theledger5 Member


  • Go back to calorie counting. SW doesn't teach you anything about portion control, it's very carb heavy and all those 'free' foods still have a calorie value and therefore it's extremely easy to eat more than your calorie allowance plus those 'syns' and not actually realise it. I was a yoyo SW member for over a decade and…
  • 1200 is very low. It can mess your metabolism up long term if you eat too much in deficit and also makes it less likely that you will stick to it if you're hungry. I am about 10lb off my goal weight now. I've lost over 35lb eating approx 1500 cals a day and 50% of my exercise cals. To get rid of those last few Lbs I need…
  • Personally I would ask for the ranges that they are testing and look at where you fall in that. Being 'normal' could mean they have tested T4 only. You need to know what they have tested- it should include free T4 and free T3, you could have conversion issues. Having said all that even if you're a little underactive you…
  • I was a yoyo SW member for over a decade! Lost and put on, lost and put on etc etc. I hated the shame of the gain, now I know how normal that is due to fluctuations. I was never in control of my eating and fell into the 'free' food trap hence hovered at the same weight for ages. Only since doing MFP have I learned what my…
  • Crikey- I regularly go 2-3 weeks with no loss and then 'whoosh' I lose 2-3lbs! Over a month that's 0.5lb a week roughly. For me that's normal, everyone is different, look at your loss over a month and not a week.
  • Personally I would just ditch the husband - you'd lose a tonne of dead weight there straight away. What a incredibly insensitive plank he is
  • I am also on medication for thyroid- I don't have a thyroid. You don't need a special diet plan. You just need to track you calories and eat at a deficit. Use a TDEE to work out your maintenance calories then deduct 500 a day and log consistently. Having thyroid issues doesn't prevent you from losing weight although it can…
  • I will admit that I was one of these people who felt my lack of thyroid was holding me back weight loss wise. I felt I was doing loads of exercise and cut my cals down to 1600 when Fitbit said I was burning 2500 a day! I did have to play around with my calories a lot to start seeing the loss, I have found 1400 works well…
  • Sorry if I didn't make my original post clear. I basically wanted some help to argue (that's a hobby of mine!) on the CICO arguement. I'm a member of a thyroid group as I have no thyroid and see the same issues with people not losing weight. I explained the CICO and how it works and this was the reply I got.
  • It was on a thyroid group where people are saying that CICO is outdated and that it doesn't work for everyone with health conditions such as autoimmune and food sensitivities etc.
  • You haven't said how much of a calorie deficit you are creating? You need to log every morsel consistently for 2 weeks - creating 500 cals a day deficit then come back and report.
  • I can easily go 3 weeks in massive calorie deficit and not lose weight. You have to accept that sometimes this is normal. I used to panic and get extremely frustrated but have realised through time and patience that this is OK, after a few weeks boom the weight loss shows again.
  • I gained 3.5lbs in one day when I started TOM, 2 days later it was gone plus an extra 1lb! Hormonal fluctuations are a pain but it's important to know it's normal and for it not to define your week.
  • Also- why is their such fluctuations? For example last week I did 16500 steps and it gave me 619 cals adjustment and today I did the same and got 355??
  • Ok- so when it comes to eating exercise cals back do I just use the Fitbit workouts instead ?
  • It's normal to have weeks of no weight loss. I have this and go into full panic mode! Then I have a woosh and lose 3lb! Overall the loss still equals to .05-1lb a week for me. I had to drop my cals to 1400 to lose though, depends on your stats and how active you as to whether you need to fiddle cals a bit.
  • There were a few other similar articles posted also based on research from Harvard university. It made me question everything I believe !
  • Because I have plateaued so quickly. After having a few losses I felt I'd got my head around it, was tracking accurately- more so in the last month (apart from holiday) and yet it's not working for me. I can't explain how little I eat for someone of my size. People around me at work and home are commenting on my lack of…
  • I couldnt log the oatmeal sachets as when you scan them they quote for the serving including milk and I use almond milk which is a lot less. I had to tweak the measurements to get the right figure but I did my maths. I am yet to figure out how to change the portions for exact weights as most things seem to be in 100g then…
  • I did this weekend just gone. The previous couple I didn't log I agree. I typically skip meals on a weekend as I'm out and about with the kids and won't eat at fast food places etc. So I presume I'm under those days but I will sharpen up my logging and see if that's the issue.
  • The oatmeal sachets I use are pre measured at 27g, it quotes 189 cals as made up with semi skimmed milk which is 75 cals per 100ml. I use almond milk at 13cals per 100ml so I'm sure my logging for that entry is correct
  • I am already doing those things- accurately logging- daily. Eating fruit and veg, treating myself occasionally to the odd cookie and logging that. I will try adding more protein as someone else suggested. The majority of foods I log I use the bar code scanner to be sure, I also check the label to make sure it matches. Is…
  • Where I have entered 100g for example if you go into the entry you will see I have allowed for example 2/3 of the portion so it's closest to my actual weighed item. I always round up. So if I have 80g of something I generally log 100g to be sure. They days I haven't eaten lunch are few and far between - we've had a…
  • I hear you and feel your pain. I have no thyroid due to cancer and despite best efforts I am still 40lb overweight. I log approx 1400-1600 cals a day, train 3-4 times a week and do 10k steps most days. It has taken me nearly 3 months to lose 7lb! It's such a lot of effort for little reward. Most days I am hungry and if I…
  • But 4kg/8lb is pretty good going, thats 1lb a week on average.
  • You need to open your diary up I think, it's private at the mo.
  • I am similar stats to you 5'8" and 188lbs. I am losing (slowly) on 1400 cals a day and only eat 50% of my exercise cals as I'm pretty sure the Fitbit isn't as accurate as I'd like it to be!
  • I do have quite a lot to lose! I am 190lbs and need to be closer to 150. I have no thyroid gland so losing weight can be slower for me I find. I was hoping in the beginning with such drastic diet changes that I would have lost more but still 5lb is a loss and I will keep at it!
  • I have the Alta and I'm not convinced it's entirely accurate either so I only eat back half of the cals, most of the time.