Constipation and eating more



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    If you want more consistency, you could try a probiotic yogurt like activia... but beware, if you are fairly regular, it will tear you up.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    If you are having at least one BM a day things are moving. I find a vigorous walk in the morning gets me moving along briskly.

    Try fluffy foods like salad and popcorn. Lots of volume and they tend to move on through.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    If you want more consistency, you could try a probiotic yogurt like activia... but beware, if you are fairly regular, it will tear you up.

    @psulemon Do you know what the difference is between Activia and regular (chobani) yogurt that also has added probiotics?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    psulemon wrote: »
    If you want more consistency, you could try a probiotic yogurt like activia... but beware, if you are fairly regular, it will tear you up.

    @psulemon Do you know what the difference is between Activia and regular (chobani) yogurt that also has added probiotics?

    One makes me go all day long and the latter doesnt, lol. I actually believe the chobani only has live active cultures which occur naturally in thr fermenting process while probitics are added and not typically found in dairy.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    bobclapp18 wrote: »
    Depends. Mostly on what I eat. Sometimes not many. Sometimes (on a good day) 2-3.

    If you are going every day you are not constipated. Constipation is less than 3 a week.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    If you want more consistency, you could try a probiotic yogurt like activia... but beware, if you are fairly regular, it will tear you up.

    @psulemon Do you know what the difference is between Activia and regular (chobani) yogurt that also has added probiotics?

    One makes me go all day long and the latter doesnt, lol. I actually believe the chobani only has live active cultures which occur naturally in thr fermenting process while probitics are added and not typically found in dairy.

    Thank you :smiley: I'm going to get some activia today, I've run out of probiotics, the yogurt is a much cheaper option.
  • vegmebuff
    vegmebuff Posts: 31,389 Member
    bobclapp18 wrote: »
    Thanks for the tips. Please keep them coming! I like and need them

    Magnesium oxide/citrate before bed on an empty stomach, 2-3 tablets to start.
    20g psylium husk powder followed by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
    15ml mct oil in your first cup of coffee or tea in the morning.

    This^^ and a half a lemon with warm water as soon as you wake up helps too.
    I've also heard having a tbsp. of ground flax meal with tbsp. of oil in warm water (oh yum) at bedtime will 'do the trick'.

    Move each day - lots of water and veggies/fruits help too:)
  • Spontaneously
    Spontaneously Posts: 36 Member
    edited July 2016
    Whoa, no one has said this? VEGETABLES. I use to feel bad about eating fruits and veggies because they didn't do much towards my caloric goal, but if you have just a little bit each day, it will help. Try to think of it as taking a vitamin or supplement rather than "food".

    Also, yoga. Squats have helped me enormously, and this stretch where you lay flat, then slowly bend your leg at the knee to bring it to your chest. Hold for a little, then relax and do the other side. I do this one in bed before getting up in the morning.
  • EzRemake
    EzRemake Posts: 128 Member
    Kellogs Bran Buds and it's toilet time.
  • bobclapp18
    bobclapp18 Posts: 9 Member
    Haha I'll keep the bran buds in mind
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Whoa, no one has said this? VEGETABLES. I use to feel bad about eating fruits and veggies because they didn't do much towards my caloric goal, but if you have just a little bit each day, it will help. Try to think of it as taking a vitamin or supplement rather than "food".

    Also, yoga. Squats have helped me enormously, and this stretch where you lay flat, then slowly bend your leg at the knee to bring it to your chest. Hold for a little, then relax and do the other side. I do this one in bed before getting up in the morning.

    Its included in my post as its fiber. ;)
  • Shobhituva
    Shobhituva Posts: 20 Member
    Drink as much as water you can in a day...or drink warm water in the morning...
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    I poop at LEAST twice every morning.

    eat a tonne of vegetables, drink 2-3L water, take probiotics or have yogurt if you're tolerant (if I have too much yoghurt it blocks me up)

    And that brisk walk before breakfast thing - that helps too.


    These days I poop before my morning walk and then after my coffee. and sometimes once again.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    Yes going once a day can be constipation. POOP is measured by frequency, consistency and amount. There's even a Bristol stool scale with photos if you are really keen.

    That said lots of water, lots of vegetables and fruit, high fibre and perhaps a cup of warm prune juice.
  • vegmebuff
    vegmebuff Posts: 31,389 Member
    Whoa, no one has said this? VEGETABLES. I use to feel bad about eating fruits and veggies because they didn't do much towards my caloric goal, but if you have just a little bit each day, it will help. Try to think of it as taking a vitamin or supplement rather than "food".

    Also, yoga. Squats have helped me enormously, and this stretch where you lay flat, then slowly bend your leg at the knee to bring it to your chest. Hold for a little, then relax and do the other side. I do this one in bed before getting up in the morning.

    I guess you didn't read the post just above yours..."lots of water and veggies/fruits help too:)"
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    bobclapp18 wrote: »
    Depends. Mostly on what I eat. Sometimes not many. Sometimes (on a good day) 2-3.

    If you are having one a day you are fine. I don't know what you eat during the day but maybe you are feeling full from that. Constipation is painful bloating, gas, feeling like you need to go and when you try ... nothing happens and it hurts.
  • Spontaneously
    Spontaneously Posts: 36 Member
    edited July 2016
    vegmebuff wrote: »

    I guess you didn't read the post just above yours..."lots of water and veggies/fruits help too:)"

    lol, you're right! I just kept reading seeing stuff about psylium and laxatives and was fearful that people forgot about such miracles. Sorry about that, @vegmebuff!

    Wish they'd make prune juice in little boxes like the fruit punch for kids....
  • vegmebuff
    vegmebuff Posts: 31,389 Member
    vegmebuff wrote: »

    I guess you didn't read the post just above yours..."lots of water and veggies/fruits help too:)"

    lol, you're right! I just kept reading seeing stuff about psylium and laxatives and was fearful that people forgot about such miracles. Sorry about that, @vegmebuff!

    Wish they'd make prune juice in little boxes like the fruit punch for kids....

    No worries - I don't know why I even posted this. I never read every single word in these posts either! lol
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    Today I'll get 37 (units) of fiber. My diary is open. Each of the good fiber sources in my daily food plan, and there is a lot of repetition, was chosen because it is a good fiber source. Up until recently I had brown rice every day but I haven't had time to cook it in the last couple of weeks. It's all very regular.