tacosticks Member


  • I also make smoothies when I get up! My current favourite is bananas, frozen pineapples, powdered peanut butter(SO GOOD), and some almond milk. Very delicious, and kind of reminds me of the chunky monkey smoothie from Booster Juice.
  • I've tried, the only things I currently have are bananas(caused bleeding) and chicken broth. The things I am normally allowed to eat are often crunchy foods, like cucumbers, carrots, potatoes, and the like. They also cause bleeding. Honestly, even basic smoothie/soup recipes that do have FODMAPS are fine. I can always…
  • Got surgery on my wisdom teeth yesterday(Tuesday), so I'm not allowed to do any exercise until the follow-up next week. HOWEVER, I broke 10k on Monday! Yay!!! Only figured out the math this afternoon, now back to marathoning(lol) Bob Ross and icing my face :)
  • That makes a lot of sense! A few of my friends had Nike running shoes and they all said it wasn't great with their knees, then eventually bought new ones that supported their arches a lot better, and boom - no more knee pain and shin splints. The ones I have are a gift so I'm hoping to be the 'outlier' and they'll somehow…
  • I'm on a strict low-FODMAP diet, and sucralose DESTROYS my guts lmao. May I recommend Fresca? It's kinda grapefruit-y/citrus-y tasting and it's 0 cal with aspartame! :smiley: It's my saviour as quite a few diet drinks have sucralose haha
  • Lately I've been experiencing back pain while jogging along my route. I wear Nike Free Runs, but I feel the pain is from wearing a backpack that is 10lbs and above most days. There may be a dilemma quickly evolving: drop the backpack while running, or find a different route at a different time where I don't need the bag.…
  • So it turns out that I was running a longer distance than I thought I was the whole time? I never planned out my route, mainly jogging from my work to the bus stop, busing near home and jogging the rest of the way. According to those distance calculators, I was off by 0.35 of a kilometer, per kilometer. Nice! Every little…
  • Haha, this is way more difficult than I thought it was!
  • Got some new shoes today! Now I can put max effort into this challenge!!! YEAH!!! I started jogging from work to home to better log overall distance, and gets in some running every day. I think it's overall healthier? I don't know, lol. 06/01: 0/40km 06/02: 0/40km 06/03: 1.5/40km 06/04: 3/40km
  • A beginner runner here. May was a terrible month to try running. Hopefully June brings more opportunities! Month goal is 25miles, or 40km! 06/01: 0/40km
  • I've had PCOS since I was 18, and am now 22. Trying to plan my diet around it is a nightmare lol, especially when I'm also diagnosed with Celiac Disease and IBS(Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Ended up losing almost 100 pounds the first time I started a low-FODMAP diet only to gain 55 back after I thought I was "better" and…