Need some ideas to gain weight!

I would like to have a baby nut I'm too thin and this is danger of losing my baby if it happened and I'm pregnant, so now I need to. Gain some weight first, the matter is the food I eat is not enough if I eat a little bit more I will throw up, sorry for the description, help me please. Thank you


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
  • sclark2017
    sclark2017 Posts: 12 Member
    Just put butter on everything, that's what my grandfather did when he was really sick
  • Spontaneously
    Spontaneously Posts: 36 Member
    edited May 2016
    I just learned about a drink HIGHER calorie than Ensure, called Resource 2.0 by Nestle. Saw it in small and bulk amounts on Amazon.

    I find beverages with consistency somewhere near Gatorade to be helpful in the morning, taking about a tsp at a time & waiting (to see if it'll stay down). Drink broth (high protein), with or without adding extra gelatin. Pedialyte is not very calorific, but may help ease your stomach taken the same way. Fruit juice can also be watered down, then mixed with pectin to create a similar drink.

    Mashed potatoes & cooked oatmeal (not together) also seem to be the right balance of things for me. These can be fortified with whey protein, pectin, gelatin, pb, oils, fats, and so many other things. Try them plain to see if they're tolerated, then beef um up as allowed!

    Try looking at high calorie, high protein liquid & semi-liquid diets. Some hospitals and organizations will have recipes and suggestions for those doing chemo, radiation and dialysis.

    See a nutritionist, if you can. Some will try to give you a one-size fits all diet, but you'll need to insist on fitting your actual capacity and needs. Tell them your goal of healthy pre-baby weight and pregnancy. They may help you to visualize what each meal or day-to-day will look like better than with just numbers. Also, you can ask near any doctor help you identify nutritional deficiencies via blood test.

    You're wise to be thinking ahead. Being underweight & pregnant is downright SCARY. If you are currently having difficulty meeting your own weight/calorie goals, baby is going to widen the gap between you and your complete health. If your body will take the pregnancy, no one can really predict in which ways YOUR condition will be effected. For me, I went to feeling like slip every day with nausea, pain and constipation to having all of those PLUS guaranteed daily puking, increasing food intolerances, increased fatigue, and additional, different types of pain. It's worse than taking a high stress job.

    Please remember the rubbers for now, if you mean it.

    Please share what you learn.

    Best wishes.