
  • Wow you don't even look like the same person, you look so young in your new picture! Congrats!!
  • I always love reading your posts and bookmark them for later reading when I need inspiration or a reminder to be gentle to myself. I'm new to MFP but not new to weight gain and loss. Food addiction has been an issue for me since my Mom died when I was in my early 20's. I've been in counseling for the last 10 years and the…
  • I did Atkins 10 years ago, lost 55 lbs. I can say it was the hardest thing I've ever done. I'm a carb person and counting calories has been so much easier for me personally and has given me more flexibility in what I can eat. I lost the weight fast on Atkins and gained almost all of it back within 10 years. Starting over…
    in Atkins Comment by MRBDDB June 2016
  • Years ago when I lost a lot of weight on Atkins I had a woman I worked with notice I was losing weight and she said "wow you're going to be so pretty when you lose all that weight". Then caught herself and said that I was already pretty but would be even prettier. Ten years later and I still remember that hurtful comment.
  • That is so awesome! Very inspiring and a definite success story! Good for you!
  • I really liked this. I lost 55 lbs over 10 years ago without having God in my life. I've since of course gained most of that weight back. This time in my life I have a relationship with Him and I feel like something has shifted in me. My struggle with food for so many years doesn't seem so much like a struggle anymore and…
  • I've enjoyed reading all these positive inspiring comments. Really spoke to me, OP I hope it does you too. A lot of great advice here I think we can all stand to use.
  • I'm so sorry for your loss and all that you've been through. You can do this though, you've done it before and you can do it again. I lost 55 lbs over 10 years ago, went through a painful divorce and have gained it all back. I'm only down 11 lbs right now but logging my food this go around has been very helpful and keeps…
  • I try to plan ahead if I know where I am going and log what I plan to eat and stick with it. As far as going to someone's house, I would say choose wisely, portion control and still log as close as you can on MFP.
    in Resturant Comment by MRBDDB June 2016
  • This post really spoke to me. I too am around your height and current weight. I've been in therapy the last 10 years, discovery 8 years ago I was addicted to food. I've had a hard childhood with a lot of loss in my life and looking back food became my friend at a very young child. My therapist turned out to also struggle…
  • I weigh each morning after using the bathroom. I personally have to weigh each morning. I feel like it keeps myself in check and accountable as to where I'm at. If I weighed once a week I would lose my mind.
    in Time Comment by MRBDDB May 2016
  • I just wanted to say you sound a lot like me and I can relate. Gyms aren't my thing either (struggle with social anxiety). I've done Gold's and when I read on here that PF was like the Walmart of gyms I was like no thanks! I am however thinking of starting to work out where I do Physical Therapy for knee surgery I had.…
  • So eloquently written and really inspired me. Thank you so very much!