druasmith Member


  • You're right 6-12 beers per day is a lot of calories. You might want to check in with a doctor. There's a medication they can prescribe that makes alcohol taste unpalatable. I forget what it's called but it makes a sip of beer taste like a mouthful of yeast.
  • I have similar problems but I'm going to recommend club soda with lime. If you've got a peer pressure situation, soda with lime looks enough like a cocktail to evade questions. Drunk people aren't looking that closely anyway. And if you're drinking at home, it feels substantial enough to get you over a craving. Hot tea can…
    in Alcohol Comment by druasmith June 2016
  • The griller strips - no breading, not patties, specifically "griller strips" - are vegan. They may not be entirely "clean," but they're vegan.
  • I don't want to open my food journal but those vegan faux chicken 'griller strips' from the frozen food aisle always give a big boost my protein score, and they make great salad toppers. They're made of soy and gluten, if you're okay with those. There's also some good recipes in the Happy Herbivores group, which you might…
  • Things that curb cravings: Hot tea dill pickles brushing your teeth Also the phytoestrogens in soy milk can help with premenstrual symptoms and they make it in chocolate, which you can microwave. Just keep it to one cup at a time. Portion control.
  • You'll save a lot of money if you bring your own lunches too.
  • I like the seven minute workout. http://lifehacker.com/this-7-minute-research-based-workout-exercises-your-wh-498676327 It covers the bases. For something lower-key on rest days this is an android app that walks you thru the steps to a basic yogic sun salutation:…
  • Do a bit of each. Cardio is good for you. Strength building is good for you. As long as you're watching your calories, none of it hurts.
  • I'm so jelly. I can't wait until I'm back down to a size 8. And you unloaded a world class d-bag too. It's all good news. Congratulations.
  • You've lost 22 pounds and 4 dress sizes. Just keep doing what you're doing.
  • Consider how great you're going to feel and look when you're in better shape. Starting is the hardest part. Once you get some momentum and drop a few pounds it'll be easier to keep going. Do you track your exercise? Setting short-term goals and looking at what you've accomplished can help.
    in Hi Comment by druasmith June 2016
  • That's the same reason I started. Just monitoring what you eat will make a difference if you stick with it. Have patience with yourself.
  • For some reason refried beans make me put on weight fast, even if I get the vegetarian kind or make them myself. They might work the same for you. And they're not junk. They've got protein and fiber and iron and all that good stuff. I like to mix them with salsa to make a bean dip to scoop up with tortilla chips. And…
  • Beer. Beer will do it. And donuts.
  • Hi. I'm also new here. I've been logging my food in the fitness pal diary for a little bit now but figured I'd check in with the community and see what's up. Nice going getting your meals prepped :) When I had my own place I used to make big pots of soup on the weekends and heat and eat them all week. It saves a lot of…
    in Hello Comment by druasmith June 2016
  • Quest bars are all dairy-based protein. If you have an intolerance for dairy that's your culprit. Can you handle soy or gluten? You might check the faux meats in the vegetarian part of the freezer section. The veggie burgers and the "chick'n" strips and etc.