Volumetrics - How heavy are your meals?

So I just cooked up a relatively average lunch for me (basic chicken breast with loads of vegetables made into a sauce; no oil, not many carbs; ~500kcal), and when I "loaded" it up onto a plate I thought "Oh wow, this feels kinda heavy". So I weighed my plate and (minus the plate) it came out to 1,2kgs or 2,6lbs of actual food.
Now I have no problem whatsoever finishing portions like that, which made me wonder if I'm abnormal (so to speak), or if this is a more or less common thing with the Volumetrics approach to nutrition?


  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,697 Member
    I’ve never actually weighed my plate of food but I do eat quite high volume (for my size anyway). My husband says I have hollow legs as I can polish off a huge plate of veggies quite happily. And then mooch around the fridge for more 🤷‍♂️ I think some of us just like volume - there was a whole thread on volume eating here somewhere!
  • supersocks117
    supersocks117 Posts: 169 Member
    I try to take advice from volume eaters, but then tailor it down some. I don't weigh my entire plate but to give an idea from when I weighed food recently:

    61g egg whites
    57g egg
    40g (half) bagel
    13g less fat cream cheese
    3g butter
    12g bacon
    154g strawberries
    =340 grams = 12 oz approximately of food and to me that's pretty filling, and I think I ate an early lunch that day because I was ready for lunch early. I do try to make half my plate vegetables (or fruit at breakfast) at main meals. So sometimes there's a lot of volume but not weight, if that makes sense - like 3 cups of lettuce for salad is not heavy but it takes up a lot of plate space!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 34,837 Member
    On a rough add-up, my breakfast today added up to 1.371kg, but that includes the liquid components of beverages (but not plain water). I don't particularly think of "volumetrics", but I do enjoy lots of veggies/fruits every day, and make it a point to get plenty of fluids including foods that contribute to that goal. 🤷‍♀️
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 10,009 Member
    I generally never look into this, but as I'm a total bore when it comes to breakfast I know that it consists of exactly
    40gr oats
    8gr raisins
    88gr skyr
    38-42gr grapes, or rough calorie equivalent of whatever fruit I have.
    Hmm.. that's not a lot.
    Oh, and lots and lots of tea throughout the day of course.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,828 Member
    I volunteer at a museum every Tuesday and walk there, toting my lunch and snacks.

    That’s when it really hits me. My bag weighs a ton on the way, but hardly anything on the way back.

    I’ve even caught myself wondering if my mixing bowl would fit in my rolling market cart. So I could have, you know, a freaking big salad at the front desk! 😂

    Seriously, I still managed to loose weight even with my Jethro sack.
  • Hooliekom
    Hooliekom Posts: 94 Member
    edited April 2021
    My dinner tonight had a reasonable quantity of veg, and I do weigh all my food so... 150g spring greens; 75g mange tout; 100g red pepper; 80g chestnut mushrooms; 30g spring onions; 60g pak choi. Plus 75g of veggie chicken-style pieces, 5g butter, 100g quark and 70g low fat hummus. It was a BIG plateful and took a while to get through! All of that food for 450 calories and 40g protein. :)
  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member
    I like to have raw veggies for lunch. I used to pack over 1.2 kg of vegetables into my lunch box plus 100 or so grams of protein and a serving of cheese. Then i started thinking how it's a crazy amount of food to eat in one setting ( although i never had problem finishing it up, actually wanting more sometimes). I'm a volume eater, so it's nothing unusual for me, but lately I've been tapering down the amount, so now i take roughly 700ish grams of veggies packed for lunch, plus i have a very big size salad for dinner ( usually), but i love veggies and fruit, it makes my stomach very happy. And i can eat so much of it, which is a plus!