Spontaneously Member


  • No lie, cold cuts save my grass (and kick up my protein intake dramatically) on a regular basis. Boar's Head makes some delicious turkey for slicing that isn't as fatty as others I've tried. My faves are the spicy flavors - Salsalito, Peppered and Blackened. They also carry a 3 Pepper Colby Jack cheese that is a household…
  • Sorry to say, but this seems to be something that is near the limit of our present medical understanding. I wrote about a similar experience here, which still stumps me. Idk if all of the symptoms have indeed been resolved by pregnancy, or if they'll return afterwards. (Not to say that pregnancy is the cure... ;) Whatever…
  • lol, you're right! I just kept reading seeing stuff about psylium and laxatives and was fearful that people forgot about such miracles. Sorry about that, @vegmebuff! Wish they'd make prune juice in little boxes like the fruit punch for kids....
  • I just bought Morton Lite Salt in a little canister. The ingredients read "Salt, potassium chloride, calcium silicate, magnesium carbonate, dextrose, potassium iodide." Not quite as efficient as the No Salt, but it contains 350 mg of potassium for 1/4 tsp. No vouchers for flavor comparison between brands as I'm a noob to…
  • Whoa, no one has said this? VEGETABLES. I use to feel bad about eating fruits and veggies because they didn't do much towards my caloric goal, but if you have just a little bit each day, it will help. Try to think of it as taking a vitamin or supplement rather than "food". Also, yoga. Squats have helped me enormously, and…
  • Hey @labnikki, Something that I've done recently is looked at my food logs to find all of the days were I ate at or above my caloric goal, then wrote the observations in a Word document. Mine's gonna go on the fridge for reference. I noticed that I was relying on desserts and candy a lot to get calories in the smallest…
  • What is your opinion about the symptoms occurring in the 7 months prior to my pregnancy?
  • Hi, Here's the latest: At the appointments I was preparing for, the Doc's did seem appreciative that I waited, prepared, and returned. At face value, I could look like one with anorexia nervosa, but I think we're establishing a bit more rapport. I suggested an internal yeast infection (candida) as a potential cause. The…
  • OF COURSE I've tried drinking calories. This thread is about working with doctors, perhaps to learn how to drink ALL of my calories with very little milk products. I'm going back in today - wish me luck!
  • @xmichaelyx and lovefitness726 Pretty insightful. I can definitely see how my concerns make things more awkward. Thanks for the ideas.
  • Yes. Acid like a mother-trucker, mucus in throat and stool, food intolerances (amplified with pregnancy :( Constipation/diarrhea, quick to feel full (and feeling like every day I've had a Thanksgiving dinner), sharp pain in upper left and right abs at rib cage that is worse at some periods than others, and junk that comes…
  • THANK YOU, Mary Ann. I'm near DC, so this is totally within the range of possibilities. You'd think so, but I've asked for them by name and have been brushed off. (Same thing for high calorie supplements outside of Boost & Ensure.) After this week, I'm going to order a bottle of Apetamin if we continue to make zero…
  • I think so too, but my honest answer is - desperation. Each of those things do have high calories and are more fun, but not nearly the compact volume. (Excl. chocolate.)
  • My favorite lately are bakery soft baked cookies. 120 cal for the conservative size, 400 something for the more generous ones. Could any one please share more about this? Is it effective for getting calories down? They're encouraging me to straight up take tbsps of coconut and olive oils, and I'm pretty skeptical. How long…
  • I just learned about a drink HIGHER calorie than Ensure, called Resource 2.0 by Nestle. Saw it in small and bulk amounts on Amazon. I find beverages with consistency somewhere near Gatorade to be helpful in the morning, taking about a tsp at a time & waiting (to see if it'll stay down). Drink broth (high protein), with or…
  • I don't know if I have anti cravings because I haven't been to AA.
  • Is an anti craving what happens when you eat too much candy/processed food and all you want to taste is life, fresh out of the ground?
  • Plus empanadas, pot pies & hand pies. These can be made ahead and to the size & nutritional profile you'd like. More savory, some sweet. ;)
  • Here's some ideas: Also, consider things like adding milk powder or protein powder to regular milk to fortify it. In baking, in sauces, etc. Use butter and coconut oil in cooking. Butter both sides of the bread & bring a napkin. ;) Jam & preserves have ~50 calories per tbsp. Put them with crackers, fruits, cereal, ice…
  • Hi, One thing that helps me is to keep as many of the food-dates that is comfortable, and to plan your day around that meal. Same idea as creating a deficit within the week, but on a smaller scale. I eat slowly and smaller amounts compared to my friends/peers, so saving as much space/desire to share the (dining) moment…
  • Has anyone's Dr. said anything about using Apetamin? I brought it up to the nutritionist, and it was just waved away.
  • I agree about keeping positive people around, and this aids enormously. The ones I choose are, overall, quite positive. I'm not referring to groups of girl friends who go out for cocktails. There are good people in my life who just don't understand but want to help. The folks I'm referring to fall into 3 categories: *close…
  • @ Scamd83 I appreciate your efficiency, but I don't think some of these are appropriate for company or fundraising dinners! It's never a topic I bring up, but that doesn't always get me off the hook. (Especially because eating with others has been helpful to increasing consumption.) Since I represent myself, family and…
  • Hey. We're kind of in the same boat. I'm 5'5", 49 kgs and sliding & it just isn't enough protection! There's lots of ideas going on in this post, but honestly, after like 10 months of this pit, I finally pressed my doctor about tube feeding and alternatives. She advised that it may not be covered by insurance, but I've…
  • Try catching up with a mean aunt.
  • Thanks, mate! Exceeding my weight gain goals sounds pretty appealing. Looking forward to learning more. :)
  • Back up a sec. Is this MAGIC? It sounds MUCH more effective than "Ensure". Do you find it OTC, on the shelf or through the Docs? Thanks!