as you can tell I've been sprinting the whole way! why? I log every ounce of food here on myfitness pal so there is absolutely no confusion or mystery as to why why why my weight just keeps going down.. I'm at 1,520 calories a day.. (not much I know) but in 90 days I've cheated only 3/4 times.. It sounds like none of you are disciplined enough to do this.. In addition I do not take the extra calories from working out.. don't! you'll lose weight faster.. as I did .. If you want a kick in the butt from a man who's ex military tough but fair.. add me as afriend..

    So I'm undisciplined. Sounds about right. But cheating? When I intentionally drank champagne last night at a party, I was not deceiving myself or trying to elude the reality that I was drinking calories. I recognized that I was doing it and realized that I would face consequences with my calorie count.

    Cheating implies trickery, or an intent to defraud. I am not misleading myself. But I do admit that the more disciplined person would have passed on the champagne. Or, at least, the second glass.

    I'm intrigued by the idea of losing 15 pounds with you all. My goal is to hit it by March 11. I set my calorie count so I would lose 1 pound/week, with the intent to burn off a bit extra every day.

    Sunny_D22, congrats on achieving something that I look forward to: seeing that your pants are noticeably baggier! I hope to join you in that experience soon.

    And to whattheJKD, thanks for starting this thread.
  • emd2570
    emd2570 Posts: 126 Member
    I have 15-20 left - goal is 115 lbs - taking forever - I'm down over 100 lbs so I am frustrated it's taking so long !!!! I work my *kitten* off !!!! Feel free to ad me
  • SweatsOnSunday
    SweatsOnSunday Posts: 514 Member
    I'm on the road this weekend meeting up with family. What secrets do you all have for keeping your calories in check when you are away from your own kitchen? Packing oatmeal and berries is easy, as I figured I could offer to make breakfast for whoever is hungry. But for the rest of the time: do you pack bars? Protein shakes? I am looking for helpful ideas to keep me away from mindless munching.
  • Ayalaandrew8899
    Ayalaandrew8899 Posts: 11 Member
    I've been on the same boat, I'm about ten pounds away as well.
  • sue4159
    sue4159 Posts: 24 Member
    Just try having whatever is being served, but only a half portion. That way you dont feel deprived or unsociable.
  • HaleCry
    HaleCry Posts: 387 Member
    I've heard this is partly a mental hurdle... I've got 10lbs to go until my first goal, then about 15-20lbs until my ultimate goal. I just wonder what would happen if you convinced yourself you had 20lbs to lose when you only had 10.... would you find it easier? Would you fool your body?
  • ChasingChocolate
    ChasingChocolate Posts: 20 Member
    Meeee! 15 more pounds would be perfect! Thankfully I still don't like how my body looks so I have the motivation to keep going!
    LINIA Posts: 1,159 Member
    Part of the challenge is that knowing there is no cushion without getting down to goal.
    My goal is to weigh less than I did when I was 9 months preggos --- I'm within 6 pounds of it now.
    My calories are set at 1200 per day but I have to admit to eyeballing the portions and don't weigh or measure anything. .. .so far haven't gained anything back which is a great accomplishment, I'm hovering between 117 to 120.
    It's hard to believe but I have some girlfriends who are even shorter than I am.
    If you like to be encouraging, if you both write and post to help me , I'll do the same to encourage you.
    We can do this!!!