How utterly pointless it is to 'lift' a weight that you can barely move - the only attention they would get from me is a slightly raised eyebrow. Which I can lift perfectly, keeping my form and lowering with control... ;)
The only thing is, they aren't actually 80 calories - there are 146. They are being disingenuous (or you could say dishonest) by only counting 'net' carbs. Your body will count all of 'em.. ;)
My dinner tonight had a reasonable quantity of veg, and I do weigh all my food so... 150g spring greens; 75g mange tout; 100g red pepper; 80g chestnut mushrooms; 30g spring onions; 60g pak choi. Plus 75g of veggie chicken-style pieces, 5g butter, 100g quark and 70g low fat hummus. It was a BIG plateful and took a while to…
@rosebarnalice we have bread pudding here, too - I wonder if it is the same sort of thing? Ours is bread soaked in milk then scrunched up, it is mixed with eggs, sugar, dried fruit and spices then baked - what's yours? We also have bread and butter pudding which is similar but made with an egg custard mixture poured over…
In the far north of Scotland we have, amongst other things: Clapshot Bere Bannock Stovies Oatcakes Carvey Biscuits, Abernethy Biscuits and Parkin Clootie Dumpling Tablet
If I don't feel like exercising (which is very rare, as I love my workouts :) ) I tell myself that if I do it today I don't have to do it tomorrow if I really don't want to... then by the time I'm a few minutes in I'm enjoying myself as usual. I have never, ever finished a workout without feeling better than I did when I…
By the time it occurs, you are actually starving... 'starvation mode', as bandied about by the diet industry does not exist. There is some degree of metabolic adaptation when restricting calories, but no-one eating fewer calories than their body needs to exist holds on to fat. Or no-one would suffer and die from famine.
Everyone's bodies are made up of the same chemicals, and we all lose weight in the same way - by consuming fewer calories than we expend
Allegedly, Aristotle Aristotle was a bugger for the bottle... I hope they both tracked those calories :p
Oh, I look forward to seeing more pics of them then! My girl has a similar name to yours, she is called Hoolie - and my boy is Ragnar, or Raggy :) And as this is the place for it - I am thankful that we just got home BEFORE the sleet showers so I don't have two soggy dogs in the house :D
Just being nosy, @callsitlikeiseeit - what are Holly & Hagrid? Great Pyrenees? I have a Komondor and a Bergamasco but the only thing they guard is me ;)
This is just silly. Fat loss happens when you take in fewer calories, it makes no difference at all whether you eat those calories early or late in the day.
Picking up this: 102.5 kg (225.5 lb) not quite twice my body weight but SO close... :)
I don't understand this comment - what do you mean?
I made a bread and butter pudding a couple of days ago - we had some leftover spiced malt loaf. It was rather nice :)
Leftover Panettone makes the best bread pudding - or bread and butter pudding. Either way it is utterly delicious. :)
A few years ago I visited a friend in London and she took me to a Bubble Tea place. It was utterly vile - it was cold and lumpy and it came with a straw. I never, ever again want to experience drinking 'orrible balls of tapioca through a straw..
I am intrigued - what did these people say would happen if you did a handstand during your period?
Et voila! They can magic a massive caloric deficit out of (amongst other things): green tea leaf extract and black tea leaf extract... must be the way they put these things together ;) :D
Seriously? Do phrases such as 'Lose up to 15 pounds in 8 days' not set alarm bells ringing in your head? It's yet another MLM preying on folks' desire to lose weight, the faster the better. There is no magic bullet and they just want your money. Edit: I just read a bit further and found this: 'includes products that offer…
ANYONE can lose weight eating what they really like, as long as they stay in a caloric deficit whilst eating those foods... as has been stated many times, the type of food you eat has no bearing on weight loss as long as there is a deficit.
Oh, go on - I'll play. How does one go about 'reforming' one's tendons..?
- ;)
This must be Thursday... I never could get the hang of Thursdays...
That's a pretty sweeping statement... two boiled eggs and a pat of butter would probably average out at a couple of hundred calories (depending on the size of the 'pat' ;) ). Do you assume that most women consume only 1000 calories per day?
Not tracking every set I do has in no way stopped me 'progressing', if progressing in this context means being able to lift heavier weights now than I could a year ago...
Deep. Fried.Butter :o There is really such a thing as deep fried butter..?
Nope. They are abstract calories, and as such they remain entirely theoretical.
I just tried it - I made a random custom food, created a recipe and searched for that food in the database. It is there, and I have just added it to a recipe. I am using a laptop, not the app - I don't know if that makes a difference..?